7,105 research outputs found

    Using Evaluation to Foster NYCETP Goals: Case Studies and Intercampsus Collaboration

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    This article describes the use of case studies as part of the formative evaluation conducted for the New York Collaborative for Excellence in Teacher Preparation (NYCETP). While case studies are often conducted for evaluations by outside experts, consultants, or evaluators themselves, we developed a strategy for case studies that used NYCETP faculty to case-study each other. This strategy involved cross-campus collaboration and cross-discipline (Arts & Science and Education) collaboration, and thus actively supported one of the NYCETP goals. The case study strategy also included the development of a faculty (peer) review form for evaluation of documentation of new and revised courses. Procedures for case studies and examples of case study benefits for faculty and evaluators are also described

    First instar larvae of endemic Australian Miltogramminae (Diptera: Sarcophagidae)

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    The first instar larva of a species of the Australian endemic genus Aenigmetopia Malloch is described for the first time, along with the first instar larvae of three other Australian species representing the genera Amobia Robineau-Desvoidy and Protomiltogramma Townsend. Larval morphology was analysed using a combination of light microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The following morphological structures are documented: pseudocephalon, antennal complex, maxillary palpus, facial mask, modifications of thoracic and abdominal segments, anal region, spiracular field, posterior spiracles and details of the cephaloskeleton. Substantial morphological differences are observed between the three genera, most notably in the labrum and mouthhooks of the cephaloskeleton, sensory organs of the pseudocephalon, spinulation, sculpture of the integument and form of the spiracular field. The first instar larval morphology of Aenigmetopia amissa Johnston, Wallman, Szpila & Pape corroborates the close phylogenetic affinity of Aenigmetopia Malloch with Metopia Meigen, inferred from recent molecular analysis. The larval morphology of Amobia auriceps (Baranov), Protomiltogramma cincta Townsend and Protomiltogramma plebeia Malloch is mostly congruent with the morphology of Palaearctic representatives of both genera

    Arthroscopy or ultrasound in undergraduate anatomy education: a randomized cross-over controlled trial

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    Background: The exponential growth of image-based diagnostic and minimally invasive interventions requires a detailed three-dimensional anatomical knowledge and increases the demand towards the undergraduate anatomical curriculum. This randomized controlled trial investigates whether musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSUS) or arthroscopic methods can increase the anatomical knowledge uptake. Methods: Second-year medical students were randomly allocated to three groups. In addition to the compulsory dissection course, the ultrasound group (MSUS) was taught by eight, didactically and professionally trained, experienced student-teachers and the arthroscopy group (ASK) was taught by eight experienced physicians. The control group (CON) acquired the anatomical knowledge only via the dissection course. Exposure (MSUS and ASK) took place in two separate lessons (75 minutes each, shoulder and knee joint) and introduced standard scan planes using a 10-MHz ultrasound system as well as arthroscopy tutorials at a simulator combined with video tutorials. The theoretical anatomic learning outcomes were tested using a multiple-choice questionnaire (MCQ), and after cross-over an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). Differences in student's perceptions were evaluated using Likert scale-based items. Results: The ASK-group (n = 70, age 23.4 (20--36) yrs.) performed moderately better in the anatomical MC exam in comparison to the MSUS-group (n = 84, age 24.2 (20--53) yrs.) and the CON-group (n = 88, 22.8 (20--33) yrs.; p = 0.019). After an additional arthroscopy teaching 1 % of students failed the MC exam, in contrast to 10 % in the MSUS- or CON-group, respectively. The benefit of the ASK module was limited to the shoulder area (p < 0.001). The final examination (OSCE) showed no significant differences between any of the groups with good overall performances. In the evaluation, the students certified the arthroscopic tutorial a greater advantage concerning anatomical skills with higher spatial imagination in comparison to the ultrasound tutorial (p = 0.002; p < 0.001). Conclusions: The additional implementation of arthroscopy tutorials to the dissection course during the undergraduate anatomy training is profitable and attractive to students with respect to complex joint anatomy. Simultaneous teaching of basic-skills in musculoskeletal ultrasound should be performed by medical experts, but seems to be inferior to the arthroscopic 2D-3D-transformation, and is regarded by students as more difficult to learn. Although arthroscopy and ultrasound teaching do not have a major effect on learning joint anatomy, they have the potency to raise the interest in surgery

    Early differentiation of magmatic iron meteorite parent bodies from Mn–Cr chronometry

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    Magmatic iron meteorite groups such as IIAB, IIIAB and IVA, represent the largest sampling of extraterrestrial core material from the earliest accreted distinct planetary bodies in the solar system. Chromium isotope compositions of chromite/daubrĂ©elite from seven samples, translated into 53Cr/52Cr model ages, provide robust time information on planetary core formation. These ages are within ∌1.5 Ma after formation of calcium-aluminium-rich inclusions (CAIs) and define the time of metal core formation in the respective parent bodies, assuming metal–silicate separation was an instantaneous event that induced strong chemical fractionation of Mn from the more siderophile Cr. The early core formation ages support accretion and differentiation of the magmatic iron meteorite parent bodies to have occurred prior to the chondrule formation interval. The calibration of Mn–Cr ages with established Hf–W ages of samples from the same magmatic iron meteorite groups constrains the initial ɛ53Cr of the solar system to −0.30 ± 0.05, and thus lower than previously estimated

    Time and duration of chondrule formation: Constraints from 26Al-26Mg ages of individual chondrules

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    Chondrules from unequilibrated ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites belong to the oldest and most primitive materials from the early solar system and record chemical and isotopic signatures relating to their formation and evolution. These signatures allow tracing protoplanetary disk processes that eventually led to the formation of planetary building blocks and rocky planets. 26Al-26Mg ages based on mineral-mesostasis isochrons of 31 porphyritic ferromagnesian chondrules, that belong mainly to type-II, constrain the time of chondrule melting prior to incorporation into the respective chondrite parent bodies. For this study chondrules from the unequilibrated L, L(LL) and LL ordinary chondrites (UOCs) NWA 5206, NWA 8276, MET 96503, MET 00452, MET 00526, NWA 7936 and QUE 97008 were selected, which are of petrologic types 3.00-3.15 and were thus least metamorphosed after formation. Magnesium and Al isotopes were measured in-situ by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) using a CAMECA 1280 ims. 26Mg excess from in-situ decay of 26Al correlating with 27Al/24Mg has been detected in the mesostasis of all but one chondrule. The initial Al isotopic compositions (26Al/27Al)0 and 26Mg/24Mg ratios (d26Mg*0) deduced from internal mineral isochron regressions range from (9.5 ± 2.8) × 10-6 to (3.1 ± 1.2) × 10-6 and -0.020 ± 0.028‰ to 0.011 ± 0.039‰, respectively. The corresponding chondrule ages (∆tCAI), calculated relative to calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) using the canonical 26Al/27Al = (5.23 ± 0.13) × 10-5, are between 1.76_(-0.27)^(+0.36) and 2.92_(-0.34)^(+0.51) Ma and date the melt formation and thus primary chondrule formation from dust-like precursors or reprocessing of older chondrules. The age range agrees with those acquired with different short-lived chronometers and with published 26Al-26Mg ages, the majority of which were obtained for chondrules from the Bishunpur and Semarkona meteorites, although no chondrule with (26Al/27Al)0 > 10-5 was found. Chondrules in single chondrite samples or between different chondrite groups show no distinct age distributions. The initial 26Al/27Al of the oldest chondrules in the L(LL)/LL and L chondrite samples are identical within their 1σ uncertainties and yield a mean age of 1.99_(-0.08)^(+0.08) Ma and 1.81_(-0.10)^(+0.11) Ma, respectively. The oldest chondrules from six of the seven studied samples record a mean age of 1.94_(-0.06)^(+0.07) Ma. Since heating events in the protoplanetary disk could have partially reset the Al-Mg systematics in pre-existing chondrules and this would have shifted recorded 26Al-26Mg ages toward younger dates, the oldest mean age of 1.81_(-0.10)^(+0.11) Ma recorded in L chondrite chondrules is interpreted to date the rapid and punctuated onset of chondrule formation. The density distribution of chondrule ages from this study, which comprises the largest single dataset of OC chondrule ages, combined with published ages for chondrules from ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites reveals major age peaks for OC chondrules at 2.0 and 2.3 Ma. Chondrules in ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites formed almost contemporaneously (with a possible distinction between CC groups) in two chemically distinct reservoirs, probably in density-enriched regions at the edges of Jupiter’s orbit. The young formation ages of chondrules suggest that they do not represent precursors but rather by-products of planetesimal accretion

    Early differentiation of magmatic iron meteorite parent bodies from Mn–Cr chronometry

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    Magmatic iron meteorite groups such as IIAB, IIIAB and IVA, represent the largest sampling of extraterrestrial core material from the earliest accreted distinct planetary bodies in the solar system. Chromium isotope compositions of chromite/daubrĂ©elite from seven samples, translated into 53Cr/52Cr model ages, provide robust time information on planetary core formation. These ages are within ∌1.5 Ma after formation of calcium-aluminium-rich inclusions (CAIs) and define the time of metal core formation in the respective parent bodies, assuming metal–silicate separation was an instantaneous event that induced strong chemical fractionation of Mn from the more siderophile Cr. The early core formation ages support accretion and differentiation of the magmatic iron meteorite parent bodies to have occurred prior to the chondrule formation interval. The calibration of Mn–Cr ages with established Hf–W ages of samples from the same magmatic iron meteorite groups constrains the initial ɛ53Cr of the solar system to −0.30 ± 0.05, and thus lower than previously estimated

    Autonomous bioluminescence imaging of single mammalian cells with the bacterial bioluminescence system.

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    Bioluminescence-based imaging of living cells has become an important tool in biological and medical research. However, many bioluminescence imaging applications are limited by the requirement of an externally provided luciferin substrate and the low bioluminescence signal which restricts the sensitivity and spatiotemporal resolution. The bacterial bioluminescence system is fully genetically encodable and hence produces autonomous bioluminescence without an external luciferin, but its brightness in cell types other than bacteria has, so far, not been sufficient for imaging single cells. We coexpressed codon-optimized forms of the bacterial luxCDABE and frp genes from multiple plasmids in different mammalian cell lines. Our approach produces high luminescence levels that are comparable to firefly luciferase, thus enabling autonomous bioluminescence microscopy of mammalian cells
