402 research outputs found

    Europeizacija civilnog društva u Poljskoj

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    The paper presents a preliminary diagnosis of the changes that have affected Polish civil society along the trajectory of Europeanization over the 1990s and early 2000s. First, the continuing structural transformation of the civil society organizations is described and analysed. The phenomena of uneven growth and multifaceted differentiation of the sector are emphasized. Legal and institutional arrangements aimed at the levelling of the formal position which civil society actors occupy in the public sphere of the country vis-à-vis the state and market actors are then discussed. Using the case of the involvement of Polish civil society actors in new institutionalized partnership settings related to the implementation of EU structural funds, the levelling arrangements, introduced under the banner of Europeanized modes of governance, are finally put to an empirical test to probe their effectiveness and adequacy in the post-Communist country.Ovaj rad daje preliminarni pregled promjena koje su utjecale na poljsko civilno društvo tijekom procesa europeizacije u devedesetim godinama dvadesetog stoljeća i početkom dvadeset prvog stoljeća. Prvo se opisuje i analizira trajna strukturalna transformacija organizacija civilnog društva. Naglašavaju se fenomeni neravnomjernog razvoja i raznovrsne diferencijacije tog sektora. Zatim se raspravlja o zakonskim i institucionalnim rješenjima usmjerenim prema izjednačavanju formalnog položaja koji akteri civilnog društva zauzimaju u javnoj sferi zemlje nasuprot državi i tržišnim akterima. Na slučaju uključenosti poljskih aktera civilnoga društva u nova institucionalizirana partnerstva povezana s korištenjem strukturalnih fondova Europske Unije, novi sporazumi o izjednačavanju, uvedeni u skladu s europeiziranim načinima vladavine, podvrgavaju se empirijskom testiranju kako bi se ispitala njihova učinkovitost i primjerenost u postkomunističkoj zemlji

    The FPGA-based Continious FFT Tune Measurement System for the LHC and its test at the CERN SPS

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    A base band tune (BBQ) measurement system has been developed at CERN. This system is based on a high-sensitivity direct-diode detection technique followed by a high resolution FFT algorithm implemented in an FPGA. The system allows acquisition of continuous real-time spectra with 32-bit resolution, while a digital frequency synthesiser (DFS) can provide an acquisition synchronised chirp excitation. All the implemented algorithms support dynamic reconfiguration of processing and excitation parameters. Results from both laboratory measurements and tests performed with beam at the CERN SPS are presented

    Aperture Restriction Localisation in the LHC Arcs using an RF Mole and the LHC Beam Position Measurement System

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    Ensuring that the two 27km beam pipes of the LHC do not contain aperture restrictions is of utmost importance. Most of the ring is composed of continuous cryostats, so any intervention to remove aperture restrictions when the machine is at its operating temperature of 1.9K will require a substantial amount of time. On warming-up the first cooled sector, several of the sliding contacts which provide electrical continuity for the beam image current between successive sections of the vacuum chamber were found to have buckled into the beam pipe. This led to a search for a technique to verify the integrity of a complete LHC arc (~3km) before any subsequent cool-down. In this paper the successful results from using a polycarbonate ball fitted with a 40MHz RF transmitter are presented. Propulsion of the ball is achieved by sucking filtered air through the entire arc, while its progress is traced every 54m via the LHC beam position measurement system which is auto-triggered by the RF transmitter on passage of the ball. Reflectometry at frequencies in the 4-8 GHz range can cover the gaps between beam position monitors and could therefore be used to localise a ball blocked by an obstacle

    Transverse Impedance of LHC Collimators

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    The transverse impedance in the LHC is expected to be dominated by the numerous collimators, most of which are made of Fibre-Reinforced-Carbon to withstand the impacts of high intensity proton beams in case of failures, and which will be moved very close to the beam, with full gaps of few millimetres, in order to protect surrounding super-conducting equipments. We present an estimate of the transverse resistive-wall impedance of the LHC collimators, the total impedance in the LHC at injection and top energy, the induced coupled-bunch growth rates and tune shifts, and finally the result of the comparison of the theoretical predictions with measurements performed in 2004 and 2006 on a prototype collimator installed in the SPS

    Studies of the Ag-In phase diagram and surface tension measurements

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    The phase boundaries of the Ag-In binary system were determined by the diffusion couple method, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and metallographic techniques. The results show that the region of the zeta (hcp) phase is narrower than that reported previously. Thermodynamic calculation of the Ag-In system is presented by taking into account the experimental results obtained by the present and previous works, including the data on the phase equilibria and thermochemical properties. The Gibbs energies of liquid and solid solution phases are described on the basis of the sub-regular solution model, and that of the intermetallic compounds are based on the two-sublattices model. A consistent set of thermodynamic parameters has been optimized for describing the Gibbs energy of each phase, which leads to a good fit between calculated and experimental results. The maximum bubble pressure method has been used to measure the surface tension and densities of liquid In, Ag, and five binary alloys in the temperature range from 227 degreesC to about 1170 degreesC. On the basis of the thermodynamic parameters of the liquid phase obtained by the present optimization, the surface tensions are calculated using Butler's model. It is shown that the calculated values of the surface tensions are in fair agreement with the experimental data

    Experimental determination and thermodynamic calculation of the phase equilibria and surface tension in the Sn-Ag-In system

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    The phase equilibria of the Sn-Ag-In system were investigated by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and metallography. The isothermal sections at 180-600degreesC, as well as some vertical sections, were determined. Thermodynamic assessment of this system was also carried out based on the experimental data of thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria using the calculation of phase diagram (CALPHAD) method, in which the Gibbs energies of the liquid, fcc, and hcp phases are described by the subregular solution model, and those of compounds are represented by the sublattice model. The thermodynamic parameters for describing the phase equilibria were optimized, and reasonable agreement between the calculated and experimental results was obtained. The maximum bubble-pressure method and dilatometric method have been used in measurements of the surface tension and density of the binary In-Sn and ternary (Sn-3.8Ag)(eut) + In (5 at.% and 10 at.%) liquid alloys, respectively. The experiments were performed in the temperature range from 160-930degreesC. The experimental data of the surface tension were compared with those obtained by the thermodynamic calculation of Butler's model

    Genetic Evidence That the Non-Homologous End-Joining Repair Pathway Is Involved in LINE Retrotransposition

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    Long interspersed elements (LINEs) are transposable elements that proliferate within eukaryotic genomes, having a large impact on eukaryotic genome evolution. LINEs mobilize via a process called retrotransposition. Although the role of the LINE-encoded protein(s) in retrotransposition has been extensively investigated, the participation of host-encoded factors in retrotransposition remains unclear. To address this issue, we examined retrotransposition frequencies of two structurally different LINEs—zebrafish ZfL2-2 and human L1—in knockout chicken DT40 cell lines deficient in genes involved in the non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) repair of DNA and in human HeLa cells treated with a drug that inhibits NHEJ. Deficiencies of NHEJ proteins decreased retrotransposition frequencies of both LINEs in these cells, suggesting that NHEJ is involved in LINE retrotransposition. More precise characterization of ZfL2-2 insertions in DT40 cells permitted us to consider the possibility of dual roles for NHEJ in LINE retrotransposition, namely to ensure efficient integration of LINEs and to restrict their full-length formation