34 research outputs found

    Anomalous expansion and phonon damping due to the Co spin-state transition in RCoO_3 with R = La, Pr, Nd and Eu

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    We present a combined study of the thermal expansion and the thermal conductivity of the perovskite series RCoO_3 with R = La, Nd, Pr and Eu. The well-known spin-state transition in LaCoO_3 is strongly affected by the exchange of the R ions due to their different ionic radii, i.e. chemical pressure. This can be monitored in detail by measurements of the thermal expansion, which is a highly sensitive probe for detecting spin-state transitions. The Co ions in the higher spin state act as additional scattering centers for phonons, therefore suppressing the phonon thermal conductivity. Based on the analysis of the interplay between spin-state transition and heat transport, we present a quantitative model of the thermal conductivity for the entire series. In PrCoO_3, an additional scattering effect is active at low temperatures. This effect arises from the crystal field splitting of the 4f multiplet, which allows for resonant scattering of phonons between the various 4f levels.Comment: 15 pages including 5 figure

    Magnetothermal transport in the spin-1/2 chains of copper pyrazine dinitrate

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    We present experiments on the thermal transport in the spin-1/2 chain compound copper pyrazine dinitrate Cu(C_4 H_4 N_2)(NO_3)_2. The heat conductivity shows a surprisingly strong dependence on the applied magnetic field B, characterized at low temperatures by two main features. The first one appearing at low B is a characteristic dip located at mu_B B ~ k_B T, that may arise from Umklapp scattering. The second one is a plateau-like feature in the quantum critical regime, mu_B |B-B_c| < k_B T, where B_c is the saturation field at T=0. The latter feature clearly points towards a momentum and field independent mean free path of the spin excitations, contrary to theoretical expectations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Towards predicting Pedestrian Evacuation Time and Density from Floorplans using a Vision Transformer

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    Conventional pedestrian simulators are inevitable tools in the design process of a building, as they enable project engineers to prevent overcrowding situations and plan escape routes for evacuation. However, simulation runtime and the multiple cumbersome steps in generating simulation results are potential bottlenecks during the building design process. Data-driven approaches have demonstrated their capability to outperform conventional methods in speed while delivering similar or even better results across many disciplines. In this work, we present a deep learning-based approach based on a Vision Transformer to predict density heatmaps over time and total evacuation time from a given floorplan. Specifically, due to limited availability of public datasets, we implement a parametric data generation pipeline including a conventional simulator. This enables us to build a large synthetic dataset that we use to train our architecture. Furthermore, we seamlessly integrate our model into a BIM-authoring tool to generate simulation results instantly and automatically

    Uniaxial pressure dependencies of the phase transitions in GdMnO3_3

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    GdMnO3_3 shows an incommensurate antiferromagnetic order below ≃42\simeq 42 K, transforms into a canted A-type antiferromagnet below ≃20\simeq 20 K, and for finite magnetic fields along the b axis ferroelectric order occurs below ≃12\simeq 12 K. From high-resolution thermal expansion measurements along all three principal axes, we determine the uniaxial pressure dependencies of the various transition temperatures and discuss their correlation to changes of the magnetic exchange couplings in RRMnO3_3 (R=La,...DyR = {\rm La, ... Dy}).Comment: 2 pages, 3 figures, submitted to JMMM (Proceedings of ICM'06, Kyoto

    Thermal Conductivity, Thermopower, and Figure of Merit of La_{1-x}Sr_xCoO_3

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    We present a study of the thermal conductivity k and the thermopower S of single crystals of La_{1-x}Sr_xCoO_3 with 0<= x <= 0.3. For all Sr concentrations La_{1-x}Sr_xCoO_3 has rather low k values, whereas S strongly changes as a function of x. We discuss the influence of the temperature- and the doping-induced spin-state transitions of the Co ions on both, S and k. From S, k, and the electrical resistivity rho we derive the thermoelectric figure of merit Z=S^2/(k*rho). For intermediate Sr concentrations we find notably large values of Z indicating that Co-based materials could be promising candidates for thermoelectric cooling.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures included, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Thermal conductivity of R2CuO4, with R = La, Pr and Gd

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    We present measurements of the in-plane kappa_ab and out-of-plane kappa_c thermal conductivity of Pr2CuO4 and Gd2CuO4 single crystals. The anisotropy gives strong evidence for a large contribution of magnetic excitations to kappa_ab i.e. for a heat current within the CuO2 planes. However, the absolute values of kappa_mag are lower than previous results on La2CuO4. These differences probably arise from deviations from the nominal oxygen stoichiometry. This has a drastic influence on kappa_mag, which is shown by an investigation of a La2CuO4+delta polycrystal.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure; presented at SCES200

    Magnetoresistance, specific heat and magnetocaloric effect of equiatomic rare-earth transition-metal magnesium compounds

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    We present a study of the magnetoresistance, the specific heat and the magnetocaloric effect of equiatomic RETRETMg intermetallics with RE=LaRE = {\rm La}, Eu, Gd, Yb and T=AgT = {\rm Ag}, Au and of GdAuIn. Depending on the composition these compounds are paramagnetic (RE=LaRE = {\rm La}, Yb) or they order either ferro- or antiferromagnetically with transition temperatures ranging from about 13 to 81 K. All of them are metallic, but the resistivity varies over 3 orders of magnitude. The magnetic order causes a strong decrease of the resistivity and around the ordering temperature we find pronounced magnetoresistance effects. The magnetic ordering also leads to well-defined anomalies in the specific heat. An analysis of the entropy change leads to the conclusions that generally the magnetic transition can be described by an ordering of localized S=7/2S=7/2 moments arising from the half-filled 4f74f^7 shells of Eu2+^{2+} or Gd3+^{3+}. However, for GdAgMg we find clear evidence for two phase transitions indicating that the magnetic ordering sets in partially below about 125 K and is completed via an almost first-order transition at 39 K. The magnetocaloric effect is weak for the antiferromagnets and rather pronounced for the ferromagnets for low magnetic fields around the zero-field Curie temperature.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures include

    Evidence for a large magnetic heat current in insulating cuprates

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    The in-plane thermal conductivity kk of the two-dimensional antiferromagnetic monolayer cuprate Sr2_2CuO2_2Cl2_2 is studied. Analysis of the unusual temperature dependence of kk reveals that at low temperatures the heat is carried by phonons, whereas at high temperatures magnetic excitations contribute significantly. Comparison with other insulating layered cuprates suggests that a large magnetic contribution to the thermal conductivity is an intrinsic property of these materials.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures included, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Anomalous thermal expansion and strong damping of the thermal conductivity of NdMnO3_3 and TbMnO3_3 due to 4f crystal-field excitations

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    We present measurements of the thermal conductivity κ\kappa and the thermal expansion α\alpha of NdMnO3_3 and TbMnO3_3. In both compounds a splitting of the 4f4f multiplet of the R3+R^{3+} ion causes Schottky contributions to α\alpha. In TbMnO3_3 this contribution arises from a crystal-field splitting, while in NdMnO3_3 it is due to the Nd-Mn exchange coupling. Another consequence of this coupling is a strongly enhanced canting of the Mn moments. The thermal conductivity is greatly suppressed in both compounds. The main scattering process at low temperatures is resonant scattering of phonons between different energy levels of the 4f4f multiplets, whereas the complex 3d magnetism of the Mn ions is of minor importance.Comment: 9 pages including 6 figure