14,517 research outputs found

    Results of long-term synoptic monitoring of Jupiter's decametric radiation

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    Results of the analysis of the large, homogeneous set of measurements of Jupiter's emission at 16.7 and 22.2 MHz for the apparitions during the period 1966-1974 were presented. An update of the radio rotation period determination which includes provision for beaming effects due to variations in the Jovicentric declination of the earth was presented. Some estimates of the magnitude of possible long-term variations in the rotation period were also discussed. The data clearly shows the Io-independent emission features associated with the System III central meridian longitudes of all three major Io-related source regions. There is also some evidence for heretofore unrecognized Io-related emission features which are apparently independent of the central meridian longitude. The possibility of three kinds of emission are suggested: (1) Io-stimulated, sharply beamed emission, (2) Io-independent, sharply beamed emission, and (3) Io-stimulated, broadly beamed emission

    Relationship between auroral substorms and the occurrence of terrestrial kilometric radiation

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    The correlation between magnetospheric substorms as inferred from the AE(11) index and the occurrence of terrestrial kilometric radiation (TKR) is examined. It is found that AE and TKR are well correlated when observations are made from above the 15-03 hr local time zone and are rather poorly correlated over the 03-15 hr zone. High-resolution dynamic spectra obtained during periods of isolated substorms indicate that low-intensity, high-frequency TKR commences at about the same time as the substorm phase. The substorm expansion phase corresponds to a rapid intensification and bandwidth increase of TKR. When combined with previous results, these new observations imply that many TKR events begin at low altitudes and high frequencies (about 400-500 kHz) and spread to higher altitudes and lower frequencies as the substorm expands

    Terrestrial kilometric radiation: 1: Spatial structures studies

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    Observations are presented of lunar occultations of the earth at 250 kHz obtained with the Radio-Astronomy-Explorer-2 satellite which were used to derive two dimensional maps of the location of the sources of terrestrial kilometric radiation (TKR). By examining the two dimensional source distributions as a function of the observer's location (lunar orbit) with respect to the magnetosphere, the average three dimensional location of the emission regions can be estimated. Although TKR events at 250 kHz can often be observed at projected distances corresponding to the 250 kHz electron gyro or plasma level (approximately 2 earth radii), many events are observed much farther from the earth (between 5 and 15 earth radii). Dayside emission apparently in the region of the polar cusp and the magnetosheath and night emission associated with regions of the magnetotail are examined. The nightside emission is suggestive of a mechanism involving plasma sheet electron precipitation in the pre-midnight sector

    Terrestrial kilometric radiation: 3-average spectral properties

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    A study is presented of the average spectral properties of terrestrial kilometric radiation (TKR) derived from observations made by radio astronomy experiments onboard the IMP-6 and RAE-2 spacecraft. As viewed from near the equatorial plane, TKR is most intense and most often observed in the 21-24 hr local time zone and is rarely seen in the 09-12 hr zone. The peak flux density usually occurs near 240 kHz, but there is evidence that the peak occurs at a somewhat lower frequency on the dayside. The frequency of the peak in the average flux spectrum varies inversely with increasing substorm activity as inferred from the auroral electrojet index (AE) from a maximum near 300 kHz during very quiet times to a minimum below 200 kHz during very disturbed times. The absolute flux levels in the 100-600 kHz TKR band increase significantly with increasing AE. The average power associated with a particular source region seems to decrease rapidly with increasing source altitude

    Scattering of terrestrial kilometric radiation at very high altitudes

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    On a number of occasions during the 3.8 yr. operating lifetime of RAE-2, strong terrestrial kilometric radiation was observed when the spacecraft was over the far side of the moon and when the low altitude terrestrial magnetosphere was completely obscured from view. If these deep lunar occultation events are used to infer radio source locations, then it is found that the apparent source must sometimes be situated at geocentric distances of 10 to 40 sub E or more. From an analysis of these events, it is shown that they are probably due to propagation effects rather than the actual generation of the emission at such large distances. The kilometric radiation can be generated near the earth at auroral latitudes and subsequently strongly scattered in the magnetosheath and nearby solar wind to produce the large apparent distances. The most likely scatterers are density inhomogeneities in the magnetosheath plasma and ion plasma waves in the magnetosheath and the upstream solar wind

    Latitudinal beaming of Jupiter's low frequency radio emissions

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    By comparing RAE-1 and IMP-6 satellite measurements of Jupiter's radio emission near 1MHz with recent Voyager-1 and 2 observations in the same frequency range, the properties of the low frequency radiation pattern over a 10 deg range of latitudes with respect to the Jovian rotation equator can be studied. These observations, which cover a wider latitudinal range than is possible from the earth, are consistent with many aspects of earlier ground-based measurements used to infer a sharp beaming pattern for the decameter wavelength emissions. Marked, systematic changes are found in the statistical occurrence probability distributions with system 3 central meridian longitude as the jovigraphic latitude of the observer changes over this range. Simultaneous observations by the two Voyager spacecraft suggest that the instantaneous beam width may be no more than a few degrees at times. The new hectometer-wave results can be interpreted in terms of a narrow, curved sheet at a fixed magnetic latitude into which the emission is beamed to escape the planet

    Comparisons of spectra determined using detector atoms and spatial correlation functions

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    We show how two level atoms can be used to determine the local time dependent spectrum. The method is applied to a one dimensional cavity. The spectrum obtained is compared with the mode spectrum determined using spatially filtered second order correlation functions. The spectra obtained using two level atoms give identical results with the mode spectrum. One benefit of the method is that only one time averages are needed. It is also more closely related to a realistic measurement scheme than any other definition of a time dependent spectrum.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Direct measurements of the polarization of terrestrial kilometric radiation from Voyagers 1 and 2

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    Terrestrial radiation measurements obtained with planetary radio astronomy experiments on Voyager-1 and 2 during the early portions of each flight show the signals to be predominantly left-hand circularly polarized. Since these emissions were most probably generated above the Northern Hemisphere auroral zone, it is concluded that the radiation is emitted primarily in the extraordinary mode

    Radio Jupiter after Voyager: An overview of the Planetary Radio Astronomy observations

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    Jupiter's low frequency radio emission morphology as observed by the Planetary Radio Astronomy (PRA) instrument onboard the Voyager spacecraft is reviewed. The PRA measurement capabilities and limitations are summarized following over two years of experience with the instrument. As a direct consequence of the PRA spacecraft observations, unprecedented in terms of their sensitivity and frequency coverage, at least three previous unrecognized emission components were discovered: broadband and narrow band kilometric emission and the lesser arc decametric emission. Their properties are reviewed. In addition, the fundamental structure of the decameter and hectometer wavelength emission, which is believed to be almost exclusively in the form of complex but repeating arc structures in the frequency time domain, is described. Dramatic changes in the emission morphology of some components as a function of Sun-Jupiter-spacecraft angle (local time) are described. Finally, the PRA in suit measurements of the Io plasma torus hot to cold electron density and temperature ratios are summarized

    Implications of Pioneer-2 magnetic field models for Jupiter's decametric radio mission

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    The geometry and electron gyrofrequency were calculated for both the North and South feet of the Io-threaded flux tube at several altitudes as a function of sub-Io longitude for various multipole field models. The models predict a maximum surface gyrofrequency equal to the observed high frequency limit of the decameter-wave radio emission (DAM) and tend to favor a mechanism involving transverse propagation from a source in the Northern hemisphere. Calculations indicate that the beaming pattern of the emission may be determined by reflection from the ionosphere rather than by inherent beaming from the source region