618 research outputs found

    Femtosecond formation of collective modes due to meanfield fluctuations

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    Starting from a quantum kinetic equation including the mean field and a conserving relaxation-time approximation we derive an analytic formula which describes the time dependence of the dielectric function in a plasma created by a short intense laser pulse. This formula reproduces universal features of the formation of collective modes seen in recent experimental data of femtosecond spectroscopy. The presented formula offers a tremendous simplification for the description of the formation of quasiparticle features in interacting systems. Numerical demanding treatments can now be focused on effects beyond these gross features found here to be describable analytically.Comment: 4 pages 3 figures, PRB in pres

    Nonlinear Debye-Onsager-Relaxation-Effect

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    The quantum kinetic equation for charged particles in strong electric fields is used to derive the nonlinear particle flux. The relaxation field is calculated quantum mechanically up to any order in the applied field provided a given Maxwellian plasma. The classical limit is given in analytical form. In the range of weak fields the deformation of the screening cloud is responsible for the Debye-Onsager relaxation effect.Comment: Proceeding of the 8. International Workshop on Atomic Physics for Ion-Driven Fusion, Heidelberg 1997, appear in Laser and Particle beam

    Dynamical charge and pseudospin currents in graphene and possible Cooper pair formation

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    Based on the quantum kinetic equations for systems with SU(2) structure, regularization-free density and pseudospin currents are calculated in graphene realized as the infinite mass-limit of electrons with quadratic dispersion and a proper spin-orbit coupling. Correspondingly the currents possess no quasiparticle part but only anomalous parts. The intraband and interband conductivities are discussed with respect to magnetic fields and magnetic domain puddles. It is found that the magnetic field and meanfield of domains can be represented by an effective Zeeman field. For large Zeeman fields the dynamical conductivities become independent of the density and are universal in this sense. The different limits of vanishing density, relaxation, frequency, and Zeeman field are not interchangeable. The optical conductivity agrees well with the experimental values using screened impurity scattering and an effective Zeeman field. The universal value of Hall conductivity is shown to be modified due to the Zeeman field. The pseudospin current reveals an anomaly since a quasiparticle part appears though it vanishes for particle currents. The density and pseudospin response functions to an external electric field are calculated and the dielectric function is discussed with respect to collective excitations. A frequency and wave-vector range is identified where the dielectric function changes sign and the repulsive Coulomb potential becomes effectively attractive allowing Cooper pairing.Comment: revisions in tex

    Equivalence of channel-corrected T-matrix and anomalous propagator approach

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    Any many-body approximation corrected for unphysical repeated collisions in a given condensation channel is shown to provide the same set of equations as they appear by using anomalous propagators. The ad-hoc assumption in the latter theory about non-conservation of particle numbers can be released. In this way the widespread used anomalous propagator approach is given another physical interpretation. A generalized Soven equation follows which improves any approximation in the same way as the coherent potential approximation (CPA) improves the averaged T-matrix for impurity scattering.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, misprints correcte

    Kinetic theory of spin-polarized systems in electric and magnetic fields with spin-orbit coupling: II. RPA response functions and collective modes

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    The spin and density response functions in the random phase approximation (RPA) are derived by linearizing the kinetic equation including a magnetic field, the spin-orbit coupling, and mean fields with respect to an external electric field. Different polarization functions appear describing various precession motions showing Rabi satellites due to an effective Zeeman field. The latter turns out to consist of the mean-field magnetization, the magnetic field, and the spin-orbit vector. The collective modes for charged and neutral systems are derived and a threefold splitting of the spin waves dependent on the polarization and spin-orbit coupling is shown. The dielectric function including spin-orbit coupling, polarization and magnetic fields is presented analytically for long wave lengths and in the static limit. The dynamical screening length as well as the long-wavelength dielectric function shows an instability in charge modes, which are interpreted as spin segregation and domain formation. The spin response describes a crossover from damped oscillatory behavior to exponentially damped behavior dependent on the polarization and collision frequency. The magnetic field causes ellipsoidal trajectories of the spin response to an external electric field and the spin-orbit coupling causes a rotation of the spin axes. The spin-dephasing times are extracted and discussed in dependence on the polarization, magnetic field, spin-orbit coupling and single-particle relaxation times.Comment: PRB 201

    Kinetic theory of spin-polarized systems in electric and magnetic fields with spin-orbit coupling: I. Kinetic equation and anomalous Hall and spin-Hall effects

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    The coupled kinetic equation for density and spin Wigner functions are derived including spin-orbit coupling, electric and magnetic field as well as selfconsistent Hartree meanfields suited for SU(2) transport. The interactions are assumed to be with scalar and magnetic impurities as well as scalar and spin-flip potentials among the particles. The spin-orbit interaction is used in a form suitable to solid state physics with Rashba or Dresselhaus coupling, graphene, extrinsic spin-orbit coupling as well as effective nuclear matter coupling. The deficiencies of the two-fluid model are worked out consisting in the appearance of an effective in-medium spin-precession. The stationary solution of all these systems shows a band splitting controlled by an effective medium-dependent Zeeman field. The selfconsistent precession direction is discussed and a cancellation of linear spin-orbit coupling at zero temperature is reported. The precession of spin around this effective direction caused by spin-orbit coupling leads to anomalous charge and spin currents in an electric field. Anomalous Hall conductivity is shown to consists of the known results obtained from Kubo formula or Berry phases and a new symmetric part interpreted as inverse Hall effect. Analogously the spin-Hall and inverse spin-Hall effect of spin currents are discussed which are present even without magnetic fields showing a spin accumulation triggered by currents. The analytical dynamical expressions for zero temperature are derived and discussed in dependence on the magnetic field and effective magnetizations. The anomalous Hall and spin-Hall effect changes sign at higher than a critical frequency dependent on the relaxation time.Comment: PRB in print 201

    Terahertz out-of-plane resonances due to spin-orbit coupling

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    A microscopic kinetic theory is developed which allows to investigate non-Abelian SU(2) systems interacting with meanfields and spin-orbit coupling under magnetic fields in one, two, and three dimensions. The coupled kinetic equations for the scalar and spin components are presented and linearized with respect to an external electric field. The dynamical classical and quantum Hall effect are described in this way as well as the anomalous Hall effect where a new symmetric dynamical contribution to the conductivity is presented. The coupled density and spin response functions to an electric field are derived including arbitrary magnetic fields. The magnetic field induces a staircase structure at frequencies of the Landau levels. It is found that for linear Dresselhaus and Rashba spin-orbit coupling a dynamical out-of-plane spin response appears at these Landau level frequencies establishing terahertz resonances.Comment: 6 pages 5 picture

    Universal short-time response and formation of correlations after quantum quenches

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    The short-time evolution of two distinct systems, the pump and probe experiments with semiconductor and the sudden quench of cold atoms in an optical lattice, is found to be described by the same universal response function. This analytic formula at short time scales is derived from the quantum kinetic theory approach observing that correlations need time to be formed. The demand of density conservation leads to a reduction of the relaxation time by a factor of four in quench setups. The influence of finite trapping potential is derived and discussed as well as Singwi-Sj{\o}lander local field corrections.Comment: submitted 14 April 201
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