891 research outputs found

    Free-range pigs foraging on Jerusalem artichokes

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    Free-range pig production in Northern Europe is characterized by high inputs of concentrate on grassland. This increases risk of nutrient leaching, increases feed costs and puts a pressure on land resources. Pigs’ unique ability to find a part of their food directly in the field where they are kept should be taken into consideration. One below ground field forage characterized by very high yields and with great potential as fodder source is Jerusalem Artichokes (JA) tubers. The nutritional contribution from free-range foraging, growth, feed conversion and behaviour were investigated in 36 growing pigs foraging on JA and fed concentrates restrictedly (30 % of energy recommendations) or ad libitum. Behavioural observations were carried out weekly over the entire experimental period of 40 days. The average daily consumption of concentrate was 51 MJ and 11 MJ ME pig-1 for pigs fed ad libitum and restrictedly, respectively. Compared to the ad libitum fed pigs, the pigs fed restrictedly had a significant lower daily gain (560 vs. 1,224 g pig-1), improved feed conversion ratio (17.6 vs. 42.8 MJ ME concentrate kg-1 live weight gain) and spent more time foraging JA tubers (7.9 vs. 1.1%). Body conditions were comparable between the two treatments. It is estimated that pigs fed restrictedly found approximately 60% of their energy requirement from foraging in the range and consumed 1.3 kg to 1.6 kg DM of JA pig-1 per day. The results indicate good possibilities for substituting a large proportion of concentrates with home-grown JA tubers biological harvested by foraging pigs. Future studies are needed to reveal the most appropriate concentrate feeding regime when combined with foraging JA in relation to consequences for growth and feed conversion, but also for meat quality, animal health and nutrient balances

    The effect of breed and feed-type on the sensory profile of breast meat in male broilers reared in an organic free-range system

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    1. Studies on the sensory profiling of male broiler breast meat were carried out to evaluate the effect of two very different broiler breeds (JA757 and New Hampshire), two different feed types (broiler and grower feed) and age at slaughter (82 and 110 d). 2. The sensory profiling consisted of a pilot study, 4 training sessions, and finally the assessment. During the training session a panel of 9 assessors defined 17 attributes, which were used to describe the smell, texture and flavour of the breast fillets. Each attribute was evaluated on a 15-cm unstructured line scale. 3. The breast meat became significantly less hard, and more juicy and tender in the New Hampshire at 110 d of age, whereas the opposite was found in JA757, which also acquired a more ‘‘sourish’’ flavour with age. The smell of ‘‘sweet/maize’’ and ‘‘bouillon’’ became weaker with age in JA757, but not in New Hampshire. 4. Several significant differences in relation to the main factors of breed and age were found. The traditional broiler hybrid JA757 did best for most smell and flavour attributes, whereas New Hampshire did best for the texture attributes. Age had a negative effect on the flavours and smell attributes ‘‘fresh chicken’’, ‘‘neck of pork’’ and ‘‘sweet maize’’, but a positive effect on the texture attribute ‘‘crumbly’’. In addition meat was more ‘‘stringy’’ at 110 d of age. 5. The flavours ‘‘neck of pork’’ and ‘‘umami’’ were significantly improved when JA757 was fed on the broiler feed and when New Hampshire was given the grower feed. The meat smelt more ‘‘sourish’’ at 82 d of age and less ‘‘sourish’’ at 110 d of age when the grower feed was consumed. Meat was significantly harder and stringier when JA757 was fed on the grower feed. This was not the case for New Hampshire. In general, the meat was significantly less crumbly and stringier with the grower feed. 6. Overall a very distinct difference in sensory profile was found between the two breeds. In addition different slaughter ages and feeding strategies should be taken into consideration in a niche production based on alternative genotypes

    Shah Wali Allah\u27s Arrangement of the Subtle Spiritual Centers

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    This paper will present an explanation of some previously unexamined aspects of fillah Wali Allah\u27s (d. 1762) conception of the subtJe spiritual centres (/afii\u27if). For Shah Wali Allah these spiritual components of a person were of great importance in explaining the theory and practice of individual spiritual progress on the Sufi path. His arrangement of these centres, together with his explanation of their interaction with one another directly reflects his more comprehensive understanding of cosmology and ontology, and therefore this aspect of his thought is less esoteric than it might initially seem

    Økologisk kvalitet skal retførdiggøre merpris

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    I projektet: Kvalitet og integritet i økologiske Ìg-, kyllinge- og svinekødsprodukter undersøges strategier for mere forskelligartet svine- og kyllinge-produktion

    Effect of nose ringing and stocking rate of pregnant and lactating outdoor sows on exploratory behavior, grass cover and nutrient loss potential

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    Nose ringing of outdoor sows is practiced to reduce grass sward damage for environmental reasons but conflicts with natural behaviour considerations. We investigated effects of ringing pregnant and lactating outdoor sows on foraging and explorative behaviour, grass cover and nutrient deposition. The experiment included both ringed and unringed sows. For unringed sows the paddocks were either used continuously throughout the experiment or divided into two and sows were moved half way through the experimental period leaving the first used paddock for regrowth. Ringing did not prevent the sow’s rooting, but rooting was less pronounced, when sows were ringed. On average, ringing increased grass cover from 14 to 38% and from 64 to 81% in paddocks with pregnant and lactating sows, respectively. In paddocks with unringed sows kept at a double density and followed by a resting period, the grass cover in autumn was restored to a high degree in paddocks with pregnant sows. In lactating sow paddocks the level of inorganic N was high but with no significant relation to extent of grass cover. In pregnant sow paddocks the soil inorganic N content was significantly reduced by increased grass cover and at 60% grass cover soil inorganic N content was at a low level. From the experiment it was evident that although ringing did have a positive environmental effect, it was not the main factor influencing potential losses. Management choices in terms of feeding, animal density and nutrient distribution are considered to be at least as important

    South Asian Muslim American Girl Power: Structures and Symbols of Control and Self Expression

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    South Asian Muslim American (SAMA) girls studied ethnographically in Chicago and more broadly in the United States negotiate these three components (South Asian, Muslim, and American) of identity across the spheres of home, Islamic institutions, and the public “American” realm. . Drawing on interviews and fieldwork at an Islamic school and within South Asian families and mosques, the authors illustrate how nascent “girl” power is evidenced in these contexts drawing on media representations, academic sources, and data drawn from participant observation. Sources of SAMA girls’ expressions of confidence and power are selective use of identity markers, increased mastery of Islamic knowledge, and various subtle acts of resistance to norms imposed upon them within home and family interactions, Islamic spaces, and the American public sphere

    Produktion af kyllinger i frugtplantage kan give større spiseoplevelse

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    Produktion af slagtekyllinger i frugtplantage übner en spÌndende mulighed for større spiseoplevelse for den kvalitetsbevidste forbruger. Sensorikbedømmelser af brystkødet fra to typer slagtekyllinger, JA757 og New Hampshire viste en markant forskellig sensorisk profil. Hvor JA757 fik bedre score i visse lugt og smagsegenskaber, opnüede New Hampshire bedre score i teksturegenskaber som f.eks. mørhed og saftighed. For begge afstamninger var smagen og lugten af frisk kylling lavere ved højere slagtealder

    Økologisk Ìgproduktion: Produktion, sundhed, ernÌring og nÌringsstofhusholdning

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    Økologisk Ìgproduktion har bidt sig fast som en af Danmarks største økologiske fødevaresucceser mült som andel produceret og solgt økologisk. Økologisk Ìgproduktion er efter økologisk mÌlkeproduktion den vigtigste animalske økologiske produktion i Danmark. Det er imidlertid en produktionsform, der er følsom overfor kritik. I forbrugernes øjne er økologiske Ìg et alternativ til Ìg fra burÌgproduktion, som primÌrt er kritiseret for manglende dyrevelfÌrd. Det er derfor vigtigt, at den økologiske Ìgproduktion kan dokumentere en tilfredsstillende dyrevelfÌrd. Dette aktualiseres af, at traditionel burÌgsproduktion er under udfasning i EU og at økologisk Ìgproduktion i fremtiden skal konkurrere mod nye alternative indhusningsformer med fokus pü dyrevelfÌrd. I den økologiske bevÌgelse er der bekymring over den miljømÌssige bÌredygtighed i ensidig økologisk Ìgproduktion. Det er derfor vigtigt for de økologiske Ìgproducenter at kunne dokumentere et tilfredsstillende nÌringsstofregnskab
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