17 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric sound in fluids

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    We consider the hydrodynamics of supersymmetric fluids. Supersymmetry is broken spontaneously and the low energy spectrum includes a fermionic massless mode, the phonino\mathit{phonino}. We use two complementary approaches to describe the system: First, we construct a generating functional from which we derive the equations of motion of the fluid and of the phonino propagating through the fluid. We write the form of the leading corrections in the derivative expansion, and show that the so called diffusion terms in the supercurrent are in fact not dissipative. Second, we use an effective field theory approach which utilizes a non-linear realization of supersymmetry to analyze the interactions between phoninos and phonons, and demonstrate the conservation of entropy in ideal fluids. We comment on possible phenomenological consequences for gravitino physics in the early universe.Comment: Modified introduction and discussion of diffusion terms in the supercurren

    Diffusion constant of supercharge density in N=4 SYM at finite chemical potential

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    We compute holographically the diffusion constant of supercharges in N=4 SYM at finite chemical potential for the R-charge, by solving the equations of motion for the transverse mode of the gravitino in the STU black hole in 5 dimensions. We consider the case of one charge and three charges, and we present analytical solutions for small values of the charges and numerical solutions for arbitrary values. We compare our results with other known results in 4 dimensions.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures; v2: typos correcte

    Entanglement of heavy quark impurities and generalized gravitational entropy

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    We calculate the contribution from non-conformal heavy quark sources to the entanglement entropy (EE) of a spherical region in N=4 SUSY Yang-Mills theory. We apply the generalized gravitational entropy method to non-conformal probe D-brane embeddings in AdS_5×S^5, dual to pointlike impurities exhibiting flows between quarks in large-rank tensor representations and the fundamental representation. For the D5-brane embedding which describes the screening of fundamental quarks in the UV to the antisymmetric tensor representation in the IR, the EE excess decreases non-monotonically towards its IR asymptotic value, tracking the qualitative behaviour of the one-point function of static fields sourced by the impurity. We also examine two classes of D3-brane embeddings, one which connects a symmetric representation source in the UV to fundamental quarks in the IR, and a second category which yields the symmetric representation source on the Coulomb branch. The EE excess for the former increases from the UV to the IR, whilst decreasing and becoming negative for the latter. In all cases, the probe free energy on hyperbolic space with ÎČ = 2π increases monotonically towards the IR, supporting its interpretation as a relative entropy. We identify universal corrections, depending logarithmically on the VEV, for the symmetric representation on the Coulomb branch

    Confinement, phase transitions and non-locality in the entanglement entropy

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    In this paper we study the conjectural relation between confinement in a quantum field theory and the presence of a phase transition in its corresponding entanglement entropy. We determine the sufficient conditions for the latter and compare to the conditions for having a confining Wilson line. We demonstrate the relation in several examples. Superficially, it may seem that certain confining field theories with a non-local high energy behaviour, like the dual of D5 branes wrapping a two-cycle, do not admit the corresponding phase transition. However, upon closer inspection we find that, through the introduction of a regulating UV-cutoff, new eight-surface configurations appear, that satisfy the correct concavity condition and recover the phase transition in the entanglement entropy. We show that a local-UV-completion to the confining non-local theories has a similar effect to that of the aforementioned cutoff.Comment: 64 pages. Lots of figure