14 research outputs found
Transcriptional signatures of somatic neoblasts and germline cells in <i>Macrostomum lignano</i>
The regeneration-capable flatworm <i>Macrostomum lignano</i> is a powerful model organism to study the biology of stem cells in vivo. As a flatworm amenable to transgenesis, it complements the historically used planarian flatworm models, such as <i>Schmidtea mediterranea</i>. However, information on the transcriptome and markers of stem cells in <i>M. lignano</i> is limited. We generated a de novo transcriptome assembly and performed the first comprehensive characterization of gene expression in the proliferating cells of <i>M. lignano</i>, represented by somatic stem cells, called neoblasts, and germline cells. Knockdown of a selected set of neoblast genes, including <i>Mlig-ddx39</i>, <i>Mlig-rrm1</i>, <i>Mlig-rpa3</i>, <i>Mlig-cdk1</i>, and <i>Mlig-h2a</i>, confirmed their crucial role for the functionality of somatic neoblasts during homeostasis and regeneration. The generated <i>M. lignano</i> transcriptome assembly and gene expression signatures of somatic neoblasts and germline cells will be a valuable resource for future molecular studies in <i>M. lignano</i>
Language, Truth, and Logic and the Anglophone reception of the Vienna Circle
A. J. Ayer’s Language, Truth, and Logic had been responsible for introducing the Vienna Circle’s ideas, developed within a Germanophone framework, to an Anglophone readership. Inevitably, this migration from one context to another resulted in the alteration of some of the concepts being transmitted. Such alterations have served to facilitate a number of false impressions of Logical Empiricism from which recent scholarship still tries to recover. In this paper, I will attempt to point to the ways in which LTL has helped to foster the various mistaken stereotypes about Logical Empiricism which were combined into the received view. I will begin by examining Ayer’s all too brief presentation of an Anglocentric lineage for his ideas. This lineage, as we shall see, simply omits the major 19th century Germanophone influences on the rise of analytic philosophy. The Germanophone ideas he presents are selectively introduced into an Anglophone context, and directed towards various concerns that arose within that context. I will focus on the differences between Carnap’s version of the overcoming of metaphysics, and Ayer’s reconfiguration into what he calls the elimination of metaphysics. Having discussed the above, I will very briefly outline the consequences that Ayer’s radicalisation of the Vienna Circle’s doctrines had on the subsequent Anglophone reception of Logical Empiricism
停留精巣の研究 第3報: 停留精巣患者における精巣内複合糖質の組織化学的研究
3~37歳の停留精巣患者23例の停留精巣および対側陰嚢内精巣において, 光顕組織化学的方法にて複合糖質の変化を観察し, さらに正常精巣組織と比較した.停留精巣精細管壁及び間質では, 正常精巣に比べ酸性ムコ多糖(精細管壁:コンドロイチン硫酸A及びC, 間質:コンドロイチン硫酸B)が減少し, 特に精細管壁において顕著であった.なお, 患側精細管上皮においては, 思春期前から思春期以後を通じ, グリコーゲン及びガラクトース含有量の減少が認められたThe complex carbohydrates in the undescended and contralateral scrotal testes of patients with cryptorchidism, were examined by light microscopic histochemical methods, in comparison with those of normal testes. In the undescended testes, histochemical reactions for acidic and neutral complex carbohydrates were apparently weaker than in the normal testes, especially pronounced in the seminiferous tubular walls. In the germinal and supporting cells of the undescended testes, the amount of galactose residues in the complex carbohydrates decreased from the prepubertal to post-pubertal periods. Periodic acid-Schiff reaction also revealed a decrease in the glycogen content in the germinal and supporting cells of the undescended testes from pre-pubertal to post-pubertal periods
Clinical effect of buprenorphine in ureteral colic
1)尿管結石による疼痛発作患者21例において, Buprenorphine 0.2 mgを筋注後のIVPで, 腎盂尿管像が描出され, 結石の位置の確認が容易であった.2) 19例で疼痛が改善された.3)重篤な副作用はなく, 6例に軽度のふらつきが認められたが安静にて軽快したBuprenorphine, a new analgesic, was administered at a dose of 0.2 mg by intramuscular injection to 21 patients with acute ureteral colic. The patients consisted of 14 males and 7 females with a mean age of 42. In all cases, the diagnosis was confirmed based on intravenous urography performed after the treatment. In 19 of the 21 patients, colicky pain was reduced at least within one hour after the administration of buprenorphine. No significant changes in the pulse or blood pressure were observed. In 6 patients, mild dizziness or nausea was observed, and none of the patients required withdrawal of the treatment. Clinical use of buprenorphine was considered to the effective and safe in patients with ureteral colic