2,285 research outputs found

    The range of V - R colors for a cluster of E and S0 galaxies as a function of redshift

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    The expected (V - R) color distribution for a centrally condensed, relaxed cluster of E and S0 galaxies has been calculated as a function of redshift. Because of the differences in the ultraviolet spectra of E and S0 galaxies, which are correlated with absolute magnitude, the spread in (V - R) colors for such a cluster becomes increasingly wide for increasing redshift. This effect becomes pronounced for redshifts of 0.4 and beyond. Thus evidence for the color evolution of cluster galaxies will be seen as an additional broadening of the color distribution

    The Progenitor Masses of Wolf-Rayet Stars and Luminous Blue Variables Determined from Cluster Turn-offs. II. Results from 12 Galactic Clusters and OB Associations

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    Here we examine 12 Galactic clusters and OB associations containing Wolf-Rayet stars (W-Rs) and/or Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs), in order to assess the progentor masses of these evolved massive stars. We find that in the Milky Way, early-type WN stars evolve from stars with masses as low as 20Mo. Some early-type WN stars are found in clusters with very high turn-off masses, supporting our earlier results that the "WNE" class of W-Rs is a common stage in the evolution of stars with a wide range of mases. In contrast, the late-type WNs (particularly those of WN7 class) and the LBVs are only found in clusters with the very highest turn-off masses, suggesting that only the most massive stars evolve to these objects. An examination of the environment of the archetype LBV Eta Car reveals that this star is coeval with the rest of the Tr14/16 association, suggesting that its LBV properties is a normal consequence of evolution, and has little to do with the possibility that it is a binary.Comment: Scheduled for the Feb 2001 issue of the Astronomical Journal. Postscript version including figs from ftp://ftp.lowell.edu/pub/massey/galwr.ps.g

    The star formation history of Trumpler 14 and Trumpler 16

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    H-R diagrams are presented for the very young galactic clusters Trumpler 14 and Trumpler 16, which are the two most populous clusters in the region of vigorous star formation surrounding η Carinae. Point spread function photometry of UBV CCD images is presented down to V~19 for over 560 stars in Tr 16 and 290 stars in Tr 14. We have also obtained similar data for a local background field. After determining cluster membership through proper motions from a previous work, we find that the reddening of cluster members is significantly lower than that of the local background stars. Thus, we are able to use individual reddenings to identify likely members at far deeper levels than possible with proper motions. This work has revealed a significant population of pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars in both clusters. The location of the PMS stars in the H-R diagram indicates that the theoretical ``stellar birthline'' of Palla & Stahler follows the locus of stars far better than that of Beech & Mitalas. Comparison with both pre- and post-main-sequence isochrones also reveals that although intermediate-mass stars have been forming continuously over the last 10 Myr, the high-mass stars formed within the last 3 Myr. There is no evidence that the formation of the intermediate-mass stars was truncated by the formation of the high-mass stars

    Invariants of Artinian Gorenstein Algebras and Isolated Hypersurface Singularities

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    We survey our recently proposed method for constructing biholomorphic invariants of quasihomogeneous isolated hypersurface singularities and, more generally, invariants of graded Artinian Gorenstein algebras. The method utilizes certain polynomials associated to such algebras, called nil-polynomials, and we compare them with two other classes of polynomials that have also been used to produce invariants.Comment: 13 page

    Population Connectivity Measures of Fishery-Targeted Coral Reef Species to Inform Marine Reserve Network Design in Fiji

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    Coral reef fish serve as food sources to coastal communities worldwide, yet are vulnerable to mounting anthropogenic pressures like overfishing and climate change. Marine reserve networks have become important tools for mitigating these pressures, and one of the most critical factors in determining their spatial design is the degree of connectivity among different populations of species prioritized for protection. To help inform the spatial design of an expanded reserve network in Fiji, we used rapidly evolving mitochondrial genes to investigate connectivity patterns of three coral reef species targeted by fisheries in Fiji: Epinephelus merra (Serranidae), Halichoeres trimaculatus (Labridae), and Holothuria atra (Holothuriidae). The two fish species, E. merra and Ha. trimaculatus, exhibited low genetic structuring and high amounts of gene flow, whereas the sea cucumber Ho. atra displayed high genetic partitioning and predominantly westward gene flow. The idiosyncratic patterns observed among these species indicate that patterns of connectivity in Fiji are likely determined by a combination of oceanographic and ecological characteristics. Our data indicate that in the cases of species with high connectivity, other factors such as representation or political availability may dictate where reserves are placed. In low connectivity species, ensuring upstream and downstream connections is critical

    Ion Larmor radius effects near a reconnection X line at the magnetopause: THEMIS observations and simulation comparison

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    We report a Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS-D) spacecraft crossing of a magnetopause reconnection exhaust ~9 ion skin depths (di) downstream of an X line. The crossing was characterized by ion jetting at speeds substantially below the predicted reconnection outflow speed. In the magnetospheric inflow region THEMIS detected (a) penetration of magnetosheath ions and the resulting flows perpendicular to the reconnection plane, (b) ion outflow extending into the magnetosphere, and (c) enhanced electron parallel temperature. Comparison with a simulation suggests that these signatures are associated with the gyration of magnetosheath ions onto magnetospheric field lines due to the shift of the flow stagnation point toward the low-density magnetosphere. Our observations indicate that these effects, ~2–3 di in width, extend at least 9 di downstream of the X line. The detection of these signatures could indicate large-scale proximity of the X line but do not imply that the spacecraft was upstream of the electron diffusion region