29 research outputs found

    Evolution of the HIV-1 env Gene in the Rag2-/-  C-/- Humanized Mouse Model

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    Rag2−/− γC−/− mice transplanted with human hematopoietic stem cells (DKO-hu-HSC mice) mimic aspects of human infection with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), including sustained viral replication and CD4+ T-cell decline. However, the extent of HIV-1 evolution during long-term infection in these humanized mice, a key feature of the natural infection, has not been assessed fully. In this study, we examined the types of genotypic and phenotypic changes in the viral env gene that occur in the viral populations of DKO-hu-HSC mice infected with the CCR5-tropic isolate HIV-1JRCSF for up to 44 weeks. The mean rate of divergence of viral populations in mice was similar to that observed in a cohort of humans during a similar period of infection. Many amino acid substitutions were common across mice, including losses of N-linked glycosylation sites and substitutions in the CD4 binding site and in CD4-induced epitopes, indicating common selective pressures between mice. In addition, env variants evolved sensitivity to antibodies directed at V3, suggesting a more open conformation for Env. This phenotypic change was associated with increased CD4 binding efficiency and was attributed to specific amino acid substitutions. In one mouse, env variants emerged that exhibited a CXCR4-tropic phenotype. These sequences were compartmentalized in the mesenteric lymph node. In summary, viral populations in these mice exhibited dynamic behavior that included sequence evolution, compartmentalization, and the appearance of distinct phenotypic changes. Thus, humanized mice offer a useful model for studying evolutionary processes of HIV-1 in a complex host environment

    Quantification of Entry Phenotypes of Macrophage-Tropic HIV-1 across a Wide Range of CD4 Densities

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    Defining a macrophage-tropic phenotype for HIV-1 to assess a role in pathogenesis is complicated by the fact that HIV-1 isolates vary continuously in their ability to enter monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs) in vitro, and MDMs vary in their ability to support HIV-1 entry. To overcome these limitations, we identified consistent differences in entry phenotypes between five paired blood-derived, T cell-tropic HIV-1 env genes, four of which are CCR5-using (R5) and one of which is CXCR4-using (X4), and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-derived, R5 macrophage-tropic env genes. We performed entry assays using the CD4- and CCR5-inducible Affinofile cell line, expressing a range of CD4 levels that approximates the range from MDMs to CD4+ T cells. The macrophage-tropic viruses were significantly better at infecting cells expressing low levels of CD4 than the T cell-tropic viruses from the same subjects, with the titration of CD4 providing a distinctive and quantitative phenotype. This difference in CD4 utilization was not due to macrophage-tropic viruses being CD4 independent. Furthermore, macrophage-tropic viruses did not differ from paired T cell-tropic viruses in their ability to use low levels of CCR5 (tpaired = −1.39; P = 0.24) or their use of an alternative conformation of CCR5. We also infected MDMs with a panel of viruses and observed that infectivity of each virus differed across four donors and between three preparations from a single donor. We concluded that the evolutionary transition from replication in T cells to that in macrophages involves a phenotypic transition to acquire the ability to infect cells expressing low levels of CD4 and that this phenotype is more reliably measured in Affinofile cells than in macrophages

    The HIV-1 transmission bottleneck

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    The HIV-1 transmission bottleneck

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    It is well established that most new systemic infections of HIV-1 can be traced back to one or a limited number of founder viruses. Usually, these founders are more closely related to minor HIV-1 populations in the blood of the presumed donor than to more abundant lineages. This has led to the widely accepted idea that transmission selects for viral characteristics that facilitate crossing the mucosal barrier of the recipient’s genital tract, although the specific selective forces or advantages are not completely defined. However, there are other steps along the way to becoming a founder virus at which selection may occur. These steps include the transition from the donor’s general circulation to the genital tract compartment, survival within the transmission fluid, and establishment of a nascent stable local infection in the recipient’s genital tract. Finally, there is the possibility that important narrowing events may also occur during establishment of systemic infection. This is suggested by the surprising observation that the number of founder viruses detected after transmission in intravenous drug users is also limited. Although some of these steps may be heavily selective, others may result mostly in a stochastic narrowing of the available founder pool. Collectively, they shape the initial infection in each recipient

    Number of mutations per sample.

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    Viral populations in natural infections can have a high degree of sequence diversity, which can directly impact immune escape. However, antibody potency is often tested in vitro with a relatively clonal viral populations, such as laboratory virus or pseudotyped virus stocks, which may not accurately represent the genetic diversity of circulating viral genotypes. This can affect the validity of viral phenotype assays, such as antibody neutralization assays. To address this issue, we tested whether recombinant virus carrying SARS-CoV-2 spike (VSV-SARS-CoV-2-S) stocks could be made more genetically diverse by passage, and if a stock passaged under selective pressure was more capable of escaping monoclonal antibody (mAb) neutralization than unpassaged stock or than viral stock passaged without selective pressures. We passaged VSV-SARS-CoV-2-S four times concurrently in three cell lines and then six times with or without polyclonal antiserum selection pressure. All three of the monoclonal antibodies tested neutralized the viral population present in the unpassaged stock. The viral inoculum derived from serial passage without antiserum selection pressure was neutralized by two of the three mAbs. However, the viral inoculum derived from serial passage under antiserum selection pressure escaped neutralization by all three mAbs. Deep sequencing revealed the rapid acquisition of multiple mutations associated with antibody escape in the VSV-SARS-CoV-2-S that had been passaged in the presence of antiserum, including key mutations present in currently circulating Omicron subvariants. These data indicate that viral stock that was generated under polyclonal antiserum selection pressure better reflects the natural environment of the circulating virus and may yield more biologically relevant outcomes in phenotypic assays. Thus, mAb assessment assays that utilize a more genetically diverse, biologically relevant, virus stock may yield data that are relevant for prediction of mAb efficacy and for enhancing biosurveillance.</div

    Antiserum dilutions used and collected per passage for selection pressure.

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    Three different dilutions of antiserum were used per passage (1–6) in Vero/TMPRSS2 cells. The supernatant from the two lowest dilutions showing CPE and expressing GFP were collected and combined for the subsequent passage. Passage 6 dilutions 1:10 and 1:5 were combined for use in the neutralization assay. GFP: Green fluorescent protein; CPE: Cytopathic effect.</p