21 research outputs found

    Comparison of selected remote sensing sensors for crop yield variability estimation

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    ArticleCurrently, spectral indices are very common tool how to describe various characteristics of vegetation. In fact, these are mathematical operations which are calculated using specific bands of electromagnetic spectrum. Nevertheless, remote sensing sensors can differ due to the variations in bandwidth of the particular spectral channels. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to compare selected sensors in terms of their capability to predict crop yield by NDVI utilization. The experiment was performed at two locations (Prague-Ruzyně and Vendolí) in the year 2015 for both locations and in 2007 for Prague-Ruzyně only, when winter barley or spring barley grew on the plots. The cloud-free satellite images were chosen and normalised difference vegetation indices (NDVI) were calculated for each image. Landsat satellite images with moderate spatial resolution (30 m per pixel) were chosen during the crop growth for selected years. The other data sources were commercial satellite images with very high spatial resolution – QuickBird (QB) (0.6 m per pixel) in 2007 and WorldView-2 (WV-2) (2 m per pixel) in 2015 for Prague-Ruzyně location; and SPOT-7 (6 m per pixel) satellite image in 2015 for Vendolí location. GreenSeeker handheld crop sensor (GS) was used for collecting NDVI data for both locations in 2015 only. NDVI calculated at each of images was compared with the yield data. The data sources were compared with each other at the same term of crop growth stage. The results showed that correlation between GS and yield was relatively weak at Ruzyně. Conversely, significant relation was found at Vendolí location. The satellite images showed stronger relation with yield than GS. Landsat satellite images had higher values of correlation coefficient (in 30 m spatial resolution) at Ruzyně in both selected years. However, at Vendolí location, SPOT-7 satellite image has significantly better results compared to Landsat image. It is necessary to do more research to define which sensor measurements are most useful for selected applications in agriculture management

    Biochar dosage impact on physical soil properties and crop status

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    In the context of climate change and the ongoing population growth, current agriculture inevitably faces many challenges. Long periods of drought are often followed by shorter periods of heavy precipitation and degraded soil is often unable to retain the rainfall water properly. Apart from common organic fertilizers, soil amendments are currently considered a promising solution that might improve soil quality. The most discussed one is biochar, a natural soil conditioner that might under certain conditions improve soil properties. This study is based on the experiment that was established in 2017 in order to determine the impact of biochar dosage and it’s effect over time. Four parcels approximately 15×30 m were designed in Rapotín, Czech Republic. Each of them was treated with a specific dose of biochar (15, 30, 45, 60 t ha-1 ), and selected soil physical properties such as penetration resistance and reduced bulk density were then measured at the beginning of the cropping season 2019. In addition, vegetation properties were investigated with the use of handheld sensors repeatedly during the season on winter wheat. The dataset contained information about chlorophyll and nitrogen content as well as Normalized Difference Vegetation Index estimations. Acquired values were later compared with the results obtained from the fifth variant founded in 2014 with a 15 t ha-1 dose and from the control variant. Although the dosage levels applied were quite substantial, no significant difference was found when evaluating selected soil properties. Crop response gave similar results. Any of the examined characteristics differed among the 2017 variants and control. Nevertheless, when compared to the 2014 variant, clearly different results were detected. Thus, this study concluded that the effect of biochar dosage is might not be as significant factor, however, the time effect likely is. Therefore, the study has to continue and soil/crop properties will be observed in the upcoming season as well

    Digestate application with regard to greenhouse gases and physical soil properties

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    Received: February 1st, 2021 ; Accepted: June 18th, 2021 ; Published: August 18th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] article deals with the method of application of digestate with regard to the environment, soil properties and utilization of nutrients by plants. The aim is to monitor the dependence of the emission gas leakage and the dose of applied fertilizer. With the current expansion of biogas plants, a large amount of waste product, especially digestate, is being generated. This product is most often used as a liquid organic fertilizer because it contains substances important for plant growth. The disadvantage of this fertilizer is the release of greenhouse gases into the air. The digestate contains mainly ammonia, nitrogen in the residual organic matter and is a fertilizer with rapidly releasing nitrogen. The ammonium nitrogen contained in the digestate is easily subject to air losses. Therefore, a method of application for a certain crop is sought, where the smallest leaks of gases into the air occur. Different amounts of doses for the same route of administration are compared. To measure the amount of emission gases, a wind tunnel was placed on each variant of the application, taking air above the soil surface, which is discharged to the gas analyser. The monitored greenhouse gases are CH4, NH3 and CO2. Furthermore, physical properties of soil were monitored in order to verify the conditions of the experiment. One of the parameters measured was the soil bulk density of the soil by taking intact soil samples. The penetration resistance of the soil was also determined, which indicates the degree of compaction. The use of nutrients was assessed through the condition of the stand on each variant by monitoring vegetation indices using remote sensing of the earth

    Assessment of soil electrical conductivity using remotely sensed thermal data

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    ArticleDetection of heterogeneity (crop, soil, etc.) gained a lot of importance in the field of site - specific farming in recent years and became possible to be measured by different sensors. The therma l spectrum of electromagnetic radiation has a great potential today and experiments focused on describing a relation between canopy temperature and various vegetation characteristics are conducted. This paper was aimed to examine the relation between canop y temperature and electrical conductivity as one of staple soil characteristics. The related experiment was undertaken in Sojovice, Czech Republic, within an agricultural plot where winter wheat was grown in 2017 growing season. The examined plot was compo sed of three sub plots and 35 control points were selected within this area which the data were related to. A canopy was sensed by UAV (eBee carrying thermoMAP (FLIR TAU2) camera). Soil conductivity data were collected by terrestrial sampling using EM38 - MK 2 Ground Conductivity Meter in 1 m depth and 2 m sampling point distance. This dataset was later interpolated using the kriging method. The correlation analysis results showed a strong negative correlation between conductivity and thermal data ( - 0.82; p < 0.001 ). When comparing conductivity with NDVI representing the aboveground biomass, there was an opposite trend but also strong result (0.86; p < 0.001 ). Correlation coefficient of thermal data and NDVI comparison was - 0.86; ( p < 0.001 ). These preliminary results have a potential for further research in terms of soil characteristics studies

    Extrapolation of the LTE data for regional prediction of crop production and agro-environmental impacts in the Czech Republic with the EPIC-based modelling system

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    The long-term crop trials (LTE) provide valuable insights into functioning of the crop systems under variety of crop management strategies. In particular, those field operations which in long run affect the soil organic carbon balance might be of an importance for the climate change impacts oriented research. Bonded strongly to the local site conditions, LTEs provide spatially limited information, not fully reflecting the needs of the large-scale inventories covering countries or big regions. Representing LTEs with a process-based model via locally calibrated model parameters and data, and subsequent upscaling of the model with regional data on climate, terrain, soil, and land use, provides a possible way for LTEs extrapolation to wider geographical domains. As a follow-up to the earlier work on formalising LTE records from several sites in Czechia with the EPIC model, the simulation infrastructure (EPIC-IIASA (CZ)) has been created for regional predictions of crop production and its agro-environmental impacts over the whole territory of Czech Republic (CZ). Conceptually, the EPIC-IIASA (CZ) has been designed based on the EPIC-IIASA global gridded crop modelling system. A set of 977 spatial simulation units (or typical fields, > 1 ha each), which represent a unique combination of an administrative unit (level LAU1), climate region, and soil region, has been compiled using CZ national data. Each simulation unit has been used for linking spatially explicit input data on i) climate, ii) site, iii) soil properties, and iv) crop management to the process-based model EPIC. As an output, various agro-environmental variables may be acquired and visualized geographically. Initially, the spatial infrastructure worked with fixed sowing and harvesting dates across all CZ regions. In order to get the full potential of the EPIC-IIASA (CZ), a calibration with regional planting scenarios was done. Agronomically relevant planting-harvesting windows scenarios were assessed based on the published data (MOCA report), this specifically for traditional production areas in CZ (CZ_R01: Maize growing; CZ_R02: Potato growing; CZ_R03: Cereal growing; CZ_R04: Forage growing; CZ_R05: Sugar beet growing). Since there was not any yield data available for the LAU1 level administrative regions, published LAU1 estimates of the potential yields were used for validation of the EPIC-IIASA (CZ) simulated rainfed and nutrient-unlimited yields. Both absolute simulated yields and the percentage of reported potential yields were displayed geographically and spatial pattern of the simulated values evaluated. Furthermore, longterm average and inter-annual variability of simulated yields were compared to the available statistical data at the NUTS3 administrative level. To date, calibration and validation of two crops, spring barley and winter wheat were successfully performed. Other crops will be calibrated in the next step, so that representative crop rotations could be constructed and used in EPIC-IIASA (CZ) setup to properly approximate the prevailing regional cropping systems in the simulations. Such a completely calibrated and validated crop modelling system could serve as a powerful tool for extrapolating impacts of different crop management strategies, well explored with LTEs, over the larger areas, and hence, provide valuable evidence-based inputs for decision-making support at regional and national levels in CZ

    Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Turonian) temperature evolution and biotic response in the Adriatic Carbonate Platform region of Friuli, northeast Italy

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    Climate modelling and palaeotemperature reconstructions derived from several proxies (TEX86, δ18O) suggest that the Late Cretaceous was one of the warmest intervals in Earth history. The greenhouse climate reached its acme near the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary (CTB) interval with sea surface temperatures over 35 ◦C in low and mid- palaeolatitudes, coinciding with the highest sea level stands of the Phanerozoic. Following this warming phase, a general cooling trend punctuated by short-term hot snaps characterized the rest of the Cretaceous. Palaeotemperature and palaeoenvironmental changes are well documented in deep-water carbonate deposits based on variations in geochemical proxies and distribution patterns of macro- and microfauna. However, such climatic and environmental fluctuations severely impacted carbonate platforms, sedimentary environments that are particularly sensitive to external perturbations. Palaeontological data show major changes within the main carbonate platform producers (rudists and benthic foraminifera) during the early Late Cretaceous. Both groups experienced major taxonomic turnovers at the CTB, followed by a further re-radiation in the middle/late Turonian. The lack of detailed palaeoclimatic reconstructions in shallow water carbonate succession hampers the possibility to investigate a possible causal relationship between temperature changes and faunal evolution. In this paper, we report integrated geochemical, sedimentological, and palaeontological data from the Adriatic Carbonate Platform (Friuli, north-east Italy). Benthic foraminifera biostratigraphy and isotope stratigraphy (δ13C and 87Sr/86Sr) were used to precisely constrain the stratigraphy of the late Cenomanian-middle Turonian interval. δ18O analysis on both well-preserved rudist shells and bulk rock samples enabled the construction of high-resolution palaeotemperature curves. The resulting temperature trends are comparable with those from the deep-water record across the late Cenomanian-Turonian interval. The warmest phase was in the Early Turonian with sea surface palaeotemperatures as high as 41–45 ◦C recorded in rudist shells. Data show temperature fluctuation from the late Cenomanian to the Early Turonian with a magnitude &gt;7 ◦C. Benthic foraminifera and rudist evolution responded to these palaeotemperature fluctuations, and their decline in the late Cenomanian and full recovery in the Turonian suggest a strong link with temperature changes