11,986 research outputs found

    An Analysis of \pi\pi-Scattering Phase Shift and Existence of \sigma(555) particle

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    In most of the Nambu:Jona-Lasinio(NJL)-type models, realizing the hidden chiral symmetry, the existence of a scalar particle \sigma is needed with a mass m_\sigma=2 m_q, as a partner of the Nambu-Goldstone boson \pi. However, the results of many analyses on \pi\pi phase-shift thus far made have been negative for its existence. In this paper we re-analyze the phase-shift, applying a new method, the interfering amplitude method, which treats the T-matrix directly and describes multi-resonances in conformity with the unitarity. As a result, the existence of \sigma has been strongly suggested from the behavior of the \pi\pi-->\pi\pi phase shift between the \pi\pi- and the KK- thresholds, with mass = 553.3 +- 0.5_{st} MeV and width= 242.6 +- 1.2_{st} MeV. The most crucial point in our analysis is the introduction of a negative background phase, possibly reflecting a ``repulsive core" in \pi\pi interactions. The properties of f_0(980) are also investigated from data including those over the KK threshold. Its mass is obtained as 993.2 +- 6.5_{st} +- 6.9_{sys} MeV. Its width is about a hundred MeV, although this depends largely on the treatment of the elasticity and the \pi\pi-->KK phase shift, both of which may have large experimental uncertainties.Comment: 22 pages, Latex with Prog. Theor. Phys. format PTPTEX.sty, 4 EPS figure

    pi^0 pi^0 Scattering Amplitudes and Phase Shifts Obtained by the pi^- P Charge Exchange Process

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    The results of the analysis of the pi^0 pi^0 scattering amplitudes obtained with pi^- P charge exchange reaction, pi^- P --> pi^0 pi^0 n, data at 9 GeV/c are presented. The pi^0 pi^0 scattering amplitudes show clear f_0(1370) and f_2(1270) signals in the S and D waves, respectively. The pi^0 pi^0 scattering phase shifts have been obtained below Kbar K threshold and been analyzed by the Interfering Amplitude method with introduction of negative background phases. The results show a S wave resonance, sigma. Its Breit-Wigner parameters are in good agreement with those of our previous analysis on the pi^+ pi^- phase shift data.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Proceedings of the int. conf. Hadron'99 at Beijing, Aug. 1999. Presented for the collaboration of A.M.Ma, K.Takamatsu, M.Y.Ishida, S.Ishida, T.Ishida, T. Tsuru and H. Shimizu, and the E135 collaboration. For our activities on sigma, visit http://amaterasu.kek.jp/sigm

    Correlation between Superconducting Transition Temperature TcT_c and Increase of Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation Rate Devided by Temperature 1/T1T1/T_1T at TcT_c in the Hydrate Cobaltate Nax_{x}CoO2y_{2}\cdot yH2_{2}O

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    We have performed Co-nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) studies on Nax_{x}CoO2y_{2}\cdot yH2_{2}O compounds with different Na (xx) and hydrate (yy) contents. Two samples with different Na contents but nearly the same TcT_c values (xx = 0.348, TcT_c = 4.7 K ; xx = 0.339, TcT_c = 4.6 K) were investigated. The spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1 in the superconducting (SC) and normal states is almost the same for the two samples except just above TcT_c. NQR measurements were also performed on different-hydrate-content samples with different TcT_c values, which were prepared from the same Na-content (xx = 0.348) sample. From measurements of 1/T11/T_1 using the different-hydrate-content samples, it was found that a low-TcT_c sample with Tc=3.9T_c = 3.9 K has a larger residual density of states (DOS) in the SC state and a smaller increase of 1/T1T1/T_1T just above TcT_c than a high-TcT_c sample with TcT_c = 4.7 K. The former behavior is consistent with that observed in unconventional superconductors, and the latter suggests the relationship between TcT_c and the increase in DOS just above TcT_c. This increase, which is seemingly associated with the two-dimensionality of the CoO2_2 plane, is considered to be one of the most important factors for the occurrence of superconductivity.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, To be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    S wave superconductivity in newly discovered superconductor BaTi2_2Sb2_2O revealed by 121/123^{121/123}Sb-NMR/Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance measurements

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    We report the 121/123^{121/123}Sb-NMR/nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) measurements on the newly-discovered superconductor BaTi2_2Sb2_2O with a two-dimensional Ti2_2O square-net layer formed with Ti3+^{3+} (3d1d^1). NQR measurements revealed that the in-plane four-fold symmetry is broken at the Sb site below TAT_{\rm A} \sim 40 K, without an internal field appearing at the Sb site. These exclude a spin-density wave (SDW)/ charge density wave (CDW) ordering with incommensurate correlations, but can be understood with the commensurate CDW ordering at TAT_{\rm A}. The spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1, measured at the four-fold symmetry breaking site, decreases below superconducting (SC) transition temperature TcT_{\rm c}, indicative of the microscopic coexistence of superconductivity and the CDW/SDW phase below TAT_{\rm A}. Furthermore, 1/T11/T_1 of 121^{121}Sb-NQR shows a coherence peak just below TcT_{\rm c} and decreases exponentially at low temperatures. These results are in sharp contrast with those in cuprate and iron-based superconductors, and strongly suggest that its SC symmetry is classified to an ordinary s-wave state.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Embedding approach for dynamical mean field theory of strongly correlated heterostructures

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    We present an embedding approach based on localized basis functions which permits an efficient application of the dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) to inhomogeneous correlated materials, such as semi-infinite surfaces and heterostructures. In this scheme, the semi-infinite substrate leads connected to both sides of the central region of interest are represented via complex, energy-dependent embedding potentials that incorporate one-electron as well as many-body effects within the substrates. As a result, the number of layers which must be treated explicitly in the layer-coupled DMFT equation is greatly reduced. To illustrate the usefulness of this approach, we present numerical results for strongly correlated surfaces, interfaces, and heterostructures of the single-band Hubbard model.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; typos correcte

    Orbital Properties of Sr3Ru2O7 and Related Ruthenates Probed by 17O-NMR

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    We report a site-separated 17^{17}O-NMR study of the layered perovskite ruthenate Sr3_3Ru2_2O7_7, which exhibits nearly two-dimensional transport properties and itinerant metamagnetism at low temperatures. The local hole occupancies and the spin densities in the oxygen 2p2p orbitals are obtained by means of tight-binding analyses of electric field gradients and anisotropic Knight shifts. These quantities are compared with two other layered perovskite ruthenates: the two-dimensional paramagnet Sr2_2RuO4_4 and the three-dimensional ferromagnet SrRuO3_3. The hole occupancies at the oxygen sites are very large, about one hole per ruthenium atom. This is due to the strong covalent character of the Ru-O bonding in this compound. The magnitude of the hole occupancy might be related to the rotation or tilt of the RuO6_6 octahedra. The spin densities at the oxygen sites are also large, 20-40% of the bulk susceptibilities, but in contrast to the hole occupancies, the spin densities strongly depend on the dimensionality. This result suggests that the density-of-states at the oxygen sites plays an essential role for the understanding of the complex magnetism found in the layered perovskite ruthenates.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.