6,454 research outputs found

    Traces on the Sklyanin algebra and correlation functions of the eight-vertex model

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    We propose a conjectural formula for correlation functions of the Z-invariant (inhomogeneous) eight-vertex model. We refer to this conjecture as Ansatz. It states that correlation functions are linear combinations of products of three transcendental functions, with theta functions and derivatives as coefficients. The transcendental functions are essentially logarithmic derivatives of the partition function per site. The coefficients are given in terms of a linear functional on the Sklyanin algebra, which interpolates the usual trace on finite dimensional representations. We establish the existence of the functional and discuss the connection to the geometry of the classical limit. We also conjecture that the Ansatz satisfies the reduced qKZ equation. As a non-trivial example of the Ansatz, we present a new formula for the next-nearest neighbor correlation functions.Comment: 35 pages, 2 figures, final versio

    MadEvent: Automatic Event Generation with MadGraph

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    We present a new multi-channel integration method and its implementation in the multi-purpose event generator MadEvent, which is based on MadGraph. Given a process, MadGraph automatically identifies all the relevant subprocesses, generates both the amplitudes and the mappings needed for an efficient integration over the phase space, and passes them to MadEvent. As a result, a process-specific, stand-alone code is produced that allows the user to calculate cross sections and produce unweighted events in a standard output format. Several examples are given for processes that are relevant for physics studies at present and forthcoming colliders.Comment: 11 pages, MadGraph home page at http://madgraph.physics.uiuc.ed

    Time-reversal symmetry breaking Abelian chiral spin liquid in Mott phases of three-component fermions on the triangular lattice

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    We provide numerical evidence in favor of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking and the concomitant appearance of an Abelian chiral spin liquid for three-component fermions on the triangular lattice described by an SU(3) symmetric Hubbard model with hopping amplitude −t-t (t>0t>0) and on-site interaction UU. This chiral phase is stabilized in the Mott phase with one particle per site in the presence of a uniform π\pi-flux per plaquette, and in the Mott phase with two particles per site without any flux. Our approach relies on effective spin models derived in the strong-coupling limit in powers of t/Ut/U for general SU(N)(N) and arbitrary uniform charge flux per plaquette, which are subsequently studied using exact diagonalizations and variational Monte Carlo simulations for N=3N=3, as well as exact diagonalizations of the SU(33) Hubbard model on small clusters. Up to third order in t/Ut/U, and for the time-reversal symmetric cases (flux 00 or π\pi), the low-energy description is given by the JJ-KK model with Heisenberg coupling JJ and real ring exchange KK. The phase diagram in the full JJ-KK parameter range contains, apart from three already known, magnetically long-range ordered phases, two previously unreported phases: i) a lattice nematic phase breaking the lattice rotation symmetry and ii) a spontaneous time-reversal and parity symmetry breaking Abelian chiral spin liquid. For the Hubbard model, an investigation that includes higher-order itinerancy effects supports the presence of a phase transition inside the insulating region, occurring at (t/U)c≈0.07(t/U)_{\rm c}\approx 0.07 [(U/t)c≈13(U/t)_{\rm c} \approx 13] between the three-sublattice magnetically ordered phase at small t/Ut/U and this Abelian chiral spin liquid.Comment: 21 pages, 23 figure

    Low density of top predators (seabirds and marine mammals) in the high Arctic pack ice

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    The at-sea distribution of top predators, seabirds and marine mammals, was determined in the high Arctic pack ice on board the icebreaker RV Polarstern in July to September 2014. In total, 1,620 transect counts were realised, lasting 30 min each. The five most numerous seabird species represented 74% of the total of 15,150 individuals registered: kittiwake Rissa tridactyla, fulmar Fulmarus glacialis, puffin Fratercula arctica, Ross’s gull Rhodostethia rosea, and little auk Alle alle. Eight cetacean species were tallied for a total of 330 individuals, mainly white-beaked dolphin Lagenorhynchus albirostris and fin whale Balaenoptera physalus. Five pinniped species were represented by a total of 55 individuals and the polar bear Ursus maritimus was represented by 12 individuals. Four main geographical zones were identified: from Tromsø to the outer marginal ice zone (OMIZ), the Arctic pack ice (close pack ice, CPI), the end of Lomonosov Ridge off Siberia, and the route off Siberia and northern Norway. Important differences were detected between zones, both in species composition and in individual abundance. Low numbers of species and high proportion of individuals for some of them can be considered to reflect very low biodiversity. Numbers encountered in zones 2 to 4 were very low in comparison with other European Arctic seas. The observed differences showed strong patterns

    Search for the intermediate Mass Higgs Signal at TeV eγe\gamma colliders

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    The intermediate mass Higgs (IMH) can be abundantly produced through the process e−γ→W−Hνe^-\gamma \rightarrow W^-H\nu at TeV e−γe^-\gamma colliders, which are realized by the laser back-scattering method. We search for the signature of W−H→(jj)(bbˉ)W^-H \rightarrow (jj)(b\bar b) plus missing transverse momentum, with and without considering the bb-tagging. We also analyse all the potential backgrounds from e−γ→W−Zν, W−W+e−, ZZe−, tˉbνe^-\gamma \rightarrow W^-Z\nu,\,W^-W^+e^-,\,ZZe^-,\, \bar t b\nu and ttˉe−t\bar t e^-. With our selective acceptance cuts these backgrounds are reduced to a manageable level. We find that for the entire intermediate mass range 60 -- 150~GeV the Higgs discovery should be viable. We also present detail formulas for the helicity amplitudes of these processes.Comment: Latex(Revtex), 30 pages, 8 figures in postscript format (uuencoded), NUHEP-TH-93-
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