147 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional model of dynamical fermion mass generation in strongly coupled gauge theories

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    We generalize the NF=2N_F=2 Schwinger model on the lattice by adding a charged scalar field. In this so-called χUϕ2\chi U\phi_2 model the scalar field shields the fermion charge, and a neutral fermion, acquiring mass dynamically, is present in the spectrum. We study numerically the mass of this fermion at various large fixed values of the gauge coupling by varying the effective four-fermion coupling, and find an indication that its scaling behavior is the same as that of the fermion mass in the chiral Gross-Neveu model. This suggests that the χUϕ2\chi U\phi_2 model is in the same universality class as the Gross-Neveu model, and thus renormalizable and asymptotic free at arbitrary strong gauge coupling.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX2e, requires packages rotating.sty and curves.sty from CTA

    Fast Modal Sounds with Scalable Frequency-Domain Synthesis

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    International audienceAudio rendering of impact sounds, such as those caused by falling objects or explosion debris, adds realism to interactive 3D audiovisual applications, and can be convincingly achieved using modal sound synthesis. Unfortunately, mode-based computations can become prohibitively expensive when many objects, each with many modes, are impacted simultaneously. We introduce a fast sound synthesis approach, based on short-time Fourier Tranforms, that exploits the inherent sparsity of modal sounds in the frequency domain. For our test scenes, this "fast mode summation" can give speedups of 5-8 times compared to a time-domain solution, with slight degradation in quality. We discuss different reconstruction windows, affecting the quality of impact sound "attacks". Our Fourier-domain processing method allows us to introduce a scalable, real-time, audio processing pipeline for both recorded and modal sounds, with auditory masking and sound source clustering. To avoid abrupt computation peaks, such as during the simultaneous impacts of an explosion, we use crossmodal perception results on audiovisual synchrony to effect temporal scheduling. We also conducted a pilot perceptual user evaluation of our method. Our implementation results show that we can treat complex audiovisual scenes in real time with high quality

    Level Crossing for Hot Sphalerons

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    We study the spectrum of the Dirac Hamiltonian in the presence of high temperature sphaleron-like fluctuations of the electroweak gauge and Higgs fields, relevant for the conditions prevailing in the early universe. The fluctuations are created by numerical lattice simulations. It is shown that a change in Chern-Simons number by one unit is accompanied by eigenvalues crossing zero and a change of sign of the generalized chirality \tGf= (-1)^{2T+1} \gf which labels these modes. This provides further evidence that the sphaleron-like configurations observed in lattice simulations may be viewed as representing continuum configurations.Comment: Latex file, 29 pages + 13 figure

    Ginsparg-Wilson Fermions: A study in the Schwinger Model

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    Qualitative features of Ginsparg-Wilson fermions, as formulated by Neuberger, coupled to two dimensional U(1) gauge theory are studied. The role of the Wilson mass parameter in changing the number of massless flavors in the theory and its connection with the index of the Dirac operator is studied. Although the index of the Dirac operator is not related to the geometric definition of the topological charge for strong couplings, the two start to agree as soon as one goes to moderately weak couplings. This produces the desired singularity in the quenched chiral condensate which appears to be very difficult to reproduce with staggered fermions. The fermion determinant removes the singularity and reproduces the known chiral condensate and the meson mass within understandable errors.Comment: Corrected a few typos and changed some references. Minor changes to the conten

    Hungary and the European Union: the political implications of societal security promotion

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    Hungary's constitutional commitment to support kin-nationals beyond its borders (nation policy) has been a central feature of its post-1989 foreign policy and highlights a particularly important national security concern—the societal security of national identity, culture, language and tradition. This article examines Hungary's societal security concerns and the policy methods it utilises, including its EU membership and the promotion of minority rights at the European level, to help combat these concerns. It is suggested that Hungary has found it somewhat difficult to balance its societal security policy objective with internal economic demands on its welfare system and its external foreign policy objective to maintain good neighbourly relations. This article also notes that Hungary's attempts to Europeanise, or rather 'EU-ise', minority and ethnic rights issues as a means to enhance societal security for the Hungarian nation has certain political consequences for the EU. This suggests that societal security provision is an issue that cannot be overlooked when trying to understand the longer-term implications of EU eastern enlargement

    Mild hypothermia reduces cardiac post-ischemic reactive hyperemia

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    BACKGROUND: In experimentally induced myocardial infarction, mild hypothermia (33–35°C) is beneficial if applied prior to ischemia or reperfusion. Hypothermia, when applied after reperfusion seems to confer little or no benefit. The mechanism by which hypothermia exerts its cell-protective effect during cardiac ischemia remains unclear. It has been hypothesized that hypothermia reduces the reperfusion damage; the additional damage incurred upon the myocardium during reperfusion. Reperfusion results in a massive increase in blood flow, reactive hyperemia, which may contribute to reperfusion damage. We postulated that hypothermia could attenuate the post-ischemic reactive hyperemia. METHODS: Sixteen 25–30 kg pigs, in a closed chest model, were anesthetized and temperature was established in all pigs at 37°C using an intravascular cooling catheter. The 16 pigs were then randomized to hypothermia (34°C) or control (37°C). The left main coronary artery was then catheterized with a PCI guiding catheter. A Doppler flow wire was placed in the mid part of the LAD and a PCI balloon was then positioned proximal to the Doppler wire but distal to the first diagonal branch. The LAD was then occluded for ten minutes in all pigs. Coronary blood flow was measured before, during and after ischemia/reperfusion. RESULTS: The peak flow seen during post-ischemic reactive hyperemia (during the first minutes of reperfusion) was significantly reduced by 43 % (p < 0.01) in hypothermic pigs compared to controls. CONCLUSION: Mild hypothermia significantly reduces post-ischemic hyperemia in a closed chest pig model. The reduction of reactive hyperemia during reperfusion may have an impact on cardiac reperfusion injury

    A class II MHC-targeted vaccine elicits immunity against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has resulted in over 100 million infections and millions of deaths. Effective vaccines remain the best hope of curtailing SARS-CoV-2 transmission, morbidity, and mortality. The vaccines in current use require cold storage and sophisticated manufacturing capacity, which complicates their distribution, especially in less developed countries. We report the development of a candidate SARS-CoV-2 vaccine that is purely protein based and directly targets antigen-presenting cells. It consists of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike receptor-binding domain (SpikeRBD) fused to an alpaca-derived nanobody that recognizes class II major histocompatibility complex antigens (VHHMHCII). This vaccine elicits robust humoral and cellular immunity against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants. Both young and aged mice immunized with two doses of VHHMHCII-SpikeRBD elicit high-titer binding and neutralizing antibodies. Immunization also induces strong cellular immunity, including a robust CD8 T cell response. VHHMHCII-SpikeRBD is stable for at least 7 d at room temperature and can be lyophilized without loss of efficacy

    A Recombinant Influenza A Virus Expressing Domain III of West Nile Virus Induces Protective Immune Responses against Influenza and West Nile Virus

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    West Nile virus (WNV) continues to circulate in the USA and forms a threat to the rest of the Western hemisphere. Since methods for the treatment of WNV infections are not available, there is a need for the development of safe and effective vaccines. Here, we describe the construction of a recombinant influenza virus expressing domain III of the WNV glycoprotein E (Flu-NA-DIII) and its evaluation as a WNV vaccine candidate in a mouse model. FLU-NA-DIII-vaccinated mice were protected from severe body weight loss and mortality caused by WNV infection, whereas control mice succumbed to the infection. In addition, it was shown that one subcutaneous immunization with 105 TCID50 Flu-NA-DIII provided 100% protection against challenge. Adoptive transfer experiments demonstrated that protection was mediated by antibodies and CD4+T cells. Furthermore, mice vaccinated with FLU-NA-DIII developed protective influenza virus-specific antibody titers. It was concluded that this vector system might be an attractive platform for the development of bivalent WNV-influenza vaccines
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