22 research outputs found

    Molecular Genetics of T Cell Development

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    T cell development is guided by a complex set of transcription factors that act recursively, in different combinations, at each of the developmental choice points from T-lineage specification to peripheral T cell specialization. This review describes the modes of action of the major T-lineage-defining transcription factors and the signal pathways that activate them during intrathymic differentiation from pluripotent precursors. Roles of Notch and its effector RBPSuh (CSL), GATA-3, E2A/HEB and Id proteins, c-Myb, TCF-1, and members of the Runx, Ets, and Ikaros families are critical. Less known transcription factors that are newly recognized as being required for T cell development at particular checkpoints are also described. The transcriptional regulation of T cell development is contrasted with that of B cell development, in terms of their different degrees of overlap with the stem-cell program and the different roles of key transcription factors in gene regulatory networks leading to lineage commitment

    T-cell receptor signaling induces proximal Runx1 transactivation via a calcineurin–NFAT pathway

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    Runx1 transcription factor is a key player in the development and function of T cells. Runx1 transcripts consist of two closely related isoforms (proximal and distal Runx1) whose expressions are regulated by different promoters. Which Runx1 isoform is expressed appears to be tightly regulated. The regulatory mechanism for differential transcription is, however, not fully understood. In this study, we investigated the regulation of the proximal Runx1 promoter in T cells. We showed that proximal Runx1 was expressed at a low level in naïve T cells from C57BL/6 mice, but its expression was remarkably induced upon T-cell activation. In the promoter of proximal Runx1, a highly conserved region was identified which spans from −412 to the transcription start site and harbors a NFAT binding site. In a luciferase reporter assay, this region was found to be responsive to T-cell activation through Lck and calcineurin pathways. Mutagenesis studies and chromatin immunoprecipitation assay indicated that the NFAT site was essential for NFAT binding and transactivation of the proximal Runx1 promoter. Furthermore, TCR signaling-induced expression of proximal Runx1 was blocked by treatment of cells with cyclosporin A. Together, these results demonstrate that the calcineurin–NFAT pathway regulates proximal Runx1 transcription upon TCR stimulation

    The Runx3 Transcription Factor Augments Th1 and Down-Modulates Th2 Phenotypes by Interacting with and Attenuating GATA3

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    Recently, it was reported that the expression of Runt-related transcription factor 3 (Runx3) is up-regulated in CD4+ helper T cells during Th1 cell differentiation, and that Runx3 functions in a positive feed-forward manner with the T-box family transcription factor, T-bet, which is a master regulator of Th1 cell differentiation. The relative expression levels of IFN-γ and IL-4 are also regulated by the Th2-associated transcription factor, GATA3. Here, we demonstrate that Runx3 was induced in Th2 as well as Th1 cells and that Runx3 interacted with GATA3 and attenuated GATA3 transcriptional activity. Ectopic expression of Runx3 in vitro in cultured cells or transgenic expression of Runx3 in mice accelerated CD4+ cells to a Th1-biased population or down-modulated Th2 responses, in part by neutralizing GATA3. Our results suggest that the balance of Runx3 and GATA3 is one factor that influences the manifestation of CD4+ cells as the Th1 or Th2 phenotypes

    The artificial loss of Runx1 reduces the expression of quiescence-associated transcription factors in CD4(+) T lymphocytes

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    The Runx1 transcription factor cooperates with or antagonizes other transcription factors and plays essential roles in the differentiation and function of T lymphocytes. Previous works showed that Runx1 is expressed in peripheral CD4(+) T cells which level declines after T cell receptor (TCR) activation, and artificial deletion of Runx1 causes autoimmune lung disease in mice. The present study addresses the mechanisms by which Runx1 contributes to the maintenance of peripheral CD4(+) T cell quiescence. Microarray and quantitative RT-PCR analyses were employed to compare the transcriptome of Runx1 -/- CD4+ T cells to those of unstimulated and TCR-stimulated Runx1 +I cells. The results identified genes whose expression was modulated similarly by Runx1 deletion and TCR activation. Among them, genes encoding cytokines, chemokines, and Jak/STAT signaling molecules were substantially induced. In Runx1-deleted T cells, simultaneous increases in Il-17A and Ror gamma c, a known master gene in T(H)17 differentiation, were observed. In addition, we observed that the loss of Runx1 reduced the transcription of genes encoding quiescence-associated transcription factors, including Foxp1, Foxo1, and Klf2. Interestingly, we identified consensus Runx1 binding sites at the promoter regions of Foxp1, Foxo1, and Klf2 genes, which can be enriched by chromatin immunoprecipitation assay with an anti-Runx1 antibody. Therefore, we suggest that Runx1 may activate, directly or indirectly, the expression of quiescence-associated molecules and thereby contribute to the maintenance of quiescence in CD4(+) T cells. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Runx1 Deficiency in CD4+ T Cells Causes Fatal Autoimmune Inflammatory Lung Disease Due to Spontaneous Hyperactivation of Cells

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    The Runx1 transcription factor is abundantly expressed in naive T cells but rapidly downregulated in activated T cells, suggesting that it plays an important role in a naive stage. In the current study, Runx1−/−Bcl2tg mice harboring Runx1-deleted CD4+ T cells developed a fatal autoimmune lung disease. CD4+ T cells from these mice were spontaneously activated, preferentially homed to the lung, and expressed various cytokines, including IL-17 and IL-21. Among these, the deregulation of IL-21 transcription was likely to be associated with Runx binding sites located in an IL-21 intron. IL-17 produced in Runx1-deleted cells mobilized innate immune responses, such as those promoted by neutrophils and monocytes, whereas IL-21 triggered humoral responses, such as plasma cells. Thus, at an initial stage, peribronchovascular regions in the lung were infiltrated by CD4+ lymphocytes, whereas at a terminal stage, interstitial regions were massively occupied by immune cells, and alveolar spaces were filled with granular exudates that resembled pulmonary alveolar proteinosis in humans. Mice suffered from respiratory failure, as well as systemic inflammatory responses. Our data indicate that Runx1 plays an essential role in repressing the transcription of cytokine genes in naive CD4+ T cells and, thereby, maintains cell quiescence