20 research outputs found

    Weak Randomness for large q-State Potts models in Two Dimensions

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    We have studied the effect of weak randomness on q-state Potts models for q > 4 by measuring the central charges of these models using transfer matrix methods. We obtain a set of new values for the central charges and then show that some of these values are related to one another by a factorization law.Comment: 8 pages, Latex, no figure

    Scaling and finte-size-scaling in the two dimensional random-coupling Ising ferromagnet

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    It is shown by Monte Carlo method that the finite size scaling (FSS) holds in the two dimensional random-coupled Ising ferromagnet. It is also demonstrated that the form of universal FSS function constructed via novel FSS scheme depends on the strength of the random coupling for strongly disordered cases. Monte Carlo measurements of thermodynamic (infinite volume limit) data of the correlation length (ξ\xi) up to ξ200\xi \simeq 200 along with measurements of the fourth order cumulant ratio (Binder's ratio) at criticality are reported and analyzed in view of two competing scenarios. It is demonstrated that the data are almost exclusively consistent with the scenario of weak universality.Comment: 9 pages, 4figuer

    Numerical Results For The 2D Random Bond 3-state Potts Model

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    We present results of a numerical simulation of the 3-state Potts model with random bond, in two dimension. In particular, we measure the critical exponent associated to the magnetization and the specific heat. We also compare these exponents with recent analytical computations.Comment: 9 pages, latex, 3 Postscript figure

    The critical amplitude ratio of the susceptibility in the random-site two-dimensional Ising model

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    We present a new way of probing the universality class of the site-diluted two-dimensional Ising model. We analyse Monte Carlo data for the magnetic susceptibility, introducing a new fitting procedure in the critical region applicable even for a single sample with quenched disorder. This gives us the possibility to fit simultaneously the critical exponent, the critical amplitude and the sample dependent pseudo-critical temperature. The critical amplitude ratio of the magnetic susceptibility is seen to be independent of the concentration qq of the empty sites for all investigated values of q0.25q\le 0.25. At the same time the average effective exponent γeff\gamma_{eff} is found to vary with the concentration qq, which may be argued to be due to logarithmic corrections to the power law of the pure system. This corrections are canceled in the susceptibility amplitude ratio as predicted by theory. The central charge of the corresponding field theory was computed and compared well with the theoretical predictions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Critical behaviour of the Random--Bond Ashkin--Teller Model, a Monte-Carlo study

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    The critical behaviour of a bond-disordered Ashkin-Teller model on a square lattice is investigated by intensive Monte-Carlo simulations. A duality transformation is used to locate a critical plane of the disordered model. This critical plane corresponds to the line of critical points of the pure model, along which critical exponents vary continuously. Along this line the scaling exponent corresponding to randomness ϕ=(α/ν)\phi=(\alpha/\nu) varies continuously and is positive so that randomness is relevant and different critical behaviour is expected for the disordered model. We use a cluster algorithm for the Monte Carlo simulations based on the Wolff embedding idea, and perform a finite size scaling study of several critical models, extrapolating between the critical bond-disordered Ising and bond-disordered four state Potts models. The critical behaviour of the disordered model is compared with the critical behaviour of an anisotropic Ashkin-Teller model which is used as a refference pure model. We find no essential change in the order parameters' critical exponents with respect to those of the pure model. The divergence of the specific heat CC is changed dramatically. Our results favor a logarithmic type divergence at TcT_{c}, ClogLC\sim \log L for the random bond Ashkin-Teller and four state Potts models and CloglogLC\sim \log \log L for the random bond Ising model.Comment: RevTex, 14 figures in tar compressed form included, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Magnetic critical behavior of two-dimensional random-bond Potts ferromagnets in confined geometries

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    We present a numerical study of 2D random-bond Potts ferromagnets. The model is studied both below and above the critical value Qc=4Q_c=4 which discriminates between second and first-order transitions in the pure system. Two geometries are considered, namely cylinders and square-shaped systems, and the critical behavior is investigated through conformal invariance techniques which were recently shown to be valid, even in the randomness-induced second-order phase transition regime Q>4. In the cylinder geometry, connectivity transfer matrix calculations provide a simple test to find the range of disorder amplitudes which is characteristic of the disordered fixed point. The scaling dimensions then follow from the exponential decay of correlations along the strip. Monte Carlo simulations of spin systems on the other hand are generally performed on systems of rectangular shape on the square lattice, but the data are then perturbed by strong surface effects. The conformal mapping of a semi-infinite system inside a square enables us to take into account boundary effects explicitly and leads to an accurate determination of the scaling dimensions. The techniques are applied to different values of Q in the range 3-64.Comment: LaTeX2e file with Revtex, revised versio

    Ising model on 3D random lattices: A Monte Carlo study

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    We report single-cluster Monte Carlo simulations of the Ising model on three-dimensional Poissonian random lattices with up to 128,000 approx. 503 sites which are linked together according to the Voronoi/Delaunay prescription. For each lattice size quenched averages are performed over 96 realizations. By using reweighting techniques and finite-size scaling analyses we investigate the critical properties of the model in the close vicinity of the phase transition point. Our random lattice data provide strong evidence that, for the available system sizes, the resulting effective critical exponents are indistinguishable from recent high-precision estimates obtained in Monte Carlo studies of the Ising model and \phi^4 field theory on three-dimensional regular cubic lattices.Comment: 35 pages, LaTex, 8 tables, 8 postscript figure

    Rare region effects at classical, quantum, and non-equilibrium phase transitions

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    Rare regions, i.e., rare large spatial disorder fluctuations, can dramatically change the properties of a phase transition in a quenched disordered system. In generic classical equilibrium systems, they lead to an essential singularity, the so-called Griffiths singularity, of the free energy in the vicinity of the phase transition. Stronger effects can be observed at zero-temperature quantum phase transitions, at nonequilibrium phase transitions, and in systems with correlated disorder. In some cases, rare regions can actually completely destroy the sharp phase transition by smearing. This topical review presents a unifying framework for rare region effects at weakly disordered classical, quantum, and nonequilibrium phase transitions based on the effective dimensionality of the rare regions. Explicit examples include disordered classical Ising and Heisenberg models, insulating and metallic random quantum magnets, and the disordered contact process.Comment: Topical review, 68 pages, 14 figures, final version as publishe