448 research outputs found

    Digital Motif Design Inspired By Paksi Naga Liman

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    Nowadays the use of motifs has been widely used in all aspects of life, especially in fabrics. Looking at current technological developments, pattern design techniques can easily be done digitally. In Indonesia, there have been innovations in motif processing sofware, namely JBatik. According to Hariardi and Lukman (2013) JBatik Is a software that is builds using Java Programming with GUI and user friendliness for designers/ artists. By using JBatik, batik or motif design with fractal concept can be made easily. The methods used to collect data this study are in the form of literature studies about motifs and development of patterns, interviews with Batik Fractal Chief Designer Officers (CDO) and observations of vector and JBatik sofware to create motifs and compositions. This study also carried out experimental methods in a quantitative way in the form of formula variables used in making compositions with JBatik’s Lsystem and qualitative compositions in designing visual motifs and compositions. This study aims to combine the potential of vector-based and fractal-based software to process variations of motifs and fractal formulas to make pattern compositions that have efficiency and diverse visualization from the inspiration of Paksi Naga Liman which is a chariot from Keraton Kesepuhan Cirebon. Keywords Digital Motifs, JBatik, Paksi Naga Liman

    The Effect of Communicative Language Teaching on Students' Speaking Skill

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    The aims of this research were to find out whether there are good response and improvement of students' speaking skill between before and after being taught through Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). The samples of this research were the VIII A and VIII B class of the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 21 Tangerang in academic year 2015/2016. The researcher used non-equivalent control group design. The instrument was oral test. The result of the research showed that there was improvement of the students' speaking skill in actively communicative by using CLT. The result of t-test showed that t was bigger than ttable. The result of tcount was 4.2105 and ttable was 2.0021. It means that the researcher's hypothesis (H1), there is significant difference of post-test scores between experiment class and control class is accepted. The average score of pre-test in experiment class is 67.33 while the average score of pre-test in control class is 66.50. The average of the post-test score in experiment class was 83.00 while the average of the post-test score in control class was 75.00. It showed that CLT can improve the students' speaking skill

    Dampak Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 365 K/pid 2012 Terhadap Kinerja Dokter Di Wilayah III Cirebon

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    Perwujudan hukum yang benar harus saling melengkapi dan tidak saling mengecualikan hakikat dari hukum terletak pada karakteristik dari hukumnya sebagai institusi yang menunjang dan melindungi nilai-nilai, hingga eksistensi hukum harus mampu memberikan perwujudan nilai-nilai menjadi Kenyataan dan perwujudan tersebut teraplikasikan dalam proses bekerjanya hukum. Norma hukum yang mengatur dokter yaitu Undang-Undang No.29 tahun 2004 tentang Praktek Kedokteran memberikan suatu pendefinisian secara tegas mengenai standar profesi, yaitu batasan kemampuan (knowledge, sklill and profesional attitude) minimal yang harus dikuasai oleh seorang individu untuk dapat melakukan kegiatan profesionalnya pada masyarakat secara mandiri yang dibuat oleh organisasi profesi. Untuk itu, dalam menjalankan profesi dokter harus berdasarkan pada ketentuan norma tersebut sebab dokter dituntut pertanggungjawaban dalam menjalankan profesinya, bilamana terjadi hal-hal yang disebabkan oleh kelalaian dan kesalahannya dapat menimbulkan pertanggungjawaban hukum sehingga dituntut adanya proses hukum yang dapat berakibat administratif, perdata atau pidana, putusan pengadilan yang dapat menentukan hal ini. Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 365 K/Pid 2012, salah satu bentuk pertanggungjawaban hukum yang harus dibebankan sebagai bentuk perwujudan dokter dalam menjalan profesinya, sekalipun pada akhirnya dengan putusan tersebut dapat berdampak pada kinerja dokter

    High Interleukin-6, Low Cd4+ and Cd8+ T-lymphocytes Expressions as Risk Factors of Cervical Carsinoma Infected by Human Papilloma Virus Type-52

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    In Indonesia cervical carcinoma is the most common cancer in women and one of the leading cause of mortality. High risk human papillomavirus (HPV) is the major risk factor of cervical cancer. This study aims to know the role of IL-6, CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocyte for the risk of cervical carcinoma infected by HPV52. This study was a case control study, specimens of cervical carcinoma patients infected by HPV type-52 as the case group and HPV type-16 or 18 as the control group. HPV genotyping used SPF10 primer and type specific E7 primer by LiPA. Immunohistochemistry method was used to know expression of IL-6, CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocyte. Pearson's c2 test was applied with statistical significance was set at the 2-sided 0.05 level. The odds ratios (OR) were calculated for the risk, with 95% confidence intervals on SPSS 16.0 for windows. PCR examination was performed in 185 paraffin-embedded tissue. The risk of high IL-6 expression in cervical carcinoma infected by HPV type-52 was statistically significant 6-fold higher compare with cervical carcinoma infected by HPV type 16 (OR = 6.00 ; CI 95% = 1.13-31.99; p = 0.03; p < 0.05) and HPV type 18 (OR = 6.00 ; CI 95% = 1.13-31.99; p = 0.03; p < 0.05). The risk of low CD4+ T lymphocyte expression in cervical carcinoma infected by HPV type 52 was statistically significant 6-fold higher and 7.43-fold higher respectively compare with cervical carcinoma infected by HPV type 16 (OR = 6.00 ; CI 95% = 1.003-35.91; p = 0.04; p < 0.05) and HPV type 18 (OR = 7.43 ; CI 95% = 1.23-45.01; p = 0.02; p < 0.05). The risk of low CD8+ T lymphocyte expression in cervical carcinoma infected by HPV type 52 was statistically significant 13.5-fold higher and 11-fold higher respectively compare with cervical carcinoma infected by HPV type 16 (OR = 13.50 ; CI 95% = 1.42-128.26; p = 0.01; p < 0.05) and HPV type 18 (OR = 11.00 ; CI 95% = 1.16-103.94; p = 0.02; p < 0.05). No significance different between cases and controls group in mean-age, parity and sexual activity (p > 0.05). In conclusion, this study found that high IL-6 expression, low CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocyte expression were the risk factors of cervical carcinoma infected by HPV type 52

    Nematoda Pada Tikus Suku Muridae Dan Pola Infeksinya Ditaman Nasional Lore Lindu, Sulawesi Tengah [Nematode on Muridae and Its Pattern of Infection at Lore Lindu, Central Sulawesi]

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    The study of the patterns of nematode infection on rodents in Lore Lindu, Central Sulawesi was carried out. A total of 52 rodents were examined. Of these rodents 37 (71.15 per cent) were found to harbour nematode parasites and 15 (28.85 per cent) were free.There were found 10 species of nematode: Subulura andersoni, Syphacia muris, Heterakis spumosa, Cyclodontostomum purvisi,Hepatojarakus malayae, Molinacuaria indonesiensis, Protospirura muris,Rictularia tani, Trichuris muris dan Nippostrongylus muris that found in intestine, stomach, cecum and liver.The kind of infections were single (17.31 per cent) and association (53.84 per cent).The highest prevalence was 5. andersoni (44.23 per cent). Each of species nematodes had a specific habitat in their hosts. The greatest number of habitat that species of nematodes found was stomach (all of the species nematodes were found at the stomach)

    Effect of Disclosure Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to Profitability in Textile and Garment Industry Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2011-2013

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the disclosure of corporate socialresponsibility (CSR) to profability in textile and garment industry are listed on BEI in 2011 through 2013 by using purposie sampling method. There are 10 industries that respresent a sample. The method of analysis in this study is a simple regression analysis. The result of this study indicate that csr disclosure positive and significant impact on ROA and ROE and positive and significant effect on the GPM, which is an indicator of prafitability

    Efektivitas Metode Diskusi Kelompok terhadap Motivasi Berpartisipasi Kegiatan Posyandu Ibu Balita

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    Tujuan à penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan dengan metode diskusi kelompok terhadap motivasi berpartisipasi ibu Balita pada ke-giatan Posyandu di Desa Karangdowo Kecamatan Weleri Kabupaten Kendal. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan pendekatan quasi eksperiment. Populasi penelitian ini adalah Ibu Balita yang menimbang di Posyandu Desa Karangdowo sejumlah 154 orang. Sampel yang diambil 30 orang masing-masing pada kelompok ekperimen dan kelompok kendali. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposif. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan uji t berpasangan dan uji t tidak berpasangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penyuluhan dengan menggunakan metode diskusi kelompok memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap peningkatan motivasi berpartisipasi ibu Balita pada kegiatan Posyandu. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari hasil uji t dengan nilai p (0,011) < 0,05.à AbstractThe purpose of this research was to study the effect of socialization with group discussion method on the motivation to participate mother toddler on IHC activity in the Village Karangdowo Weleri District Kendal District. This type of research is quasi experiment. The population in this study is the toddler mother who weighed in IHC Karangdowo village a number of 154 peoples. Samples taken 30 peoples each in the experimental and control groups. Sample were taken by purposive sampling. The data were analyzed using paired t test and unpaired t test. We found that the extension by using the method of group discussion gave a positive effect in increasing motivation to participate toddler mother on activity IHC. This appears on the results of the t test with p value (0.011) <0.05.Keywords:à Discussion groups; Counseling; Motivation mother; Posyandu; Toddler

    Sebaran Spasial Foraminifera dalam Kaitannya dengan Kedalaman Laut dan Jenis Sedimen di Teluk Bone, Sulawesi Selatan

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    Sebanyak 25 sampel sedimen dasar laut dari Teluk Bone bagian utara, Sulawesi Selatan telah digunakan untuk analisis foraminifera dalam kaitannya dengan jenis sedimen dan kedalaman. Hasil analisis diperoleh 97 spesies foraminifera bentik dan beberapa genera diantaranya mendominasi titik lokasi tertentu, seperti Amphistegina, Operculina, Heterolepa, Brizalina, Elphidium dan Quinqueloculina.Setiap genus mempunyai distribusi spasial tertentu sesuai habitatnya dengan beberapa anomali. Kisaran kedalaman daerah penelitian antara 23 dan 85 m dicirikan oleh kehadiran Amphistegina, Cibicides, Rotalia, Cavarotalia. Dalam kaitannya dengan kedalaman, sebaran foraminifera cenderung terakumulasi di sebelah timur daerah penelitian. Setiap satuan sedimen dicirikan oleh genus foraminifera tertentu. Kata kunci: foraminifera, distribusi spasial, kedalaman laut, jenis sedimen, Teluk Bone, Sulawesi Selatan A total of twenty five surface sediment samples from the northern part of Bone Bay, South Sulawesi were selected for foraminiferal study. The purpose of this study is to recognize spatial distribution foraminifera in relation with water depth and sediment types. There are 97 identified species, some ot them are dominant at certain sites, such as Amphistegina, Operculina, Heterolepa, Brizalina, Elphidium and Quinqueloculina. Each genus has certain spatial distribution as its habitat with some anomalies. The range of water depth is between 23 and 85 m that characterized by Amphistegina, Cibicides, Rotalia, Cavarotalia. In relation to water depth, the distribution of foraminifera tends to accumulate in the eastern part of the study area. Sediment unit is characterized by certain foraminifera genus. Keywords : Foraminifera, spatial distribution, water depth, sediment type, Bone Bay, South Sulawesi
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