1,428 research outputs found

    Relaxing Cosmological Constraints on Large Extra Dimensions

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    We reconsider cosmological constraints on extra dimension theories from the excess production of Kaluza-Klein gravitons. We point out that, if the normalcy temperature is above 1 GeV, then graviton states produced at this temperature will decay early enough that they do not affect the present day dark matter density, or the diffuse gamma ray background. We rederive the relevant cosmological constraints for this scenario.Comment: 17 pages, latex, revtex4; added a short discussion of other constraints, reference

    The Zero Age Main Sequence of WIMP burners

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    We modify a stellar structure code to estimate the effect upon the main sequence of the accretion of weakly interacting dark matter onto stars and its subsequent annihilation. The effect upon the stars depends upon whether the energy generation rate from dark matter annihilation is large enough to shut off the nuclear burning in the star. Main sequence WIMP burners look much like protostars moving on the Hayashi track, although they are in principle completely stable. We make some brief comments about where such stars could be found, how they might be observed and more detailed simulations which are currently in progress. Finally we comment on whether or not it is possible to link the paradoxically young OB stars found at the galactic centre with WIMP burners.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figs. Matches published versio

    Dark Matter Capture in the First Stars: a Power Source and Limit on Stellar Mass

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    The annihilation of weakly interacting massive particles can provide an important heat source for the first (Pop. III) stars, potentially leading to a new phase of stellar evolution known as a "Dark Star". When dark matter (DM) capture via scattering off of baryons is included, the luminosity from DM annihilation may dominate over the luminosity due to fusion, depending on the DM density and scattering cross-section. The influx of DM due to capture may thus prolong the lifetime of the Dark Stars. Comparison of DM luminosity with the Eddington luminosity for the star may constrain the stellar mass of zero metallicity stars; in this case DM will uniquely determine the mass of the first stars. Alternatively, if sufficiently massive Pop. III stars are found, they might be used to bound dark matter properties.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, 3 Tables updated captions and graphs, corrected grammer, and added citations revised for submission to JCA

    3d Spinfoam Quantum Gravity: Matter as a Phase of the Group Field Theory

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    An effective field theory for matter coupled to three-dimensional quantum gravity was recently derived in the context of spinfoam models in hep-th/0512113. In this paper, we show how this relates to group field theories and generalized matrix models. In the first part, we realize that the effective field theory can be recasted as a matrix model where couplings between matrices of different sizes can occur. In a second part, we provide a family of classical solutions to the three-dimensional group field theory. By studying perturbations around these solutions, we generate the dynamics of the effective field theory. We identify a particular case which leads to the action of hep-th/0512113 for a massive field living in a flat non-commutative space-time. The most general solutions lead to field theories with non-linear redefinitions of the momentum which we propose to interpret as living on curved space-times. We conclude by discussing the possible extension to four-dimensional spinfoam models.Comment: 17 pages, revtex4, 1 figur

    Discriminating Minimal SUGRA and Minimal Gauge Mediation Models at the Early LHC

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    Among various supersymmetric (SUSY) standard models, the gravity mediation model with a neutralino LSP and the gauge mediation model with a very light gravitino are attractive from the cosmological view point. These models have different scales of SUSY breaking and their underlying physics in high energy is quite different. However, if the sparticles' decay into the gravitino is prompt in the latter case, their collider signatures can be similar: multiple jets and missing transverse momentum. In this paper, we study the discrimination between these models in minimal cases at the LHC based on the method using the significance variables in several different modes and show the discrimination is possible at a very early stage after the discovery.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures, captions improved, typos corrected, appendix added, version published in JHE

    Randall-Sundrum black holes and strange stars

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    It has recently been suggested that the existence of bare strange stars is incompatible with low scale gravity scenarios. It has been claimed that in such models, high energy neutrinos incident on the surface of a bare strange star would lead to catastrophic black hole growth. We point out that for the flat large extra dimensional case, the parts of parameter space which give rise to such growth are ruled out by other methods. We then go on to show in detail how black holes evolve in the the Randall-Sundrum two brane scenario where the extra dimensions are curved. We find that catastrophic black hole growth does not occur in this situation either. We also present some general expressions for the growth of five dimensional black holes in dense media.Comment: 16 pages, more numerics has lead to different path to same conclusion. Accepted in PR

    Coupling gauge theory to spinfoam 3d quantum gravity

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    We construct a spinfoam model for Yang-Mills theory coupled to quantum gravity in three dimensional riemannian spacetime. We define the partition function of the coupled system as a power series in g_0^2 G that can be evaluated order by order using grasping rules and the recoupling theory. With respect to previous attempts in the literature, this model assigns the dynamical variables of gravity and Yang-Mills theory to the same simplices of the spinfoam, and it thus provides transition amplitudes for the spin network states of the canonical theory. For SU(2) Yang-Mills theory we show explicitly that the partition function has a semiclassical limit given by the Regge discretization of the classical Yang-Mills action.Comment: 18 page