20 research outputs found

    Dynamic Facial Landmarking Selection for Emotion Recognition using Gaussian Processes

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    Facial features are the basis for the emotion recognition process and are widely used in affective computing systems. This emotional process is produced by a dynamic change in the physiological signals and the visual answers related to the facial expressions. An important factor in this process, relies on the shape information of a facial expression, represented as dynamically changing facial landmarks. In this paper we present a framework for dynamic facial landmarking selection based on facial expression analysis using Gaussian Processes. We perform facial features tracking, based on Active Appearance Models for facial landmarking detection, and then use Gaussian process ranking over the dynamic emotional sequences with the aim to establish which landmarks are more relevant for emotional multivariate time-series recognition. The experimental results show that Gaussian Processes can effectively fit to an emotional time-series and the ranking process with log-likelihoods finds the best landmarks (mouth and eyebrows regions) that represent a given facial expression sequence. Finally, we use the best ranked landmarks in emotion recognition tasks obtaining accurate performances for acted and spontaneous scenarios of emotional datasets

    Variational infinite hidden conditional random fields

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    Hidden conditional random fields (HCRFs) are discriminative latent variable models which have been shown to successfully learn the hidden structure of a given classification problem. An Infinite hidden conditional random field is a hidden conditional random field with a countably infinite number of hidden states, which rids us not only of the necessity to specify a priori a fixed number of hidden states available but also of the problem of overfitting. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling algorithms are often employed for inference in such models. However, convergence of such algorithms is rather difficult to verify, and as the complexity of the task at hand increases the computational cost of such algorithms often becomes prohibitive. These limitations can be overcome by variational techniques. In this paper, we present a generalized framework for infinite HCRF models, and a novel variational inference approach on a model based on coupled Dirichlet Process Mixtures, the HCRF-DPM. We show that the variational HCRF-DPM is able to converge to a correct number of represented hidden states, and performs as well as the best parametric HCRFs - chosen via cross-validation - for the difficult tasks of recognizing instances of agreement, disagreement, and pain in audiovisual sequences

    Dual adversarial network for unsupervised ground/satellite-to-aerial scene adaptation

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    Recent domain adaptation work tends to obtain a uniformed representation in an adversarial manner through joint learning of the domain discriminator and feature generator. However, this domain adversarial approach could render sub-optimal performances due to two potential reasons: First, it might fail to consider the task at hand when matching the distributions between the domains. Second, it generally treats the source and target domain data in the same way. In our opinion, the source domain data which serves the feature adaption purpose should be supplementary, whereas the target domain data mainly needs to consider the task-specific classifier. Motivated by this, we propose a dual adversarial network for domain adaptation, where two adversarial learning processes are conducted iteratively, in correspondence with the feature adaptation and the classification task respectively. The efficacy of the proposed method is first demonstrated on Visual Domain Adaptation Challenge (VisDA) 2017 challenge, and then on two newly proposed Ground/Satellite-to-Aerial Scene adaptation tasks. For the proposed tasks, the data for the same scene is collected not only by the traditional camera on the ground, but also by satellite from the out space and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) at the high-altitude. Since the semantic gap between the ground/satellite scene and the aerial scene is much larger than that between ground scenes, the newly proposed tasks are more challenging than traditional domain adaptation tasks. The datasets/codes can be found at https://github.com/jianzhelin/DuAN

    “Sophistical Fancies and Mear Chimaeras?” Traiano Boccalini’s Ragguagli di Parnaso and the Rosicrucian Enigma

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    Hidden Conditional Random Fields (HCRFs) are discriminative latent variable models which have been shown to successfully learn the hidden structure of a given classification problem. An infinite HCRF is an HCRF with a countably infinite number of hidden states, which rids us not only of the necessity to specify a priori a fixed number of hidden states available but also of the problem of overfitting. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling algorithms are often employed for inference in such models. However, convergence of such algorithms is rather difficult to verify, and as the complexity of the task at hand increases, the computational cost of such algorithms often becomes prohibitive. These limitations can be overcome by variational techniques. In this paper, we present a generalized framework for infinite HCRF models, and a novel variational inference approach on a model based on coupled Dirichlet Process Mixtures, the HCRF–DPM. We show that the variational HCRF–DPM is able to converge to a correct number of represented hidden states, and performs as well as the best parametric HCRFs —chosen via cross–validation— for the difficult tasks of recognizing instances of agreement, disagreement, and pain in audiovisual sequences

    Emo React: A Multimodal Approach And Dataset For Recognizing Emotional Responses In Children

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    Automatic emotion recognition plays a central role in the technologies underlying social robots, affect-sensitive human computer interaction design and affect-Aware tutors. Although there has been a considerable amount of research on automatic emotion recognition in adults, emotion recognition in children has been understudied. This problem is more challenging as children tend to fidget and move around more than adults, leading to more self-occlusions and non-frontal head poses. Also, the lack of publicly available datasets for children with annotated emotion labels leads most researchers to focus on adults. In this paper, we introduce a newly collected multimodal emotion dataset of children between the ages of four and fourteen years old. The dataset contains 1102 audio-visual clips annotated for 17 different emotional states: six basic emotions, neutral, valence and nine complex emotions including curiosity, uncertainty and frustration. Our experiments compare unimodal and multimodal emotion recognition baseline models to enable future research on this topic. Finally, we present a detailed analysis of the most indicative behavioral cues for emotion recognition in children