728 research outputs found

    Collective Spin-Density-Wave Response Perpendicular to the Chains of the Quasi One-Dimensional Conductor (TMTSF)2PF6

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    Microwave experiments along all three directions of the spin-density-wave model compound (TMTSF)2_2PF6_6 reveal that the pinned mode resonance is present along the aa and bb^{\prime} axes. The collective transport is considered to be the fingerprint of the condensate. In contrast to common quasi one-dimensional models, the density wave also slides in the perpendicular bb^{\prime} direction. The collective response is absent along the least conducting cc^* direction.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamics of photoinduced Charge Density Wave-metal phase transition in K0.3MoO3

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    We present first systematic studies of the photoinduced phase transition from the ground charge density wave (CDW) state to the normal metallic (M) state in the prototype quasi-1D CDW system K0.3MoO3. Ultrafast non-thermal CDW melting is achieved at the absorbed energy density that corresponds to the electronic energy difference between the metallic and CDW states. The results imply that on the sub-picosecond timescale when melting and subsequent initial recovery of the electronic order takes place the lattice remains unperturbed.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett., accepted for publicatio

    Bose-Fermi Mixtures in One Dimension

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    We analyze the phase stability and the response of a mixture of bosons and spin-polarized fermions in one dimension (1D). Unlike in 3D, phase separation happens for low fermion densities. The dynamics of the mixture at low energy is independent of the spin-statistics of the components, and zero-sound-like modes exist that are essentially undamped.Comment: 5 pages; 1 figur

    Thermodynamics of the two-dimensional Falicov-Kimball model: a classical Monte Carlo study

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    The two-dimensional Falicov-Kimball (FK) model is analyzed using Monte Carlo method. In the case of concentrations of both itinerant and localized particles equal to 0.5 we determine temperature dependence of specific heat, charge density wave susceptibility and density-density correlation function. In the weak interaction regime we find a first order transition to the ordered state and anomalous temperature dependence of the correlation function. We construct the phase diagram of half-filled FK model. Also, the role of next-nearest-neighbor hopping on the phase diagram is analyzed. Lastly, we discuss the density of states and the spectral functions for the mobile particles in weak and strong interaction regime.Comment: 15 pages, RevTe

    Gapped optical excitations from gapless phases: imperfect nesting in unconventional density waves

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    We consider the effect of imperfect nesting in quasi-one-dimensional unconventional density waves in the case, when the imperfect nesting and the gap depends on the same wavevector component. The phase diagram is very similar to that in a conventional density wave. The density of states is highly asymmetric with respect to the Fermi energy. The optical conductivity at T=0 remains unchanged for small deviations from perfect nesting. For higher imperfect nesting parameter, an optical gap opens, and considerable amount of spectral weight is transferred to higher frequencies. This makes the optical response of our system very similar to that of a conventional density wave. Qualitatively similar results are expected in d-density waves.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    X-ray spectrum of a pinned charge density wave

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    We calculate the X-ray diffraction spectrum produced by a pinned charge density wave (CDW). The signature of the presence of a CDW consists of two satellite peaks, asymmetric as a consequence of disorder. The shape and the intensity of these peaks are determined in the case of a collective weak pinning using the variational method. We predict divergent asymmetric peaks, revealing the presence of a Bragg glass phase. We deal also with the long range Coulomb interactions, concluding that both peak divergence and anisotropy are enhanced. Finally we discuss how to detect experimentally the Bragg glass phase in the view of the role played by the finite resolution of measurements.Comment: 13 pages 10 figure

    Disentanglement of the electronic and lattice parts of the order parameter in a 1D Charge Density Wave system probed by femtosecond spectroscopy

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    We report on the high resolution studies of the temperature (T) dependence of the q=0 phonon spectrum in the quasi one-dimensional charge density wave (CDW) compound K0.3MoO3 utilizing time-resolved optical spectroscopy. Numerous modes that appear below Tc show pronounced T-dependences of their amplitudes, frequencies and dampings. Utilizing the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory we show that these modes result from linear coupling of the electronic part of the order parameter to the 2kF phonons, while the (electronic) CDW amplitude mode is overdamped.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures + supplementary material, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Charge-density Waves Survive the Pauli Paramagnetic Limit

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    Measurements of the resistance of single crystals of (Per)2_2Au(mnt)2_2 have been made at magnetic fields BB of up to 45 T, exceeding the Pauli paramagnetic limit of BP37B_{\rm P}\approx 37 T. The continued presence of non-linear charge-density wave electrodynamics at B37B \geq 37 T unambiguously establishes the survival of the charge-density wave state above the Pauli paramagnetic limit, and the likely emergence of an inhomogeneous phase analogous to that anticipated to occur in superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, three figure

    Theoretical Study of Friction: A Case of One-Dimensional Clean Surfaces

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    A new method has been proposed to evaluate the frictional force in the stationary state. This method is applied to the 1-dimensional model of clean surfaces. The kinetic frictional force is seen to depend on velocity in general, but the dependence becomes weaker as the maximum static frictional force increases and in the limiting case the kinetic friction gets only weakly dependent on velocity as described by one of the laws of friction. It is also shown that there is a phase transition between state with vanishing maximum static frictional force and that with finite one. The role of randomness at the interface and the relation to the impurity pinning of the sliding Charge-Density-Wave are discussed. to appear in Phys.Rev.B. abstract only. Full text is available upon request. E-mail: [email protected]: 2 pages, Plain TEX, OUCMT-94-