59,429 research outputs found

    Understanding Floristic Diversity Though a Database of Greene County Specimens

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    We present a floristic list of Greene County, Arkansas, based on accessioned collections from the Arkansas State University Herbarium (STAR). Currently, there are 1569 specimens representing 540 taxa from Greene County in STAR. Using the USDA Plants Database, plant species were analyzed according to whether or not they are native to the state as well as whether or not they have been previously documented as species occurring in the county. Having analyzed all the Greene County collections from STAR, we found 225 previously undocumented species. The data suggest that most of the specimens in the STAR collection were found in wooded areas and/or near water. This may be a reflection of sampling bias as two of the primary collectors of these specimens were primarily interested in bog habitats. For this reason, the Greene County collections may not fully represent all habitats in the county, but it is likely that they are a good representation of the county’s seeps and bogs. The STAR Herbarium is emerging as a critical resource for understanding botanical diversity in the eastern counties of Arkansas, but it is clear that additional collections are necessary to fully represent all habitats in these areas

    Deep ROSAT-HRI observations of the NGC 1399/NGC 1404 region: morphology and structure of the X-ray halo

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    We present the analysis of a deep (167 ks) ROSAT HRI observation of the cD galaxy NGC 1399 in the Fornax cluster. Using both HRI and, at larger radii, archival PSPC data, we find that the radial behavior of the X-ray surface brightness profile is not consistent with a simple Beta model and suggests instead three distinct components. We use a multi-component bidimensional model to study in detail these three components that we identify respectively with the cooling flow region, the galactic and the cluster halo. From these data we derive a binding mass distribution in agreement with that suggested by optical dynamical indicators, with an inner core dominated by luminous matter and an extended dark halo differently distributed on galactic and cluster scales. The HRI data and a preliminary analysis of Chandra public data, allow us to detect significant density fluctuations in the halo. We discuss possible non-equilibrium scenarios to explain the hot halo structure, including tidal interactions with neighboring galaxies, ram stripping from the intra-cluster medium and merging events. In the innermost region of NGC 1399, the comparison between the X-ray and radio emission suggests that the radio emitting plasma is displacing and producing shocks in the hot X-ray emitting gas. We found that the NGC 1404 halo is well represented by a single symmetric Beta model and follows the stellar light profile within the inner 8 kpc. The mass distribution is similar to the `central' component of the NGC 1399 halo. At larger radii ram pressure stripping from the intra-cluster medium produces strong asymmetries in the gas distribution. Finally we discuss the properties of the point source population finding evidence of correlation between the source excess and NGC 1399.Comment: 34 pages in aastex5.0 format, including 28 B&W and 4 color figures. Uses LaTex packages: subfigure, lscape and psfig. Accepted for publication in ApJ. High resolution version can be found at: http://www.na.astro.it/~paolillo/publications.htm

    Dark-State Polaritons in Electromagnetically Induced Transparency

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    We identify form-stable coupled excitations of light and matter (``dark-state polaritons'') associated with the propagation of quantum fields in Electromagnetically Induced Transparency. The properties of the dark-state polaritons such as the group velocity are determined by the mixing angle between light and matter components and can be controlled by an external coherent field as the pulse propagates. In particular, light pulses can be decelerated and ``trapped'' in which case their shape and quantum state are mapped onto metastable collective states of matter. Possible applications of this reversible coherent-control technique are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Thermal oxidative degradation reactions of perfluoroalklethers

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    The objective of this contract was to investigate the mechanisms operative in thermal and thermal oxidative degradation of Fomblin Z and hexafluoropropene oxide derived fluids and the effect of alloys and additives upon these processes. The nature of arrangements responsible for the inherent thermal oxidative instability of the Fomblin Z fluids has not been established. It was determined that this behavior was not associated with hydrogen end-groups or peroxy linkages. The degradation rate of these fluids at elevated temperatures in oxidizing atmospheres was found to be dependent on the surface/volume ratio. Once a limiting ratio was reached, a steady rate appeared to be attained. Based on elemental analysis and oxygen consumption data, -CF2OCF2CF2O-, not -CF2CF2O-, is one of the major arrangements present. The action of the M-50 and Ti(4 Al, 4 Mn) alloys was found to be much more drastic in the case of Fomblin Z fluids than that observed for the hexalfuoropropane oxide derived materials. The effectiveness of antioxidation/anticorrosion additives, P-3 and phospha-s-triazine, in the presence of metal alloys was very limited at 316 C; at 288 C the additives arrested almost completely the fluid degradation. The phospha-s-triazine appeared to be at least twice as effective as the P-3 compound; it also protected the coupon better. The Ti(4 Al, 4 Mn) alloy degraded the fluid mainly by chain scission processes; this took place to a much lesser degree with M-50

    Parametric Self-Oscillation via Resonantly Enhanced Multiwave Mixing

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    We demonstrate an efficient nonlinear process in which Stokes and anti-Stokes components are generated spontaneously in a Raman-like, near resonant media driven by low power counter-propagating fields. Oscillation of this kind does not require optical cavity and can be viewed as a spontaneous formation of atomic coherence grating

    Cooling and squeezing via quadratic optomechanical coupling

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    We explore the physics of optomechanical systems in which an optical cavity mode is coupled parametrically to the square of the position of a mechanical oscillator. We derive an effective master equation describing two-phonon cooling of the mechanical oscillator. We show that for high temperatures and weak coupling, the steady-state phonon number distribution is non-thermal (Gaussian) and that even for strong cooling the mean phonon number remains finite. Moreover, we demonstrate how to achieve mechanical squeezing by driving the cavity with two beams. Finally, we calculate the optical output and squeezing spectra. Implications for optomechanics experiments with the membrane-in-the-middle geometry or ultracold atoms in optical resonators are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Observability of radiation pressure shot noise in optomechanical systems

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    We present a theoretical study of an experiment designed to detect radiation pressure shot noise in an optomechanical system. Our model consists of a coherently driven optical cavity mode that is coupled to a mechanical oscillator. We examine the cross-correlation between two quadratures of the output field from the cavity. We determine under which circumstances radiation pressure shot noise can be detected by a measurement of this cross-correlation. This is done in the general case of nonzero detuning between the frequency of the drive and the cavity resonance frequency. We study the qualitative features of the different contributions to the cross-correlator and provide quantitative figures of merit for the relative importance of the radiation pressure shot noise contribution to other contributions. We also propose a modified setup of this experiment relevant to the "membrane-in-the-middle" geometry, which potentially can avoid the problems of static bistability and classical noise in the drive.Comment: 12 pages + 4 page appendix, 10 figure

    High efficiency photon counting using stopped light

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    Single-photon detection and photon counting play a central role in a large number of quantum communication and computation protocols. While the efficiency of state-of-the-art photo-detectors is well below the desired limits, quantum state measurements in trapped ions can be carried out with efficiencies approaching 100%. Here, we propose a method that can in principle achieve ideal photon counting, by combining the techniques of photonic quantum memory and ion-trap fluorescence detection: after mapping the quantum state of a propagating light pulse onto metastable collective excitations of a trapped cold atomic gas, it is possible to monitor the resonance fluorescence induced by an additional laser field that only couples to the metastable excited state. Even with a photon collection/detection efficiency as low as 10%, it is possible to achieve photon counting with efficiency approaching 100%.Comment: 4 page

    Developing a partcipatory approach to seed production and varietal selection

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    The performance of UK winter wheat varieties was tested under organic conditions involving farmer participation. Three breadmaking varieties (Hereward, Solstice and Xi19) and their mixture (1:1:1) were grown at 19 UK farms in 2003/04 and 2004/05. The variability of productivity on organic farms was illustrated with more variation among farm sites than among varieties. Seed health was generally high over all sites. Although the trials were successful, more time was needed at project initiation to improve farmer involvement. Some farmers expected more researcher visits, and were reticent about assessing the trials themselves. In contrast, some participants valued the variety performance data on their farms particularly when related to that of other growers. The balance between the goals of the researchers relative to the farmers needs to be defined at project initiation