2 research outputs found

    Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy: making sense of the total score through a second order confirmatory factor analysis

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    Background: Empathy is a key aspect of the physician-patient interactions. The Jefferson Scale of Empathy (JSE) is one of the most used empathy measures of medical students. The development of cross-cultural empathy studies depends on valid and reliable translations of the JSE. This study sought to: (1) adapt and assess the psychometric properties in Spanish students of the Spanish JSE validated in Mexican students; (2) test a second order latent factor model. Methods: The Spanish JSE was adapted from the Spanish JSE-S, resulting in a final version of the measure. A non-probabilistic sample of 1104 medical students of two Spanish medical schools completed a socio-demographic and the Spanish JSE-S. Descriptive statistics, along with a confirmatory factor analysis, the average variance extracted (AVE), Cronbach's alphas and composite reliability (CR) coefficients were computed. An independent samples t-test was performed to access sex differences. Results: The Spanish JSE-S demonstrated acceptable to good sensitivity (individual items - except for item 2 - and JSE-S total score: -2.72 < Sk < 0.35 and -0.77 < Ku < 7.85), convergent validity (AVE: between 0.28 and 0.45) and reliability (Cronbach's alphas: between 0.62 and 0.78; CR: between 0.62 and 0.87). The confirmatory factor analysis supported the three-factor solution and the second order latent factor model. Conclusions: The findings provide support for the sensitivity, construct validity and reliability of the adapted Spanish JSE-S with Spanish medical students. Data confirm the hypothesized second order latent factor model. This version may be useful in future research examining empathy in Spanish medical students, as well as in cross-cultural studies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Depressive disorders in Thai medical students: an exploratory study of institutional, cultural, and individual factors

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    Objectives: This exploratory qualitative study conducted among Thai medical students aimed to investigate factors related to the development of medical students' depression and how these factors interact in contributing to depressive disorders.Methods: Forty-three undergraduate medical students of the six-year Doctor of Medicine program were identified as having moderate to severe depression on an annual depression screening. From these, eighteen students agreed to participate in individual in-depth interviews. Transcriptions of the interviews were analyzed by independent reviewers using a thematic analysis approach.Results: Among 43 participants screened as having moderate-to-severe depression, major depressive disorder and adjustment disorder were 9.3% and 14.0%, respectively. Reported factors related to medical students' disorders were personal vulnerabilities, medical educational administration, academic achievement, learning environment, intrinsic motivation, self-care and self-management, relationship and community. In particular, lack of social support and relationship problems were mentioned among those with more severe and persistent symptoms. Protective factors were social support, positive relationships, a growth mindset, spiritual and mindfulness practices, and an adequate mentoring program.Conclusions: Medical students' depression and suicidal ideations are significant concerns in Thai medical education. Besides personal vulnerabilities, high expectations, the value placed on academic achievement and relationship problems can precipitate the onset of depressive disorders, if not being properly addressed. The 4P framework of predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating and protective factors are suggested to understand the onset and development of students' depressive disorders and to identify targets for institutional and educational intervention