162,585 research outputs found

    Comment on ``Signal of Quark Deconfinement in the Timing Structure of Pulsar Spin-Down''

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    This is a comment on a paper by Glendenning, Pei, and Weber (Phys. Rev. Lett., 79, 1603, 1997), where the authors gave an incorrect estimate of the event rate and neglected the important gravitational energy release. Previous work on the same subject is reviewed, and a new suggestion is made to link quark-hadron phase transitions with soft gamma-ray repeaters.Comment: 4 pages; to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    The Steady-State Response of a Class of Dynamical Systems to Stochastic Excitation

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    In this paper a class of coupled nonlinear dynamical systems subjected to stochastic excitation is considered. It is shown how the exact steady-state probability density function for this class of systems can be constructed. The result is then applied to some classical oscillator problems

    Collapse and revival oscillations as a probe for the tunneling amplitude in an ultra-cold Bose gas

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    We present a theoretical study of the quantum corrections to the revival time due to finite tunneling in the collapse and revival of matter wave interference after a quantum quench. We study hard-core bosons in a superlattice potential and the Bose-Hubbard model by means of exact numerical approaches and mean-field theory. We consider systems without and with a trapping potential present. We show that the quantum corrections to the revival time can be used to accurately determine the value of the hopping parameter in experiments with ultracold bosons in optical lattices.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, typos in section 3A correcte

    New "Square Root" Model of Lepton Family Cyclic Symmetry

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    Following the newly formulated notion of form invariance of the neutrino mass matrix, a complete model of leptons is constructed. It is based on a specific unitary 3 X 3 matrix U in family space, such that U^2 is the simple discrete symmetry nu_e to -nu_e, nu_mu to nu_tau. Thus U also generates the cyclic group Z_4. The charged-lepton mass matrix is nearly diagonal while the neutrino mass matrix is of the form suitable for explaining maximal (large) mixing in atmospheric (solar) neutrino oscillations in the context of three nearly degenerate neutrino masses. Observable lepton flavor violation is predicted. Quarks may be treated in the same way as the charged leptons.Comment: 10 pages, no figur

    Decay of the Z Boson into Scalar Particles

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    In extensions of the standard model, light scalar particles are often possible because of symmetry considerations. We study the decay of the Z boson into such particles. In particular, we consider for illustration the scalar sector of a recently proposed model of the 17-keV neutrino which satisfies all laboratory, astrophysical, and cosmological constraints.Comment: 11 pages (2 figures, not included) (Revised, Oct 1992). Some equations have been corrected and 1 figure has been eliminate

    Critical Exponents of the Metal-Insulator Transition in the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model

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    We study the filling-controlled metal-insulator transition in the two-dimensional Hubbard model near half-filling with the use of zero temperature quantum Monte Carlo methods. In the metallic phase, the compressibility behaves as κμμc0.58±0.08\kappa \propto |\mu - \mu_c|^{-0.58\pm0.08} where μc\mu_c is the critical chemical potential. In the insulating phase, the localization length follows ξlμμcνl\xi_l \propto |\mu - \mu_c|^{-\nu_l} with νl=0.26±0.05\nu_l = 0.26 \pm 0.05. Under the assumption of hyperscaling, the compressibility data leads to a correlation length exponent νκ=0.21±0.04\nu_\kappa = 0.21 \pm 0.04. Our results show that the exponents νκ\nu_\kappa and νl\nu_l agree within statistical uncertainty. This confirms the assumption of hyperscaling with correlation length exponent ν=1/4\nu = 1/4 and dynamical exponent z=4z = 4. In contrast the metal-insulator transition in the generic band insulators in all dimensions as well as in the one-dimensional Hubbard model satisfy the hyperscaling assumption with exponents ν=1/2\nu = 1/2 and z=2z = 2.Comment: Two references added. The DVI file and PS figure files are also available at http://www.issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp/labs/riron/imada/furukawa/; to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 65 (1996) No.

    Heavy top quark from Fritzsch mass matrices

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    It is shown, contrary to common belief, that the Fritzsch ansatz for the quark mass matrices admits a heavy top quark. With the ansatz prescribed at the supersymmetric grand unified (GUT) scale, one finds that the top quark may be as heavy as 145 GeV, provided that tanβ\beta (the ratio of the vacuum expectation values of the two higgs doublets) 1\gg 1. Within a non-supersymmetric GUT framework with two (one) light higgs doublets, the corresponding approximate upper bound on the top mass is 120 (90)120~ (90) GeV. Our results are based on a general one--loop renormalization group analysis of the quark masses and mixing angles and are readily applied to alternative mass matrix ans\"{a}tze.Comment: LaTeX, 14 figures (not included, available on request

    Low frequency elastic wave propagation in 2D locally resonant phononic crystal with asymmetric resonator

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    The resonance modes and the related effects to the transmission of elastic waves in a two dimensional phononic crystal formed by periodic arrangements of a two blocks unit cell in one direction are studied. The unit cell consists of two asymmetric elliptic cylinders coated with silicon rubber and embedded in a rigid matrix. The modes are obtained by the semi-analytic method in the least square collocation scheme and confirmed by the finite element method simulations. Two resonance modes, corresponding to the vibration of the cylinder along the long and short axes, give rise to resonance reflections of elastic waves. One mode in between the two modes, related to the opposite vibration of the two cylinders in the unit cell in the direction along the layer, results in the total transmission of elastic waves due to zero effective mass density at the frequency. The resonance frequency of this new mode changes continuously with the orientation angle of the elliptic resonator.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Tuning the onset voltage of resonant tunneling through InAs quantum dots by growth parameters

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    We investigated the size dependence of the ground state energy in self-assembled InAs quantum dots embedded in resonant tunneling diodes. Individual current steps observed in the current-voltage characteristics are attributed to resonant single-electron tunneling via the ground state of individual InAs quantum dots. The onset voltage of the first step observed is shown to decrease systematically from 200 mV to 0 with increasing InAs coverage. We relate this to a coverage-dependent size of InAs dots grown on AlAs. The results are confirmed by atomic force micrographs and photoluminescence experiments on reference samples.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure