40 research outputs found

    Capacities of Quantum Channels for Massive Bosons and Fermions

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    We consider the capacity of classical information transfer for noiseless quantum channels carrying a finite average number of massive bosons and fermions. The maximum capacity is attained by transferring the Fock states generated from the grand-canonical ensemble. Interestingly, the channel capacity for a Bose gas indicates the onset of a Bose-Einstein condensation, by changing its qualitative behavior at the criticality, while for a channel carrying weakly attractive fermions, it exhibits the signatures of Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer transition. We also show that for noninteracting particles, fermions are better carriers of information than bosons.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figures, RevTeX4; v2: discussions added, small changes, published versio

    Capacities of noiseless quantum channels for massive indistinguishable particles: Bosons vs. fermions

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    We consider information transmission through a noiseless quantum channel, where the information is encoded into massive indistinguishable particles: bosons or fermions. We study the situation in which the particles are noninteracting. The encoding input states obey a set of physically motivated constraints on the mean values of the energy and particle number. In such a case, the determination of both classical and quantum capacity reduces to a constrained maximization of entropy. In the case of noninteracting bosons, signatures of Bose Einstein condensation can be observed in the behavior of the capacity. A major motivation for these considerations is to compare the information carrying capacities of channels that carry bosons with those that carry fermions. We show analytically that fermions generally provide higher channel capacity, i.e., they are better suited for transferring bits as well as qubits, in comparison to bosons. This holds for a large range of power law potentials, and for moderate to high temperatures. Numerical simulations seem to indicate that the result holds for all temperatures. Also, we consider the low temperature behavior for the three-dimensional box and harmonic trap, and again we show that the fermionic capacity is higher than the bosonic one for sufficiently low temperatures.Comment: 16 pages, 8 eps figures, RevTeX4; v2: small change in a figure; v3: significant new additions about quantum capacity, previous results unchanged, title changed, published versio

    Evaluation of shear modulus based on shear wave velocity tests for cohesive soils

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    W niniejszej pracy zaproponowano empiryczne związki umożliwiające szacowanie modułu odkształcenia postaciowego (GMax) gruntu na podstawie standardowo określanych w badaniach parametrów geotechnicznych. Praca zawiera analizę wyników pomiarów prędkości fali poprzecznej w aparacie trójosiowego ściskania z piezoelementami typu bender, wykonanych na próbkach gruntów spoistych.This work contains proposition of the empirical relationship based on a standard laboratory tests for the estimation the initial shear modulus (GMax) for cohesive soils. The analysis of the results of measurements shear wave velocity from bender elements tests was presented

    Experimental Results of High-Resolution ISAR Imaging of Ground-Moving Vehicles with a Stationary FMCW Radar

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    In the paper experimental results of ISAR (Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar) processing obtained with highresolution radar are presented. Targets under observation were ground moving vehicles, such as cars, trucks and tractors. The experiments were performed with a FMCW (FrequencyModulated Continuous-Wave) radar operating at 94 GHz with almost 1 GHz of bandwidth. Due to the measurement scenario more typical for SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar), than ISAR, i.e. targets moving along straight line crossing the antenna beam, algorithms usually applied for SAR processing have been used

    Ist stage evacuation of educational Oobjects – project approach. Introduction

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    Autorzy zaprezentowali autorski sposób implementacji elementów teorii zarządzania projektami na grunt problematyki ewakuacji z placówek oświatowych. Bazowali na metodyce opracowanej przez Project Management Institute (PMIR), uzupełniając ją o wybrane treści metodyki Prince2R. W części pierwszej nakreślono zasadnicze aspekty ewakuacji I stopnia z placówek oświatowych, uwypuklając jej cechy charakterystyczne. Następnie zaprezentowano właściwy proces w świetle projektu, wspominając o takich kluczowych aspektach wykonawczych, jak grupy procesów zarządzania oraz obszary wiedzy. Artykuł wzbogacono o wskazówki, które można potraktować jako strukturę poznania w badaniach nad określaniem szczegółowych zasad i wytycznych dotyczących zarządzania projektem ewakuacji I stopnia w placówce oświatowej w odniesieniu do poszczególnych obszarów wiedzy z zakresu zarządzania projektami.Evacuation is an one of the basic manners for protecting occupants of educational objects. At the highest level of generality, it consists in moving people, animals and/or property from danger zone to safer place. Ist stage evacuation of educational object is a temporary activeness of its object personnel as well as public and private entities responsible for relevant safety, that consists in urgent moving the occupants in the face of unexpected direct danger to life to more safe place. Consequently, it meets requirement for project definition. Implementation of project management methodologies into the research realm requires a simplification due to adapting them to circumstances of urgent activeness in direct danger to life. Thus, management processes’ structure is obtained and the processes can be procedurally described with meeting requirements of both real and exercise conditions

    Evacuation of Educational Objects – Project Approach. Part 2

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    W drugiej części artykułu autorzy kontynuują prezentację sposobu implementacji elementów teorii zarządzania projektami na grunt problematyki ewakuacji z placówek oświatowych. W tym kontekście pogłębiono stopień eksploracji metodyki opracowanej przez Project Management Institute. W tej części odniesiono się do kwestii zarządzania zakresem ewakuacji I stopnia placówki oświatowej. Zwrócono przy tym uwagę na najbardziej istotne, zdaniem autorów, aspekty korespondujące z charakterem analizowanych działań operacyjnych. Artykuł wzbogacono o informacje szczegółowe stanowiące wytyczne dotyczące zarządzania zakresem w rozpatrywanym kontekście.Scope management related to Ist stage evacuation of educational objects ascribes into the conception of project management. The scope is understood as a whole spectrum of activities that should be carry out facing threats for protection of people and crucial resources localized in abovementioned objects. Specification of Ist stage evacuation in analyzed context fundamentally determines manners concerning project management theory and practice implementation. Consequently, such scope management issues need to be taken into consideration as requirements collection, scope definition, Work Breakdown Structure creation, scope validation and scope control. Furthermore, it is crucial to analyze stakeholders’ expectations. Thus, requirements of management representatives, teachers, support personnel, kids/students, parents and public services state a background for scope definition and further scope management activities. Summarizing, implementation of management approach allows to order issues related to the scope. Many analytical tools object logic of use create foundations for holistic dealing with describing aspects, with direct influence for safety of all users in educational objects

    German Statutory Corporate Rescue Proceedings: The Insolvenzplan Procedure

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