472 research outputs found
The emergence of a ‘new world economy’ makes it imperative for corporate entities to adjust their corporate values, practices and internal processes. This paper explored the interrelatedness of selected corporate governance practices and human resource management outcomes. The paper relied on established corporate management theories as a platform for empirical consideration of selected issues relative to four established players in Nigeria’s downstream petroleum sector. A descriptive method was adopted and data was collected via a survey of 112 respondents. Contextual arguments were captured to achieve a robust appreciation of issues affecting individual participation and operations of corporate entities. The study found that there is a significant relationship between corporate governance practices and human resource management outcomes. Requisite conclusions and recommendations were provided in the light of empirical and theoretical findings
Djelovanje isteka roka pendimetalina (Stomp) na klijanje i razvoj mlade biljke manga (Mangifera indica)
Effect of expired herbicide on seed germination and seedling development of Mango (Mangifera indica) was investigated using Pendimethalin herbicides that have expired for 7, 5 and 1 years respectively. Two concentrations 100 and 150ml/l of each of the expired herbicides were used as the treatment concentrations for the investigation. Mango germination was delayed in all the herbicide treatments but not in the control treatment. Germination rate was consistently higher in the control treatment than in all the herbicide treatments except the herbicide that expired in 2011.There were no herbicide injuries nor growth retardation on Mango seedlings except slight stem distortion and reduced leaf size at the early emergence stage.Djelovanje isteklog roka herbicida na klijanje sjemena i razvoj biljke manga (Mangifera indica) istraživano je primjenom herbicida pendimetalin čiji je rok istekao 7, 5 i 1 godinu. Dvije koncentracije od 100 i 150 ml/l svakoga od spomenutih herbicida primijenjene su kao koncentracije tretmana u istraživanju. Klijanje manga zakasnilo je u svim tretmanima herbicida osim u kontrolnom tretmanu. Stopa klijanja bila je stalno viša u kontrolnom tretmanu nego u tretmanima s herbicidom osim u tretmanu s herbicidom kojemu je rok istekao 2011. Nije bilo oštećenja zbog herbicida niti zaostatka u rastu biljaka manga osim neznatnog nakrivljenja stabljika i smanjenja veličine listova na ranom stadiju klijanja
Cotton Seed Bio-Based Metal Working Fluid for Sustainable Machining Operation
This work investigated the viability of cottonseed oil as bio-based oil as a contribution to meeting the challenges of developing green industrial materials that are environmentally friendly and sustainable alternatives for use as metal cutting fluid, as many of the conventional metal working fluids were established to be harmful and hazardous both to the environment and health of the operator. The tests revealed that the metal working fluid properties of cottonseed oil were: pH-value, 4.37; viscosity, 33.85 mm2/s at 40 ºC, and 7.89 mm2/s at 100 ºC; density, 0.911 g/cm3; and a flash point of 263 ºC. This result shows that some of these properties compare favourably with those of the conventional mineral oil. It was concluded that at the lower temperature of 40°C the oil is still viscous enough and therefore is suitable for lower temperature operation such as low speed cutting, smaller depth of cut etc., while at a higher temperature of 100°C, the oil becomes less viscous and is thus not viable for higher temperature machining operations such as high-speed cutting operation and larger depths of cut; the density shows that cottonseed oil has high lubricity; the oil is acidic in nature and therefore would require addition of anticorrosive agents to function as a metal working fluid; and that the flash point of the oil is higher than that of the conventional mineral metal working fluid and so can be adjudged to be a very good candidate for the production of bio-based metal working fluid. The analysis indicated that the cottonseed oil, if significantly improved with the use of additives and chemically modified seeds, can be one of the potential candidates to substitute the conventional mineral oil in machining industry
Impact of Climate Change on the Design Parameters of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems for Manned Spacecraft
Climatic design information has been published for several locations in the world by American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) but there has not been data for Nigerian cities in these publications. Therefore, this study was embarked upon to bridge the gap in knowledge. The study of impact of climate change on the design parameters of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems for spacecraft cabin environment is presented with particular focus on Ikeja-Lagos, Nigeria. Firstly, the characteristics climate parameters such as outdoor dry-bulb temperature, coincident wet-bulb temperature, relative humidity, pressures, air composition, among others as it affects manned spacecraft were discussed. The data for climatic parameters for Ikeja-Lagos, Nigeria, for a period of fifteen years (1995-2009) were obtained from Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET), Oshodi-Lagos. Statistical data and Microsoft excel were used for evaluation of variation trends of the climate parameters for departure city. This is very important in determining thermal human comfort in spacecrafts on ascent. Results obtained from this study are hereby presented. The Ikeja-Lagos dry-bulb temperature average results obtained were 33.81°C, 32.98°C, 32.3°C, 22.1°C, 21.19°C, 20.43°C, 23.84°C and 31.65oC.at 0.4%, 1.0%, 2.0%, 97.5%, 99.0%, 99.6%, median of extreme lows and median of extreme highs, respectively. The Ikeja-Lagos relative humidity average results were 116.3, 112.65, 109.14, 99.83 and 49.42 at 0.4%, 1% and 2.0% occurrence as well as at median of extreme highs and median of extreme lows, respectively. Ikeja-Lagos had mean coincident dry bulb temperature of 33.81°C and 32.98°C at 0.4% and 1% percentile respectively. The dry bulb temperature for Ikeja-Lagos was determined to be an average range from 20.43°C to 22.1°C between January to December, in the period of 1995-2009, at 97.5% 99% and 99.6% percentile respectively. These results provide values of design parameters which are useful in the design of HVAC for space crafts with climate change adequately taken into consideration as it applies to Ikeja-Lagos, Nigeri
Evaluation of Morphogenesis and Yield of Three \u3ci\u3ePennisetum purpureum\u3c/i\u3e Varieties in South-West, Nigeria
This experiment, conducted at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria evaluated the morphogenesis of three varieties of Pennisetum purpureum used in this study, which were the local, purple, and FI variety at different stages of growth. The plants were established through vegetative plant parts (stems) sourced from a previously established plot and planted using 1 m × 1 m spacing on plots measuring 4 m × 5 m. The plants were fertilized with split doses of poultry manure at 4 t/ha (equivalent to 120 kg N/ha). The experiment was laid out as a Randomized Complete Block Design. Data on the morphogenic traits and dry matter yield were collected at bi-weekly from the 4th week for a period of twelve weeks. Results showed that the morphogenic plant traits differed significantly (p\u3c 0.05) between the varieties, except the tiller appearance rate (p\u3e 0.05) which was not significantly (p\u3e 0.05) different when the varieties were compared. The purple variety had the least plant elongation and leaf appearance rate values, however, for both traits, the F1 hybrid and local variety had similar trait values. The F1 variety had the least (p\u3c 0.05) leaf elongation rate value and the highest leaf (p\u3c 0.05) expansion rate value. On the other hand, the local and purple variety had comparably higher leaf elongation rate and leaf expansion rate values. The purple variety had higher (p\u3c 0.05) dry matter yield at the 6th and 8th week, but at the 10th and 12th week, the local variety produced the highest dry matter yield. In conclusion, the varieties had distinct morphogenic traits. Also, while the purple variety produced higher dry matter yield at the early stages of growth, dry matter production was higher for the local variety at more advanced stages of growth (10 and 12 weeks)
Comparative Biodiversity Assessment of Weed Species in Monocropping Plantations of University of Ilorin, Nigeria
The present study investigates the weed species diversity in four plantations of university of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria using quadrat method. The survey revealed two major life cycles (annual and perennial) and recorded a total of 88 weed species belonging to 32 families. Four species (Azadirachta indica, Daniellia oliveri, Desmodium tortuosum, and Tridax procumbens) were common in all the surveyed plantations while the family Fabaceae was the most dominant. The abundant weed species analysis showed a high importance value index and were more adapted to the plantations. Diversity analysis revealed high species richness in the sugarcane plantation. The non-canopy nature of the plantation, soil structure as well as ability to coexist with many other species may underscore the reasons for this pattern of diversity. The evenness and similarity indices between and across the plantations were generally low, thus, indicating varying diversity. As a result of the recorded variation in weed composition between and across the plantations, the study has provided an insight on the pattern of weed diversity in the studied plantations. The study recommended that the most abundant weed species populations be checked for the plantations to thrive. Finally, there is an urgent need to conserve weed species that are not only rare in abundance but also showed great social and economic values
Molecular Characterization of Potential Crop Pathogens Associated with Weeds as Endophytes in Uniilorin Plantations, Nigeria
عادة ما تحدث أمراض المحاصيل عن طريق لقاح من مسببات الأمراض التي قد توجد على عوائل بديلة أو حشائش مثل عائل نباتي داخلي. عادة ما تمنح هذه العوائل النباتية الداخلية ، مسببات الأمراض ، بعض السمات المفيدة لهذه الأعشاب أو المضيفات البديلة من الحماية ضد العواشب ، ومقاومة الأمراض ، وتحمل الإجهاد لإنتاج مركبات الايض الثانوية. لذلك أجريت هذه الدراسة لعزل مسببات الأمراض المحتملة التي توجد كعوائل نباتية داخلية في أنواع الادغال في مزارع جامعة إيلورين. جمعت الأوراق الخضراء عديمة الأعراض من 10 أنواع من الادغال عبر المزارع ، وتم معالجتها لعزل الفطريات من العائل النباتي الداخلي. تم تنقية العزلات إلى مستنبتات نقية واستخدمت في التعريف الجزيئي باستخدام منطقة المباعد المنسوخة الداخلية (ITS) للحمض النووي الريبوسومي. كشف التحليل الوراثي للتسلسل الفطري باستخدام برنامج MEGA عن 9 أجناس فطرية تنتمي إلى 13 نوعًا ، مع وجود أنواع في الأجناس Curvularia و Epicoccum و Daldinia في أكثر من نوع واحد من الادغال ، بينما توجد أجناس أخرى مثل Alternaria و Fusarium و Chaetomium و Macrophomina و Arthrinium و Phomopsis في نوع واحد فقط من الادغال لكل منهما. تم عزل Daldinia eschscholtzii في هذه الدراسة باعتباره عائل نباتي داخلي من Loudetia arundinacea لأول مرة. هذا النبات متوفر بكثرة في نيجيريا وإفريقيا حيث يتم استخدامه بشكل رئيسي بتغطية السقوف بالقش وتغذية المواشي. يمثل هذا أيضًا أول فطريات في عائل نباتي داخلي من جنس Loudetia.. تمت مناقشة العلاقة المحتملة بين حدوث هذه الفطريات باعتبارها عائل نباتي داخلي ومسببات الأمراض. تمثل هذه الاكتشافات أول تحديد جزيئي واسع النطاق والعديد من التقارير الأولية عن عوائل نباتات داخلية من هذه الأنواع من الادغال. تمثل هذه النتائج أيضًا التسجيل الأولي لبعض هذه الفطريات في نيجيريا.Crop diseases are usually caused by inoculum of pathogens which might exist on alternate hosts or weeds as endophytes. These endophytes, cum pathogens, usually confer some beneficial attributes to these weeds or alternate hosts from protection against herbivores, disease resistance, stress tolerance to secondary metabolites production. This study was therefore carried out to isolate potential crop pathogens which exist as endophytes on weed species in the University of Ilorin plantations. Green asymptomatic leaves were collected from 10 weed species across the plantations, and processed for their endophytic fungi isolation. Isolates were purified into pure cultures and used for molecular identification using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal DNA. Phylogenetic analysis of the fungal sequences using MEGA software revealed 9 fungal genera belonging to 13 species, with species in the genera Curvularia, Epicoccum and Daldinia occurring in more than one weed species, while other genera such as Alternaria, Fusarium, Chaetomium, Macrophomina, Arthrinium and Phomopsis occurred in just one weed species each. Daldinia eschscholtzii was isolated in this study as an endophyte from Loudetia arundinacea for the first time. This plant is very abundant in Nigeria and Africa where it is used majorly for thatching and feeding livestocks. This also represents the first endophytic fungi from the genus Loudetia. Potential relationship between the occurrences of these fungi as endophytes and as pathogens are discussed. These discoveries represent the first large-scale molecular identification and several first reports of endophytes from these weed species. These results also represent the first records of some of these fungi in Nigeria
ABSTRACT Soil nutrients depletion of cocoa plantations is one of the causes of low cocoa production in Nigeria. Soil testing to determine the appropriate type and rate of fertilizer to boost cocoa bean yield suggests itself. Conventional soil testing is not within the reach of smallholder cocoa farmers because of its cost and other logistics but soil testing is necessary to avert negative consequences of blanket fertilizer recommendation. Therefore the objective of this study is to introduce an affordable soil test kit for soil testing to smallholders cocoa farmers. The study was carried out in Ondo and Osun States of Nigeria. Multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select eighty two cocoa farmers from the study area. Information was collected from the selected cocoa farmers with the aid of structured questionnaire and the data were analysed using descriptive statistics. The result shows that only 20.73% of the respondent farmers carry out soil test on their farms while 85.36% of the farmers know the relevance of soil test. The result also revealed that 98.78% of the farmers are ready to acquire the soil test kit. The study therefore recommends that (i) The soil test kit should be included among the subsidized inputs that government gives to farmers from time to time and (ii) private entrepreneurs could also procure and make the kits available to the farmers
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