32 research outputs found

    The Human Rights of Older People With Mental Health Conditions and Psychosocial Disability to a Good Death and Dying Well

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    The human right to a good death and dying well is as important as the right to life. At stake at the end of life are human rights to dignity, autonomy, self-determination and respect for will and preferences, equitable access to quality health care that is needs-based, and respect for family and relationships. Older people with dementia, those with serious mental illness, and those with intellectual disability are vulnerable to "bad deaths" due to violations of these rights. In this paper we explore why this is so and examine existing and potential solutions. A human rights-approach to end-of-life care and policy for older persons with mental health conditions and psychosocial disability is one that is needs-based, encompassing physical and mental health, palliative care, social, and spiritual support services provided in the context of inclusive living. Most importantly, end of life care must be self-determined, and not "one size fits all." An important remedy to existing violations is to strengthen human rights frameworks to cater specifically to older persons' needs with a UN convention on the rights of older persons. Finally, as health professionals we have important contributions to make at the coalface by accepting our responsibilities in the area of death and dying. With the concept of the palliative psychiatrist gaining traction and recognition that death is our business, we add that human rights is also our business

    Ageism and the State of Older People With Mental Conditions During the Pandemic and Beyond: Manifestations, Etiology, Consequences, and Future Directions

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    The pandemic has put the spotlight on older people and on the topic of ageism. In early 2021, a call was made for input into the Thematic Report on Ageism and Discrimination to inform the United Nations Independent Expert on the Rights of Older Persons' forthcoming report to the 48th session of the Human Rights Council. The aim of this paper is to articulate the International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) and the World Psychiatric Association Section of Old Age Psychiatry (WPA-SOAP) response to this call. This brief statement on ageism with a special focus on older people with mental health conditions is divided into three sections. We start by outlining the various manifestations of ageism in varied contexts and countries with a primary focus on the pandemic. Possible consequences of ageism with a focus on older people's mental health and well-being are outlined. We conclude by discussing ways to overcome ageism and reduce its occurrence, especially during times of extreme conditions

    Human Rights to Inclusive Living and Care for Older People With Mental Health Conditions

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    Although older persons wish to age at home, many older persons with mental health conditions and psychosocial disability (MHC-PSD) spend the last few years of their life in residential facilities. This paper will examine the impact of ageism and human rights violations manifested in environmental design, specifically regarding social isolation, loneliness, inadequate psychosocial, environmental, recreational and spiritual support. This is compounded by failure to meet basic care needs-nutrition, hydration, pain and medication support. This paper highlights two innovative initiatives from the Netherlands, which show that older persons' rights can be maintained in innovative, collective living arrangements. It is concluded that the creation of inclusive and safe environments for older persons with MHC-PSD can facilitate the enjoyment of Human Rights

    Is Suicide the End Point of Ageism and Human Rights Violations?

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    Ageism and human rights violations may pervade each of the potential factors underlying suicidal ideation or behavior in older persons, including physical and mental health, disability, relationships, and social factors. We outline how infringements of human rights and ageism may create or exacerbate risk factors associated with suicide in older persons. Strategies to address these issues are discussed, including tackling ageism, psychosocial interventions and education. A United Nations convention on the rights of older persons would create a uniform standard of accountability across health and social systems. Future studies are needed to evaluate the effects of alleviating ageism and human rights violations on suicide. (Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2021; 29:1047-1052

    Understanding Barriers to the Realization of Human Rights Among Older Women With Mental Health Conditions

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    There is increasing emphasis in research and at the level of international human rights bodies such as the United Nations on the gendered contours of age-based disadvantage and discrimination, and the cumulative effects of gender inequalities over the life-course on outcomes in later life. However, to date, the role of mental health in shaping the age/gender nexus in the realization of human rights has received little attention. In response, this paper aims to 1) elucidate the economic, social and cultural disadvantages and discrimination faced by older women living with mental health conditions; and 2) identify opportunities to protect their human rights. It concludes that older women face inequalities and disadvantages at the intersections of age, gender, and mental health and wellbeing that compromise their capacity to age well, illuminating the urgent need for a UN Convention on the Human Rights of Older Persons that considers the role of mental health in shaping the realization of human rights among older people. (Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2021; 29:1009-1014

    Loneliness and Social Isolation during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Loneliness and social isolation are associated with adverse physical and psychological consequences which are particularly prevalent in older persons. During this unprecedented time of the COVID-19 pandemic, we must follow social distancing guidelines to protect ourselves and to reduce the spread of coronavirus. At the same time, it is crucial to maintain social connections with each other, especially with older persons, to help cope and reduce the negative consequences of loneliness and social isolation. It is important to develop new strategies (e.g. virtual health care and new government policy) to address loneliness and social isolation among older adults for the post-pandemic era