21 research outputs found

    Fuzzy oil drop model to interpret the structure of antifreeze proteins and their mutants

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    Mutations in proteins introduce structural changes and influence biological activity: the specific effects depend on the location of the mutation. The simple method proposed in the present paper is based on a two-step model of in silico protein folding. The structure of the first intermediate is assumed to be determined solely by backbone conformation. The structure of the second one is assumed to be determined by the presence of a hydrophobic center. The comparable structural analysis of the set of mutants is performed to identify the mutant-induced structural changes. The changes of the hydrophobic core organization measured by the divergence entropy allows quantitative comparison estimating the relative structural changes upon mutation. The set of antifreeze proteins, which appeared to represent the hydrophobic core structure accordant with “fuzzy oil drop” model was selected for analysis

    Methods of assessing the efficiency of protection against UV radiation

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    Promieniowanie UV, zwłaszcza w zakresie UVA i UVB silnie oddziałuje na skórę ludzką. Jedną z metod ochrony skóry przed tymi zakresami promieniowania jest stosowanie filtrów ochronnych zawartych w preparatach promieniochronnych - kremach, żelach i emulsjach. W artykule przedyskutowano stosowane metody badania, oznaczania i klasyfikacji preparatów chroniących przed UVA i UVB.This article discusses the biological effects of UV range radiation and methods of testing sun protecting products. Sunscreens in protecting creams, gels and emulsions should be examined especially carefully to assure the best protecting effect

    Methods of Assessing Efficiency of UV-Protecting Products

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    A few aspects of skin protection against ultraviolet (UV) light and methods of assessing efficacy of UV-protecting cream or gels have been discussed. UV-protection in cream and gels is not only a strategy of the cosmetic industry but a necessity because of human occupational activity and daily habits

    Research on the effectiveness of beauticians' measures of hand skin protection

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    Badania prowadzone w środowisku kosmetyczek wykazały, że zmiany chorobowe występujące na skórze rąk są zjawiskiem częstym. Prawie połowa, bo aż 46% badanych stwierdza, że ich dłonie są przesuszone, 32% uważa, że szorstkie, 12% ankietowanych zaobserwowało łuszczenie, 8% zaczerwienienie, a 2% inne objawy. Po 30 dniach stosowania kremu ochronnego 90% badanych zauważyło znaczną poprawę stanu skóry rąk, 8% uważa, ze nastąpiła lekka poprawa. Zastosowanie przez kosmetyczki opracowanych w CIOP-PIB środków ochrony skóry pozwoliło na znaczne zmniejszenie dolegliwości skóry rąk.Hand contact dermatitis often affects health care workers, food industry workers, hairdressers, cleaners, rubber industry workers, printers, metal plant workers and beauticians. Implementation of skin protection measures developed in CIOP-PIB by beauticians minimalized their hand skin disorders

    A Survey of Work-Related Skin Diseases in Different Occupations in Poland

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    Occupational skin disorders, in particular inflammations, dryness and erythema, in 80% of cases affect the skin of hands. The most frequent diagnosis, in over 90% of cases of occupational skin diseases, points to an irritant or allergic contact dermatitis. Our aim was to study the prevalence of self-reported skin symptoms on hands and forearms in different populations. The study was conducted on 581 healthcare workers, 61 hair stylists, 149 beauticians, 90 food services workers, 90 cleaners, 181 metal factory workers and 69 textile workers. Healthcare workers had greatest exposure. Eighty-six percent of dentists, 67% of midwives, 51% of nurses and 41% of physicians reported skin disorders. Problems with latex gloves were declared by 30% of healthcare workers. Thirty-four percent of food services workers, 24% of textile workers, 30% of metal factory workers, 21% of hair stylists and beauticians, and 64% of cleaners reported skin manifestations during the time of employment, which they thought could be work-related

    The composition of waterproof barrier creams' ingredients and their barrier properties

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    Ochrona skóry rąk jest ważna z uwagi na rosnącą ilość zachorowań na kontaktowe zapalenie skóry spowodowane przez substancje szkodliwe lub drażniące. Najlepszą ochronę stanowią rękawiczki, lecz gdy ich stosowanie jest niewskazane można używać środki ochrony skóry, które są skuteczne o ile są prawidłowo dobrane. Wyniki badań laboratoryjnych potwierdziły wnioski wynikające z analizy substratów, użytych do produkcji wodoodpornych kremów ochronnych. Najlepsze właściwości ochronne, zgodne z deklaracją producenta, miał preparat zawierający głównie substancje barierowe, bez dodatków kosmetycznych.Hands' skin protection is important due to growing number of cases of contact dermatitis, caused by contact with harmful or irritating substances. The best protection provide gloves, but when the use of them is not recommended skin protection measure can be applied, on condition that it has apropriate barrier properties. Laboratory tests for assessing effectiveness of barrier hydrophobic preparations confirmed the conclusions from the analysis of substrates used in their production. The best hydrophobic properties had a preparation which contain only barrier substances, without cosmetic additives

    Testing efficiency of water resistant creams

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    Kremy, żele i pasty ochronne chronią skórę przed działaniem szkodliwych czynników, również przed wodą i wodnymi roztworami detergentów. W artykule przedstawiono sposób badania i wyniki testów oceniających wodoodporność kremów hydrofobowych.Water resistant creams and gels protect human skin against the damaging effect of water and surfactants. Testing methods presented in this article make assessing protecting efficiency of hydrophobic barrier creams possible

    Prediction of Toxic Substances Emission for Occupational Exposure Assessment

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    Methods for predicting organic solvents, chromic acid, mineral oil, styrene, and sulphuric acid emissions in painting, metal degreasing, wood preservation, chromium electroplating, turning, grinding, making glass fortified polyester laminates and lead batteries charging, injection moulding of polystyrene plastics, and making polyurethane foam processes are described. Experimentally introduced equations are based on the essential parameters of these processes. Knowing the emission and the total flow rate of ventilation, it is possible to calculate toxic agent concentration, which is the basis of occupational exposure assessment

    Ugi Multicomponent Reaction Based Synthesis of Medium-Sized Rings

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    An Ugi multicomponent reaction based two-step strategy was applied to generate medium-sized rings. In the first linear expansion phase, a series of diamines reacted with cyclic anhydrides to produce different lengths of terminal synthetic amino acids as the starting material for the second phase. The Ugi-4-center 3-component reaction was utilized to construct complex medium-sized rings (8-11) by the addition of isocyanides and oxo components. This method features mild conditions and a broad substrate scope