10 research outputs found

    A dusty pinwheel nebula around the massive star WR 104

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    Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars are luminous massive blue stars thought to be immediate precursors to the supernova terminating their brief lives. The existence of dust shells around such stars has been enigmatic since their discovery some 30 years ago; the intense radiation field from the star should be inimical to dust survival. Although dust-creation models, including those involving interacting stellar winds from a companion star, have been put forward, high-resolution observations are required to understand this phenomena. Here we present resolved images of the dust outflow around Wolf-Rayet WR 104, obtained with novel imaging techniques, revealing detail on scales corresponding to about 40 AU at the star. Our maps show that the dust forms a spatially confined stream following precisely a linear (or Archimedian) spiral trajectory. Images taken at two separate epochs show a clear rotation with a period of 220 +/- 30 days. Taken together, these findings prove that a binary star is responsible for the creation of the circumstellar dust, while the spiral plume makes WR 104 the prototype of a new class of circumstellar nebulae unique to interacting wind systems.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, Appearing in Nature (1999 April 08

    Massive Binary WR112 and Properties of Wolf-Rayet Dust

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    Some hot, massive, population-I Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars of the carbon subclass are known to be prolific dust-producers. How dust can form in such a hostile environment remains a mystery. Here we report the discovery of a relatively cool, extended, multi-arc dust envelope around the star WR112, most likely formed by wind-wind collision in a long-period binary system. We derive the binary orbital parameters, the dust temperature and the dust mass distributions in the envelope. We find that amorphous carbon is a main constituent of the dust, in agreement with earlier estimates and theoretical predictions. However, the characteristic size of the dust grains is estimated to be ~1 micron, significantly larger than theoretical limits. The dust production rate is 6.1*10^[-7] M_Sun / yr and the total detectable dust mass is found to be about 2.8*10^[-5] M_Sun (for d=4.15 kpc). We also show that, despite the hostile environment, at least ~20% of the initially-formed dust may reach the interstellar medium.Comment: 8pp, 3 figures (2 of them in colour). The Astrophysical Journal Letters (2002) in pres

    A 2.3-Day Periodic Variability in the Apparently Single Wolf-Rayet Star WR 134: Collapsed Companion or Rotational Modulation?

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    We present the results of an intensive campaign of spectroscopic and photometric monitoring of the peculiar Wolf-Rayet star WR 134 from 1989 to 1997. This unprecedentedly large data set allows us to confirm unambiguously the existence of a coherent 2.25 +/- 0.05 day periodicity in the line-profile changes of He II 4686, although the global pattern of variability is different from one epoch to another. This period is only marginally detected in the photometric data set. Assuming the 2.25 day periodic variability to be induced by orbital motion of a collapsed companion, we develop a simple model aiming at investigating (i) the effect of this strongly ionizing, accreting companion on the Wolf-Rayet wind structure, and (ii) the expected emergent X-ray luminosity. We argue that the predicted and observed X-ray fluxes can only be matched if the accretion on the collapsed star is significantly inhibited. Additionally, we performed simulations of line-profile variations caused by the orbital revolution of a localized, strongly ionized wind cavity surrounding the X-ray source. A reasonable fit is achieved between the observed and modeled phase-dependent line profiles of He II 4686. However, the derived size of the photoionized zone substantially exceeds our expectations, given the observed low-level X-ray flux. Alternatively, we explore rotational modulation of a persistent, largely anisotropic outflow as the origin of the observed cyclical variability. Although qualitative, this hypothesis leads to greater consistency with the observations.Comment: 34 pages, 16 figures. Accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    The prototype colliding-wind pinwheel WR 104

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    Results from the most extensive study of the time-evolving dust structure around the prototype "Pinwheel" nebula WR 104 are presented. Encompassing 11 epochs in three near-infrared filter bandpasses, a homogeneous imaging data set spanning more than 6 years (or 10 orbits) is presented. Data were obtained from the highly successful Keck Aperture Masking Experiment, which can recover high fidelity images at extremely high angular resolutions, revealing the geometry of the plume with unprecedented precision. Inferred properties for the (unresolved) underlying binary and wind system are orbital period 241.5 +/- 0.5 days and angular outflow velocity of 0.28 +/- 0.02 mas/day. An optically thin cavity of angular size 13.3 +/- 1.4 mas was found to lie between the central binary and the onset of the spiral dust plume. Rotational motion of the wind system induced by the binary orbit is found to have important ramifications: entanglement of the winds results in strong shock activity far downstream from the nose of the bowshock. The far greater fraction of the winds participating in the collision may play a key role in gas compression and the nucleation of dust at large radii from the central binary and shock stagnation point. Investigation of the effects of radiative braking pointed towards significant modifications of the simple hydrostatic colliding wind geometry, extending the relevance of this phenomena to wider binary systems than previously considered. Limits placed on the maximum allowed orbital eccentricity of e < 0.06 argue strongly for a prehistory of tidal circularization in this system. Finally we discuss the implications of Earth's polar (i < 16 deg) vantage point onto a system likely to host supernova explosions at future epochs.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Suspected Wolf-Rayet Galaxies UM 456 and UM 594

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    First results of an on-going search for Wolf-Rayet galaxies, based on new observations obtained with the Hobby Eberly Telescope (HET) and the Marcario Low Resolution Spectrograph (LORES), are presented. UM 456 and UM 594 have been found to be normal HII galaxies. New determinations of radial velocities have been given: UM 456 – Vr=1702±48V_{\rm r}=1702\,\pm\,48 km s-1 UM 594 – Vr=6540±45V_{\rm r}=6540\,\pm\,45 km s-1. Independent estimates of distances, WR/(WR+O) ratios and oxygen to helium abundances ratios have been obtained

    WR22: the most massive Wolf-Rayet star ever weighed.

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    The results of an extensive spectroscopic campaign on the eclipsing binary WR22 are presented. A new radial velocity curve is deduced for the WN7 component, allowing us to improve the parameters of the orbit, formerly determined on the basis of photographic spectra. The high signal-to-noise ratio of our data also allows the detection of some weak absorption lines which, for the first time, can definitely be attributed to the companion. A study of their radial velocities gives a mass ratio of m_WR_/m_O_=2.78 leading to a minimum mass of 72M[SUB]sun[/SUB]_ for the WN7 star. The companion can be classified as a "late O" (O6.5-O8.5) star with a luminosity ratio of the system q=L_WR_^y^/L_O_^y^ at 5500A of about 8. The exceptionally high mass of the WN7 star and its high hydrogen mass-fraction suggest that WR22 is at the beginning of its Wolf-Rayet evolution. As a matter of fact, with such a high mass, WR22 most probably is still a hydrogen burning object. Therefore, the WN7 component is much closer to a main sequence O star with a "Wolf-Rayet clothing" than to the other members of the Wolf-Rayet family, which are rather highly evolved He-burning descendants of massive progenitors