6,583 research outputs found


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    Do healthier diets cost more? We estimate a hedonic regression model of the U.S. diet. Given food expenditures and information on dietary intake we infer the marginal cost of improved quality. Meeting the Pyramid recommendations implies decreased expenditures from two of the seven food groups.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,


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    Participants in the Food Stamp Program consume more meats, added sugars, and total fats than they would in the absence of the program, while their consumption of fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy products stays about the same. Participants in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) consume significantly less added sugars, which may reflect the substitution of WIC-supplied juices and cereals in place of higher sugar soft drinks and cereals. These findings come from a study of low-income Americans using the Continuing Survey of Food Intake by Individuals.Nutrition assistance programs, food intake, dietary quality, Continuing Survey of Food Intake by Individuals (CSFII), Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Food Security and Poverty,

    Energy flows in vibrated granular media

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    We study vibrated granular media, investigating each of the three components of the energy flow: particle-particle dissipation, energy input at the vibrating wall, and particle-wall dissipation. Energy dissipated by interparticle collisions is well estimated by existing theories when the granular material is dilute, and these theories are extended to include rotational kinetic energy. When the granular material is dense, the observed particle-particle dissipation rate decreases to as little as 2/5 of the theoretical prediction. We observe that the rate of energy input is the weight of the granular material times an average vibration velocity times a function of the ratio of particle to vibration velocity. `Particle-wall' dissipation has been neglected in all theories up to now, but can play an important role when the granular material is dilute. The ratio between gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy can vary by as much as a factor of 3. Previous simulations and experiments have shown that E ~ V^delta, with delta=2 for dilute granular material, and delta ~ 1.5 for dense granular material. We relate this change in exponent to the departure of particle-particle dissipation from its theoretical value.Comment: 19 pages revtex, 10 embedded eps figures, accepted by PR

    Modeling Ellipsometry Measurements of Molecular Thin-Film Contamination on Genesis Array Samples

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    The discovery of a molecular thin-film contamination on Genesis flown array samples changed the course of preliminary assessment strategies. Analytical techniques developed to measure solar wind elemental abundances must now compensate for a thin-film contamination. Currently, this is done either by experimental cleaning before analyses or by depth-profiling techniques that bypass the surface contamination. Inside Johnson Space Center s Genesis dedicated ISO Class 4 (Class 10) cleanroom laboratory, the selection of collector array fragments allocated for solar wind analyses are based on the documentation of overall surface quality, visible surface particle contamination greater than 1 m, and the amount of thin film contamination measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Documenting the exact thickness, surface topography, and chemical composition of these contaminates is also critical for developing accurate cleaning methods. However, the first step in characterization of the molecular film is to develop accurate ellipsometry models that will determine an accurate thickness measurement of the contamination film

    Inelastic Collapse of Three Particles

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    A system of three particles undergoing inelastic collisions in arbitrary spatial dimensions is studied with the aim of establishing the domain of ``inelastic collapse''---an infinite number of collisions which take place in a finite time. Analytic and simulation results show that for a sufficiently small restitution coefficient, 0r<7430.0720\leq r<7-4\sqrt{3}\approx 0.072, collapse can occur. In one dimension, such a collapse is stable against small perturbations within this entire range. In higher dimensions, the collapse can be stable against small variations of initial conditions, within a smaller rr range, 0r<9450.0560\leq r<9-4\sqrt{5}\approx 0.056.Comment: 6 pages, figures on request, accepted by PR

    Dynamics of inelastically colliding rough spheres: Relaxation of translational and rotational energy

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    We study the exchange of kinetic energy between translational and rotational degrees of freedom for inelastic collisions of rough spheres. Even if equipartition holds in the initial state it is immediately destroyed by collisions. The simplest generalisation of the homogeneous cooling state allows for two temperatures, characterizing translational and rotational degrees of freedom separately. For times larger than a crossover frequency, which is determined by the Enskog frequency and the initial temperature, both energies decay algebraically like t2t^{-2} with a fixed ratio of amplitudes, different from one.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX, 2 eps figures, slightly expanded discussion, new figures with dimensionless units, added references, accepted for publication in PRE as a Rapid Com

    Labour efficiency on-farm

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    End of project reportImprovements in milking efficiency have a greater influence than any other aspect of the dairy farmers work on overall farm labour inputs (Whipp, 1992). In order to facilitate the examination of milking process labour inputs, the milking process may be divided into the following three components: herding pre and post milking (transfer of cows to and from the milking parlour); milking (milking tasks / work routines within the parlour); and washing (washing of milking machine and yard). Meanwhile, within milking specifically, the number of cows milked per operator per hour is the best measure of both the performance of the operator and the milking installation (Clough, 1978). This is affected by the following three factors: the milking times of the cows, the number and arrangement of the milking units, and the operator’s work routine (Whipp, 1992). The addition of extra milking units will only increase milking performance if the operator has idle time during milking (Hansen, 1999)

    Thermal convection in fluidized granular systems

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    Thermal convection is observed in molecular dynamic simulation of a fluidized granular system of nearly elastic hard disks moving under gravity, inside a rectangular box. Boundaries introduce no shearing or time dependence, but the energy injection comes from a slip (shear-free) thermalizing base. The top wall is perfectly elastic and lateral boundaries are either elastic or periodic. The observed convection comes from the effect of gravity and the spontaneous granular temperature gradient that the system dynamically develops.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure