1,644 research outputs found

    Methodological Individualism, the We-mode, and Team Reasoning

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    Raimo Tuomela is one of the pioneers of social action theory and has done as much as anyone over the last thirty years to advance the study of social action and collective intentionality. Social Ontology: Collective Intentionality and Group Agents (2013) presents the latest version of his theory and applications to a range of important social phenomena. The book covers so much ground, and so many important topics in detailed discussions, that it would impossible in a short space to do it even partial justice. In this brief note, I will concentrate on a single, though important, theme in the book, namely, the claim that we must give up methodological individualism in the social sciences and embrace instead irreducibly group notions. I wish to defend methodological individualism as up to the theoretical tasks of the social sciences while acknowledging what is distinctive about the social world and collective intentional action. Tuomela frames the question of the adequacy of methodological individualism in terms of a contrast between what he calls the I-mode and the we-mode. He argues that we-mode phenomena are not reducible to I-mode phenomena, and concludes that we must reject methodological individualism. I will argue that the irreducibility of the we-mode to the I-mode, given how the contrast is set up, does not entail the rejection of methodological individualism. In addition, I will argue that the three conditions that Tuomela places on genuine we-mode activities, the group reason, collectivity, and collective commitment conditions, if they are understood in a way that does not beg the question, can plausibly be satisfied by a reductive account. Finally, I will argue that the specific considerations advanced in the book do not give us reason to think that a reductive account cannot be adequate to the descriptive and explanatory requirements of a theory of the social worl

    5-Azacytidine and 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine behave as different antineoplastic agents in B16 melanoma.

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    The antiproliferative effects of 5-azacytidine (acaCyd) and 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (azadCyd) were studied in murine B16 melanoma and a series of B16 melanoma derived mutant strains with selective resistances to the respective drugs. The in vitro cytotoxicities of azaCyd and azadCyd on B16 wild type, expressed in terms of IC50 values, were found to be 5 microM and 0.2 microM, respectively. The in vitro cytotoxicity of both drugs was dependent on the duration of exposure. Uridine and cytidine were able to reverse the in vitro cytotoxicity of azaCyd, but not of azadCyd. Conversely, 2'-deoxycytidine was able to reverse the cytotoxic effect of azadCyd but not of azaCyd. Thymidine and 2'-deoxyuridine had no detectable effects on the in vitro cytotoxicity of either azaCyd or azadCyd. B16 melanoma mutant strains that were selected for resistance to azaCyd showed no cross-resistance to azadCyd, cytosine arabinoside or the fluorinated pyrimidine analogues FUrd, FCyd, FdUrd and FdCyd. Mutant strains that were selected for resistance to azadCyd showed no cross-resistance to azaCyd or fluorinated pyrimidine analogs, but only to cytosine arabinoside. The combined data suggest that azaCyd and azadCyd follow different routes of intracellular metabolic activation and exert their cytotoxic activity via different intracellular targets

    Supplementary Motor Area Encodes Reward Expectancy in Eye-Movement Tasks

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    Neural activity signifying the expectation of reward has been found recently in many parts of the brain, including midbrain and cortical structures. These signals can facilitate goal-directed behavior or the learning of new skills based on reinforcements. Here we show that neurons in the supplementary motor area (SMA), an area concerned with movements of the body and limbs, also carry a reward expectancy signal in the postsaccadic period of oculomotor tasks. While the monkeys performed blocks of memory-guided and object-based saccades, the neurons discharged a burst after a ∼200-ms delay following the target-acquiring saccade in the memory task but often fired concurrently with the target-acquiring saccade in the object task. The hypothesis that this postsaccadic bursting activity reflects the expectation of a reward was tested with a series of manipulations to the memory-guided saccade task. It was found that although the timing of the bursting activity corresponds to a visual feedback stimulus, the visual feedback is not required for the neurons to discharge a burst. Second, blocks of no-reward trials reveal an extinction of the bursting activity as the monkeys come to understand that they would not be rewarded for properly generated saccades. Finally, the delivery of unexpected rewards confirmed that in many of the neurons, the activity is not related to a motor plan to acquire the reward (e.g., licking). Thus we conclude that reward expectancy is represented by the activity of SMA neurons, even in the context of an oculomotor task. These results suggest that the reward expectancy signal is broadcast over a large extent of motor cortex, and may facilitate the learning of new, coordinated behavior between different body parts

    Proof-theoretic Analysis of Rationality for Strategic Games with Arbitrary Strategy Sets

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    In the context of strategic games, we provide an axiomatic proof of the statement Common knowledge of rationality implies that the players will choose only strategies that survive the iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies. Rationality here means playing only strategies one believes to be best responses. This involves looking at two formal languages. One is first-order, and is used to formalise optimality conditions, like avoiding strictly dominated strategies, or playing a best response. The other is a modal fixpoint language with expressions for optimality, rationality and belief. Fixpoints are used to form expressions for common belief and for iterated elimination of non-optimal strategies.Comment: 16 pages, Proc. 11th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA XI). To appea

    Different effects of sevoflurane, desflurane, and isoflurane on early and late left ventricular diastolic function in young healthy adults†

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    Background Knowledge on the effects of volatile anaesthetics on left ventricular (LV) diastolic function in humans in vivo is limited. We tested the hypothesis that sevoflurane, desflurane, and isoflurane do not impair LV diastolic function in young healthy humans. Methods Sixty otherwise healthy subjects (aged 18-48 yr) undergoing minor procedures under general anaesthesia were studied. After randomization for the anaesthetic, transthoracic echocardiographic examinations were performed at baseline and under anaesthesia with 1 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of the volatile anaesthetics during spontaneous breathing and intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV). Peak early (E′) and late (A′) diastolic velocities of the mitral annulus were studied as the main echocardiographic indicators of diastolic function. Results During anaesthesia with 1 MAC under spontaneous breathing, E′ increased with desflurane (P<0.001), was not significantly different with isoflurane (P=0.030), and decreased with sevoflurane (P=0.006). During IPPV, E′ was similar to baseline with desflurane (P=0.550), insignificantly decreased with isoflurane (P=0.029), and decreased with the sevoflurane group (P<0.001). In contrast, A′ was similarly reduced in all groups during spontaneous breathing without further changes during IPPV. Haemodynamic changes were comparable in all study groups. Conclusions The findings of this in vivo study indicate that desflurane and isoflurane, and most likely sevoflurane, have no relevant direct negative effect on early diastolic relaxation in young healthy humans. In contrast, all three volatile anaesthetics appear to impair late diastolic LV filling during atrial contraction. Trial Registration #: NCT002445

    Do Consumers Exploit Commitment Opportunities? Evidence from Natural Experiments Involving Liquor Consumption

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    This paper provides evidence concerning the extent to which consumers of liquor employ commitment devices. One widely recommended commitment strategy is to regulate alcohol consumption by deliberately manipulating availability. The paper assesses the prevalence of the “availability strategy” by evaluating the effects of policies that would influence its effectiveness—specifically, changes in allowable Sunday sales hours. It finds that consumers increase their liquor consumption in response to extended Sunday on-premises sales hours, but not in response to extended off-premises sales hours. The latter finding is inconsistent with widespread use of the availability strategy. (JEL D12, H75, K39, L66) </jats:p

    Final State Charge Exchange Interactions in the 12C(e,ep)^{12}C(e,e'p) Reaction

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    The 12C(e,ep)^{12}C(e,e'p) reaction is analyzed in a model which explicitly includes final state interactions due to the coupling of the proton and neutron emission channels. We find that the effects of the final state interactions due to charge exchange reactions are important to get a good description of the symmetry properties of the recently measured Mainz spectral functions. We discuss the possible role the off-shell effects may play for the correct interpretation of spectral functions at large positive missing momenta.Comment: 9 pages Revtex, 4 figure

    Exchange Current Corrections to Neutrino--Nucleus Scattering

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    Relativistic exchange current corrections to neutrino--nucleus cross sections are presented assuming non--vanishing strange quark form factors for the constituent nucleons. For charged current processes the exchange current corrections can lower the impulse approximation results by 10\% while these corrections are found to be sensitive to both the nuclear density and the strange quark axial form factor of the nucleon for neutral current processes. Implications on the LSND experiment to determine this form factor are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, revtex 3.0, full postscript version of the file and figures available at http://www.nikhefk.nikhef.nl/projects/Theory/preprints/preprints.html To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett

    Structure of the mirror nuclei 9^9Be and 9^9B in a microscopic cluster model

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    The structure of the mirror nuclei 9^9Be and 9^9B is studied in a microscopic α+α+n\alpha+ \alpha+ n and α+α+p\alpha+ \alpha+ p three-cluster model using a fully antisymmetrized 9-nucleon wave function. The two-nucleon interaction includes central and spin-orbit components and the Coulomb potential. The ground state of 9^9Be is obtained accurately with the stochastic variational method, while several particle-unbound states of both 9^9Be and 9^9B are investigated with the complex scaling method.The calculation for 9^9Be supports the recent identification for the existence of two broad states around 6.5 MeV, and predicts the 322\frac{3}{2}^{-}_2 and 522\frac{5}{2}^{-}_2 states at about 4.5 MeV and 8 MeV, respectively. The similarity of the calculated spectra of 9^9Be and 9^9B enables one to identify unknown spins and parities of the 9^9B states. Available data on electromagnetic moments and elastic electron scatterings are reproduced very well. The enhancement of the EE1 transition of the first excited state in 9^9Be is well accounted for. The calculated density of 9^9Be is found to reproduce the reaction cross section on a Carbon target. The analysis of the beta decay of 9^9Li to 9^9Be clearly shows that the wave function of 9^9Be must contain a small component that cannot be described by the simple α+α+n\alpha+ \alpha+ n model. This small component can be well accounted for by extending a configuration space to include the distortion of the α\alpha-particle to t+pt+p and h+nh+n partitions.Comment: 24 page