23 research outputs found

    Penile hair coil strangulation of the child

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    AbstractWe report the case of a child with a delayed presentation of penile strangulation with a coil of hair that resulted in a complete transection of the urethra. Hair coil strangulation of the penis is uncommon. It is also known as penile Tourniquet syndrome. It has been reported with circumcised and uncircumcised penises and it can lead to serious complications like the amputation of the penis. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are necessary to prevent complications

    Genetic, serological and biochemical characterization of Leishmania tropica from foci in northern Palestine and discovery of zymodeme MON-307

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    Background Many cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) have been recorded in the Jenin District based on their clinical appearance. Here, their parasites have been characterized in depth. Methods Leishmanial parasites isolated from 12 human cases of CL from the Jenin District were cultured as promastigotes, whose DNA was extracted. The ITS1 sequence and the 7SL RNA gene were analysed as was the kinetoplast minicircle DNA (kDNA) sequence. Excreted factor (EF) serotyping and multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) were also applied. Results This extensive characterization identified the strains as Leishmania tropica of two very distinct sub-types that parallel the two sub-groups discerned by multilocus microsatellite typing (MLMT) done previously. A high degree of congruity was displayed among the results generated by the different analytical methods that had examined various cellular components and exposed intra-specific heterogeneity among the 12 strains. Three of the ten strains subjected to MLEE constituted a new zymodeme, zymodeme MON-307, and seven belonged to the known zymodeme MON-137. Ten of the 15 enzymes in the profile of zymodeme MON-307 displayed different electrophoretic mobilities compared with the enzyme profile of the zymodeme MON-137. The closest profile to that of zymodeme MON-307 was that of the zymodeme MON-76 known from Syria. Strains of the zymodeme MON-307 were EF sub-serotype A2 and those of the zymodeme MON-137 were either A9 or A9B4. The sub-serotype B4 component appears, so far, to be unique to some strains of L. tropica of zymodeme MON-137. Strains of the zymodeme MON-137 displayed a distinctive fragment of 417 bp that was absent in those of zymodeme MON-307 when their kDNA was digested with the endonuclease RsaI. kDNA-RFLP after digestion with the endonuclease MboI facilitated a further level of differentiation that partially coincided with the geographical distribution of the human cases from which the strains came. Conclusions The Palestinian strains that were assigned to different genetic groups differed in their MLEE profiles and their EF types. A new zymodeme, zymodeme MON-307 was discovered that seems to be unique to the northern part of the Palestinian West Bank. What seemed to be a straight forward classical situation of L. tropica causing anthroponotic CL in the Jenin District might be a more complex situation, owing to the presence of two separate sub-types of L. tropica that, possibly, indicates two separate transmission cycles involving two separate types of phlebotomine sand fly vector

    Giant primary adrenal hydatid cyst presenting with arterial hypertension: a case report and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>A primary hydatid cyst of the adrenal gland is still an exceptional localization. The adrenal gland is an uncommon site even in Morocco, where echinococcal disease is endemic.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 64-year-old Moroccan man who presented with the unusual symptom of arterial hypertension associated with left flank pain. Computed tomography showed a cystic mass of his left adrenal gland with daughter cysts filing the lesion (Type III). Despite his negative serology tests, the diagnosis of a hydatid cyst was confirmed on surgical examination. Our patient underwent surgical excision of his left adrenal gland with normalization of blood pressure. No recurrence has occurred after 36 months of follow-up.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There are two remarkable characteristics of this case report; the first is the unusual location of the cyst, the second is the association of an adrenal hydatid cyst with arterial hypertension, which has rarely been reported in the literature.</p

    Primary Transanal Management of Rectal Atresia in a Neonate

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    Rectal atresia (RA) with a normal anus is a rare anomaly. We describe a case of rectal atresia in a newborn male presenting with an abdominal distension and failure of passing meconium. The rectal atresia was primarily operated by transanal route

    Trois observations de néphrome mésoblastique avant l’âge de 6 mois

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    Nous rapportons trois observations de néphrome mésoblastique chez deux nourrissons de 3 et 5 mois et chez un nouveau né de 5 jours. Le néphrome mésoblastique congénital ou tumeur de BOLANDE représente 2 à 3% des tumeurs rénales de l’enfant. elle présente des caractéristiques anatomopathologiques, thérapeutiques et pronostiques distinctes du néphroblastome. Il existe plusieurs controverses dans sa prise en charge

    Human miscarriage and infection in Tunisia: Role of Mycoplasma hominis and high Waddlia seroprevalence.

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    Miscarriage is one of the most common adverse pregnancy outcomes. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between miscarriage in humans and infections caused by zoonotic bacteria and genital pathogens. Cervicovaginal swabs and placenta samples from 132 women with miscarriage (patient group: PG), and cervicovaginal swabs from 54 women with normal pregnancy (control group:CG), were subjected to bacteriological culture and real time PCRs detecting Coxiella burnetii, Brucella spp, Mycoplasma hominis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Chlamydia trachomatis, Waddlia chondrophila and Parachlamydia acanthamoebeae DNA. Serology of C. burnetii, C. trachomatis and W. chondrophila was also performed. Placenta samples were positive for E. coli, S. agalactiae, U. urealyticum, M. hominis and C. trachomatis in 4.7%, 3.1%, 3.1%, 0.7% and 0.7% of cases, respectively. For cervicovaginal swabs, M. hominis was more frequently detected among PG than CG with a significant statistical difference (p = 0.02). C. trachomatis was detected in 3.3% and 5.5% among PG and CG, respectively. U. urealyticum DNA was detected with high percentages in the two groups. Samples from both groups showed negatives results for C. burnetii, Waddlia, and Brucella qPCRs. A high rate of W. chondrophila seroprevalence (42%) was noted with significant difference among women with early miscarriage. C. trachomatis, S. agalactiae and M. hominis may play a role in miscarriage. However, the full characterization of the vaginal flora using other technologies such as NGS-based metagenomics is needed to clarify their role in miscarriage. Finally, further investigations should be performed to explain high W. chondrophila seroprevalence