118 research outputs found

    A study of lymph node ratio in stage IV colorectal cancer

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    which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Background: The finding of metastasis in colorectal cancer, stage IV disease, has a major impact on prognosis and treatment strategy. Known important factors include the extent of the metastasis and the patients ' performance status. The lymph node factors are of known importance in earlier cancer stages but less described in metastatic disease. The aim of the study was to evaluate lymph node status and ratio as prognostic markers in stage IV colorectal cancer. Methods: The study was retrospective and assessing all patients operated, with bowel resection, for an initial stage IV colorectal cancer during 1999–2003 (n = 136). Basic demographic data as well as given treatment was assessed. The Lymph node ratio (LNR), the quota between the number of lymph node metastasis and assessed lymph nodes, was calculated. LNR groups were created by ratio thirds, 3 equally sized groups. The analysis was made by LNR group and by eligibility for chemotherapy with cancer specific survival as outcome parameter. Results: The median survival (CSS) for the entire group was 431 days with great variability. For the patients eligible for chemotherapy it ranged from 791 days in LNR-group 1 to 433 days for th

    Frequency and fate of microRNA editing in human brain

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    Primary transcripts of certain microRNA (miRNA) genes (pri-miRNAs) are subject to RNA editing that converts adenosine to inosine (A→I RNA editing). However, the frequency of the pri-miRNA editing and the fate of edited pri-miRNAs remain largely to be determined. Examination of already known pri-miRNA editing sites indicated that adenosine residues of the UAG triplet sequence might be edited more frequently. In the present study, therefore, we conducted a large-scale survey of human pri-miRNAs containing the UAG triplet sequence. By direct sequencing of RT–PCR products corresponding to pri-miRNAs, we examined 209 pri-miRNAs and identified 43 UAG and also 43 non-UAG editing sites in 47 pri-miRNAs, which were highly edited in human brain. In vitro miRNA processing assay using recombinant Drosha-DGCR8 and Dicer-TRBP (the human immuno deficiency virus transactivating response RNA-binding protein) complexes revealed that a majority of pri-miRNA editing is likely to interfere with the miRNA processing steps. In addition, four new edited miRNAs with altered seed sequences were identified by targeted cloning and sequencing of the miRNAs that would be processed from edited pri-miRNAs. Our studies predict that ∼16% of human pri-miRNAs are subject to A→I editing and, thus, miRNA editing could have a large impact on the miRNA-mediated gene silencing

    The clinical potential of antiangiogenic fragments of extracellular matrix proteins

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    Neovasculature development is a crucial step in the natural history of a cancer. While much emphasis has been placed on proangiogenic growth factors such as VEGF, it is clear that endogenous angiogenesis inhibitors also have critical roles in the regulation of this process. Recent research has identified several cryptic fragments of extracellular matrix/vascular basement membrane proteins that have potent antiangiogenic properties in vivo. It has become apparent that many of these fragments signal via interactions with endothelial integrins, although multiple downstream effector pathways have been implicated and endostatin, the first non-collagenous domain of collagen XVIII, influences an intricate signalling network. The activity of these molecules in animal models suggests that they may have significant clinical activity; however, results of phase I/II trials with endostatin were disappointing. Many possible reasons can be found for the failure of these studies. Weaknesses in trial design, endostatin administration regimen and patient selection are identifiable, and importantly the lack of a clearly defined antiangiogenic mechanism for endostatin hindered assessment of biologically effective dose. Additionally, in vivo immunological and proteolytic function-neutralising mechanisms may have negated endostatin's actions. Lessons learned from these studies will aid the future clinical development of other antiangiogenic extracellular matrix protein fragments

    The Viral and Cellular MicroRNA Targetome in Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a ubiquitous human herpesvirus linked to a number of B cell cancers and lymphoproliferative disorders. During latent infection, EBV expresses 25 viral pre-microRNAs (miRNAs) and induces the expression of specific host miRNAs, such as miR-155 and miR-21, which potentially play a role in viral oncogenesis. To date, only a limited number of EBV miRNA targets have been identified; thus, the role of EBV miRNAs in viral pathogenesis and/or lymphomagenesis is not well defined. Here, we used photoactivatable ribonucleoside-enhanced crosslinking and immunoprecipitation (PAR-CLIP) combined with deep sequencing and computational analysis to comprehensively examine the viral and cellular miRNA targetome in EBV strain B95-8-infected lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). We identified 7,827 miRNA-interaction sites in 3,492 cellular 3′UTRs. 531 of these sites contained seed matches to viral miRNAs. 24 PAR-CLIP-identified miRNA:3′UTR interactions were confirmed by reporter assays. Our results reveal that EBV miRNAs predominantly target cellular transcripts during latent infection, thereby manipulating the host environment. Furthermore, targets of EBV miRNAs are involved in multiple cellular processes that are directly relevant to viral infection, including innate immunity, cell survival, and cell proliferation. Finally, we present evidence that myc-regulated host miRNAs from the miR-17/92 cluster can regulate latent viral gene expression. This comprehensive survey of the miRNA targetome in EBV-infected B cells represents a key step towards defining the functions of EBV-encoded miRNAs, and potentially, identifying novel therapeutic targets for EBV-associated malignancies