4 research outputs found

    Przydatność biotestów ekotoksykologicznych do oceny stanu biologicznego wód na przykładzie zbiornika zaporowego w Goczałkowicach

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    Implementation of ecotoxicological biotests for monitoring of water quality in water reservoirs is one of the aims of the project “Integrated system supporting management and protection of water reservoir (ZiZOZap)”. The project is executed within The Programme Innovative Economy under National Strategic Reference Framework as a part of introducing Water Framework Directive. The model object of the Project is Goczalkowice Water Reservoir. The main purposes of the Project are maintaining a good condition of the Reservoir for future and prevent processes of its aging and degradation. The final product of the Project will be an informational system based on the results of environmental monitoring, numerical models of reservoir and relative management scenarios. The system will allow permanent assessment of current reservoir condition as well as prediction of its short time and long time alterations. In consequence, these may lead to rationale decisions referring to reservoir management. Since July 2010 a battery of standardized commercial biotests is applied for water quality monitoring in Goczalkowice Reservoir. The obtained results are referred to the standards set by governmental and EC ordinances. We assume the biotests would be useful in constructing detailed scenarios of the reservoir management.

    Metabolic surgery in zucker rats influenced miRNA, caveolin-1 expression and lipid metabolism

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    Aims: A transposition of the long segment of distal ileum in obese Zucker rats improved glucose tolerance 6 months after IT. It was undertaken to compare the gene expression of miRNA-103, -107 and caveolin-1 in the liver of euglycemic groups of IT relative to SHAM operated rats. Main methods: Obese, male Zucker rats underwent either transposition of 50% distal ileum or sham surgery. For determining the gene expression, the Real-Time PCR for caveolin-1 and miRNA-103, -107 was performed. Plasma concentrations of LDL, HDL, TG and total cholesterol were measured with enzymatic colorimetric assays after optimization procedure. Key findings: The Cav-1 expression in liver tissue after ileal transposition was 1.22 times higher compared to the SHAM group (SHAM median 63.58, min 41.3, max 82.4; IT median 77.35, min 60.8, max 95.41, p < 0.001). miRNA-107 expression was significantly downregulated by 0.6-fold in the IT group compared to the SHAM group (SHAM median 507.51, min 236.42, max 721.29; IT median 355.2, min 278.15, max 478.15, p < 0.015. The level of TG was significantly higher after IT surgery (SHAM median 115, min 96, max 143; IT median 153, min 115, max 162, p = 0.001). The total cholesterol plasma levels decreased after IT (SHAM median 178, min 161, max 183; IT median 128, min 103, max 114, p < 0.000001). The LDL plasma level in IT was two-fold lower than in the SHAM (SHAM median 117, min 68, max 151; IT median 58, min 45, max 61, p < 0.000001). Significance: The transposition of 50% of the distal ileum lead to an increase in caveolin-1 and reduction in miR-107 expression compared to those of SHAM group. Endogenous miR-107 is more involved in regulation of the functions of insulin-target liver tissue than miRNA-103. Reduced LDL and cholesterol plasma levels suggest positive effects on lipid metabolism in long-term observations. The present study is the first to show a lack of IT effect regarding triglycerides six months after surgery

    The viability of ecotoxicological biotests for assessment of biological status of surface waters - Goczalkowice Water Reservoir example

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    Wdrożenie biotestów do monitoringu wód zbiorników zaporowych jest jednym z celów szczegółowych projektu "Zintegrowany System Wspomagający Zarządzaniem i Ochroną Zbiornika Zaporowego" (ZiZOZap). Projekt realizowany jest w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Innowacyjna Gospodarka jako element wdrażania Ramowej Dyrektywy Wodnej. Modelowym obiektem dla Projektu jest Zbiornik Zaporowy w Goczałkowicach. Nadrzędnym celem projektu ZiZOZap jest rozwiązanie problemu obniżania się potencjału ekologicznego i funkcjonalnego zbiorników zaporowych w wyniku ich starzenia się i presji stwarzanej przez gospodarkę w obszarze zlewni. Produktem końcowym projektu będzie system informacyjny (bazujący na monitoringu, modelach zintegrowanych i szczegółowych scenariuszach działań) ułatwiający bieżącą ocenę stanu Zbiornika, prognozowanie krótko- i długoterminowych zmian oraz podejmowanie racjonalnych decyzji w zakresie ochrony, utrzymania i zarządzania Zbiornikiem. Od lipca roku 2010 bateria komercyjnych, standaryzowanych biotestów jest stosowana w monitoringu wód Zbiornika Goczałkowickiego, a jej wyniki są porównywane z wynikami standardowego monitoringu określanego prawem. Zakłada się możliwości wykorzystania wyników biotestów w szczegółowych scenariuszach pracy Zbiornika.Implementation of ecotoxicological biotests for monitoring of water quality in water reservoirs is one of the aims of the project "Integrated system supporting management and protection of water reservoir (ZiZOZap)". The project is executed within The Programme Innovative Economy under National Strategic Reference Framework as a part of introducing Water Framework Directive. The model object of the Project is Goczalkowice Water Reservoir. The main purposes of the Project are maintaining a good condition of the Reservoir for future and prevent processes of its aging and degradation. The final product of the Project will be an informational system based on the results of environmental monitoring, numerical models of reservoir and relative management scenarios. The system will allow permanent assessment of current reservoir condition as well as prediction of its short time and long time alterations. In consequence, these may lead to rationale decisions referring to reservoir management. Since July 2010 a battery of standardized commercial biotests is applied for water quality monitoring in Goczalkowice Reservoir. The obtained results are referred to the standards set by governmental and EC ordinances. We assume the biotests would be useful in constructing detailed scenarios of the reservoir management.