357 research outputs found

    Tenth-order lepton g-2: Contribution from diagrams containing a sixth-order light-by-light-scattering subdiagram internally

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    This paper reports the result of our evaluation of the tenth-order QED correction to the lepton g-2 from Feynman diagrams which have sixth-order light-by-light-scattering subdiagrams, none of whose vertices couple to the external magnetic field. The gauge-invariant set of these diagrams, called Set II(e), consists of 180 vertex diagrams. In the case of the electron g-2 (a_e), where the light-by-light subdiagram consists of the electron loop, the contribution to a_e is found to be - 1.344 9 (10) (\alpha /\pi)^5. The contribution of the muon loop to a_e is - 0.000 465 (4) (\alpha /\pi)^5. The contribution of the tau-lepton loop is about two orders of magnitudes smaller than that of the muon loop and hence negligible. The sum of all of these contributions to a_e is - 1.345 (1) (\alpha /\pi)^5. We have also evaluated the contribution of Set II(e) to the muon g-2 (a_\mu). The contribution to a_\mu from the electron loop is 3.265 (12) (\alpha /\pi)^5, while the contribution of the tau-lepton loop is -0.038 06 (13) (\alpha /\pi)^5. The total contribution to a_\mu, which is the sum of these two contributions and the mass-independent part of a_e, is 1.882 (13) (\alpha /\pi)^5.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, REVTeX4, axodraw.sty used, changed title, corrected uncertainty of a_mu, added a referenc

    Kelainan Patologi pada Mencit dan Tikus Disebabkan Zat Warna Rhodamine B dan Metanil Yellow

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    PATHOLOGICAL LESIONS IN MICE AND RATS CAUSED BY DYESTUFFS RHODAMINE B AND METANIL YELLOW. Rhodamine B and Metanil Yellow are 2 non-edible dyestuffs which are widely used for coloring snacks and drinks in Jakarta. These substances are reportedly toxic for human beings, however no data on acute or chronic intoxications are available so far. Groups of mice and rats were fed with either Rhodamine B or Metanil Yellow. The doses of these dyestuffs varied from 0.5 mg to 1350 mg per kilogram body weight. These animals were dcvided into 3 different experimental groups, respectively acute, subacute and chronic toxicity tests. Clinical signs included discoloration of the skin and its intensity depended upon the concentration of the dyestuffs used. The body weight gain of the test animals were consistently lower than those of the controls. Some animals became agressive and cannibalism occurred. Pathological lesions consisted of unthriftiness, focal liver inflammation, hydronephrosis, hepatoma and lymphoma. Considering the results of the experiments, it is justified to warn that the wide use of Rhodamine B and Metanil Yellow for food coloring might be hazardous for human health

    Nilai Gizi Beras Lima Varitas Padi Unggul

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    Nilai gizi beras lima varitas padi unggul. (The nutritional value of rice of five high-yielding varieties). Presented at the First Asian Congress of Nutrition, Hyderabad, January 28 - February 2, 1971. The protein contents of IRRI rice varieties were: 7% in PB 5 (IRRI 5), 6.4% in PB 8 (IRRI 8) and 9% in C4-63. The Indonesian high-yielding rice varieties had protein contents of 6% in Shinta, and 7.3% in Dewi Ratih, compared to 6% in brown rice. The PER values of PB 5 and PB 8 were 2.3 and 2.5 while that of Shinta and brown rice were 2.2 and 2.1. The PER value of skimmed milk was 2.9. The NPU-op values of those four rice varieties ranged from 52 to 54, but was only 40 for C4-63. Fortification with L-lysine monohydrochloride increased the NPU. Varitas-varitas padi PB 5 dan PB 8 lebih disukai orang karena lebih enak rasanya, terutama jenis Shinta dan C4-63. Menjadi pertanyaan apakah jenis-jenis ini mempunyai kualitas protein yang lebih baik, disamping daya hasil tinggi dan ciri-ciri lain.Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mencari nilai gizi beras kelima varitas padi

    Some Ecological Considerations on the Use of Sago as Food in Indonesia

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    Di negara-negara yang sedang berkembang seperti Indonesia, sagu asal pohon sagu, sebagai bahan makanan pokok sehari-hari hanya cocok dalam lingkungan alamiahnya yang khas. Berbeda dengan padi-padian (serealia seperti beras, jagung, gandum), sagu asal pohon sagu praktis tidak mengandung protein, tapi terutama hanya karbohidrat saja dalam bentuk pati. Walaupun sagu tidak mengandung protein, keadaan gizi si pemakan sagu alamiah ("natural sago-eater") tidak jelek, lingkungan alam di mana si pemakan sagu hidup dan pohon sagu tumbuh secara alamiah, terdiri dari rawa-rawa dan sungai yang sangat kaya akan ikan. Keperluan tubuh sehari-hari akan protein dari si pemakan sagu dapat dipenuhi seluruhnya dengan protein ikan yang mempunyai nilai biologik tinggi. Di samping itu, untuk penduduk yang jumlahnya memang terbatas (kecil), persediaan sa­gu selalu ada cukup untuk memenuhi keperluan tubuh sehari-hari akan enersi. Seandainya penduduk pulau Jawa harus mengganti makanan pokok padi-padian atau serealia se­perti beras atau jagung, untuk suatu jangka waktu yang cukup lama, dengan bahan makanan sagu asal pohon sagu, diduga akan terjadi suatu penderitaan kekurangan protein. Karena di pulau Jawa sumber protein yang akan menjamin kecukupan protein sehari-hari, tidak tersedia dalam jumlah cukup diban­ding dengan jumlah penduduk. Untuk penduduk pulau Jawa, sagu akan sangat berguna hanya sebagai sumber enersi tambahan saja (energy expander). Karena sagu dalam bentuk lempeng dapat disimpan lama, maka sagu lempeng dapat dipertimbang­kan sebagai makanan darurat (emergency food) dalam keadaan musibah atau bencana alam

    Sixth-Order Vacuum-Polarization Contribution to the Lamb Shift of the Muonic Hydrogen

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    The sixth-order electron-loop vacuum-polarization contribution to the 2P1/22S1/22P_{1/2} - 2S_{1/2} Lamb shift of the muonic hydrogen (μp+\mu^{-} p^+ bound state) has been evaluated numerically. Our result is 0.007608(1) meV. This eliminates the largest uncertainty in the theoretical calculation. Combined with the proposed precision measurement of the Lamb shift it will lead to a very precise determination of the proton charge radius.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures the totoal LS number is change

    More Evidence on the Presence of an Unknown Toxic Substance(s) in the Sagabean

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    Saga (Adenanthera pavonina Linn) tergolong kacang-kacangan (Leguminosae), maka diduga se­perti juga hampir semua kacang-kacangan, mengandung faktor-faktor "anti-nutrisi", seperti trypsin inhibitor, fitohaemagglutinin dan saponin. Telah diketahui bahwa ada beberapa kacang-kacangan, yang di samping faktor "anti-nutrisi", juga mengandung zat beracun seperti: koro wedus (Dolichos lablab) dan kratok (Phaseolus lunatus), yang mengandung sianida (HCN), lamtoro (Leucaena glauca) yang mengandung mimosine, dan saga (Abrus precatorius Linn) ycng mengandung racun abrin. Timbul pertanyaan apakah biji saga juga mengandung racun, di samping faktor anti-nutrisi tersebut di atas. Pada biji saga yang telah dikuliti, direndam, dicuci dan direbus dapat dianggap bahwa faktor-faktor anti-nutrisinya telah hilang. Tetapi walaupun demikian terbukti dengan percobaan tikus putih muda, bahwa biji saga yang telah diolah tetap hanya dimakan sedikit saja, juga bila ditambah dengan methio­nine dan threonine, dua asam amino yang sudah diketahui sangat terbatas kadarnya dalam protein biji saga. Dari percobaan ini dapat ditarik kesimpulan, bahwa dalam biji saga juga terdapat suatu zat toksik (racun) yang tidak dapat dihilangkan dengan cara pengolahan tersebut di atas

    Mengurangi Atau Menghilangkan Zat Toksik Dari Biji Saga Dengan Cara Sangan, Goreng, Atau Pressure Cooking

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    Based on previous rat feeding experiments it was concluded that the saga bean contains a toxic principle in the oil fraction which cannot be destroyed by the simple process of household boiling in water. Three kinds of heat treatments with temperatures higher than that of boiling water, were applied to the sagabeans, viz. roasting, deep frying and pressure-cooking. The so-treated sagabeans were incorporated into experimental rat diets for a Protein Efficiency Ratio study, with and without supplementation with methionine and threonine. Comparing the results obtained with boiled, completaly defatted sagabeans, the present experiments by heat treatments reduce or very probably eliminate the toxic principle

    Toxic Substance Present in the Oil Fraction of the Sagabean

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    Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan adanya suatu zat toksis pada biji saga yang tidak tergolong faktor "anti-nutritive" seperti "tripsin inhibitors", "phyto-agglutinins"dan "saponins". Ternyata bahwa zat toksis tersebut yang belum dapat diekstraksi dan diidentifikasi, berada di dalam fraksi minyak biji saga. Di samping adanya zat toksis, ditemukan pub bahwa kualitas protein biji saga lebih rendah dari­pada kacang kedele. Hasil analisa asam amino menunjukkan bahwa kadar methionine dan threonine ada­lah terbatas (limiting), apabila ditambah dengan kedua asam amino ini dalam jumlah yang cukup, kuali­tas proteinnya menjadi sama tingginya dengan kacang kedele rebus tanpa tambahan