11 research outputs found

    Does the context matter? Labour market characteristics and job satisfaction among young European adults working on temporary contracts

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    The main goal of this study is to gain a better understanding of the relationship between job satisfaction and temporary work among youth in the EU, while considering the role of the context of countries' labour market characteristics. To address this issue, we use the EU-SILC 2013 database, with an ad hoc module on well-being, which we supplement with macro indicators from Eurostat and ILO. Our findings show that a higher unemployment rate is associated with a lower job satisfaction among youth. Moreover, country-level variables moderate the negative impact of temporary work on the level of job satisfaction among young workers. The negative effect of temporary work is stronger in countries with a higher unemployment rate and a lower level of unionisation

    Does the context matter? Labour market characteristics and job satisfaction among young European adults working on temporary contracts

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    The main goal of this study is to gain a better understanding of the relationship between job satisfaction and temporary work among youth in the EU, while considering the role of the context of countries' labour market characteristics. To address this issue, we use the EU-SILC 2013 database, with an ad hoc module on well-being, which we supplement with macro indicators from Eurostat and ILO. Our findings show that a higher unemployment rate is associated with a lower job satisfaction among youth. Moreover, country-level variables moderate the negative impact of temporary work on the level of job satisfaction among young workers. The negative effect of temporary work is stronger in countries with a higher unemployment rate and a lower level of unionisation

    Unemployment and subjective well-being among the youth: evidence from a longitudinal study in Poland

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    The main aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of becoming unemployed on the well-being of young people. Particularly, we examine to what extent this relationship is moderated by the local unemployment rate. To address this topic, we use the Polish longitudinal dataset: Social Diagnosis: Objective and Subjective Quality of Life in Poland (2005-2015). Using a fixed effect model, we find that young individuals who lost a job feel worse off than their counterparts who remained employed, and that these effects differ by gender, with men being more susceptible to changes in the employment status. Moreover, we show that the impact of unemployment on the well-being of men is the smaller the higher the unemployment rate is. However, contrary to expectations, this effect is driven by the decreasing well-being of employed men and not by a decline in the distress level of unemployed men when aggregate unemployment grows

    Unemployment and Subjective Well-being Among the Youth: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study in Poland

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    The main aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of becoming unemployed on the well-being of young people. Particularly, we examine to what extent this relationship is moderated by the local unemployment rate. To address this topic, we use the Polish longitudinal dataset: Social Diagnosis: Objective and Subjective Quality of Life in Poland (2005-2015).Using a fixed effect model, we find that young individuals who lost a job feel worse off than their counterparts who remained employed, and that these effects differ by gender, with men being more susceptible to changes in the employment status. Moreover, we show that the impact of unemployment on the well-being of men is the smaller the higher the unemployment rate is. However, contrary to expectations, this effect is driven by the decreasing well-being of employed men and not by a decline in the distress level of unemployed men when aggregate unemployment grows.

    Does the Context Matter? Labour Market Characteristics and Job Satisfaction Among Young European Adults Working on Temporary Contracts

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    The main goal of this study is to gain a better understanding of the relationship between job satisfaction and temporary work among youth in the EU, while considering the role of the context of countries’ labour market characteristics. To address this issue, we use the EU-SILC 2013 database, with an ad hoc module on well-being, which we supplement with macro indicators from Eurostat and ILO. Our findings show that a higher unemployment rate is associated with a lower job satisfaction among youth. Moreover, country-level variables moderate the negative impact of temporary work on the level of job satisfaction among young workers. The negative effect of temporary work is stronger in countries with a higher unemployment rate and a lower level of unionisation

    Unemployment and Subjective Well-being Among the Youth: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study in Poland

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    The main aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of becoming unemployed on the well-being of young people. Particularly, we examine to what extent this relationship is moderated by the local unemployment rate. To address this topic, we use the Polish longitudinal dataset: Social Diagnosis: Objective and Subjective Quality of Life in Poland (2005-2015). Using a fixed effect model, we find that young individuals who lost a job feel worse off than their counterparts who remained employed, and that these effects differ by gender, with men being more susceptible to changes in the employment status. Moreover, we show that the impact of unemployment on the well-being of men is the smaller the higher the unemployment rate is. However, contrary to expectations, this effect is driven by the decreasing well-being of employed men and not by a decline in the distress level of unemployed men when aggregate unemployment grows

    Demand for Additional Foreign Language Activities in Poland

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    This paper addresses the issue of participation in additional activities in foreign languages among Polish students aged 7–15. Foreign language skills are important in recruitment to secondary school and university. In the labour market, there is also a considerable wage premium for foreign language skills. Participation in such activities is therefore a form of investment in human capital. In this work we distinguish two kinds of additional foreign language activities: paid and free, and we show their different characteristics, which is our contribution to the literature. We check whether the key factors on the demand and supply side of additional activities such as family socio-economic status (SES) and size of the place of residence affect the participation in paid and free activities in a similar way. We also examine gender differences in additional foreign language activities participation. For the purpose of our analysis, we use data from the second round of the Determinants of Educational Decisions study (UDE) and apply the multinomial logit regression model. Our results indicate that family SES and size of the place of residence are important factors for probability of participation in paid foreign language activities. For participation in free activities, family SES does not matter. The-refore, these classes can contribute to equalising educational opportunities. We also find that girls are more likely to participate in both paid and free activities in foreign languages

    Determinanty prywatnych wydatków edukacyjnych w Polsce – wyniki badania eksploracyjnego

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    Wysokość środków przeznaczanych na edukację przez gospodarstwa domowe jest uzależniona od wielu czynników. W artykule stawia się hipotezy dotyczące determinant wydatków edukacyjnych ponoszonych przez polskie gospodarstwa domowe na edukację dzieci w wieku od 6 do 18 lat i weryfikuje je na podstawie danych zgromadzonych w badaniu IBE Wydatki edukacyjne gospodarstw domowych i ich uwarunkowania. Związki czynników leżących po stronie gospodarstwa domowego z wydatkami edukacyjnymi ogółem oraz w podziale na wydatki obowiązkowe i nieobowiązkowe zbadano metodą regresji. Kapitał kulturowy gospodarstwa domowego, wykształcenie rodziców oraz zamożność mają znaczenie dla wysokości ponoszonych wydatków. Pozytywna ocena szkoły również wiąże się z wyższymi wydatkami edukacyjnymi

    Wykorzystanie technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych w gimnazjach

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    Polskie szkoły są coraz częściej wyposażane w nowoczesne technologie. Rosnąca popularność takich narzędzi dydaktycznych, a także ogromne możliwości ich zastosowania, skłoniły nas do zbadania, czy w polskich gimnazjach korzysta się z dostępnych tablic interaktywnych oraz jakie czynniki wpływają na zróżnicowaną częstotliwość wykorzystywania tablic podczas lekcji. Zbadano ponadto, jakie cechy szkoły i nauczycieli wpływają na częstsze korzystanie przez nich z takich narzędzi dydaktycznych podczas lekcji. Analizę wykorzystania tablic interaktywnych w gimnazjach przeprowadzono na podstawie danych zebranych w dziewięciu celowo dobranych powiatach w ramach projektu Badanie ekonomicznych uwarunkowań celów i kierunków alokacji nakładów na edukację realizowanych przez podmioty publiczne i prywatne w Polsce oraz danych pochodzących z Systemu Informacji Oświatowej i Banku Danych Lokalnych. Wyniki wskazują, że oprócz wyposażenia w infrastrukturę informacyjno-komunikacyjną, istotne są również cechy nauczycieli i systemów motywacyjnych danej szkoły. Te czynniki wyjaśniły część zaobserwowanego zróżnicowania w wykorzystaniu tablic interaktywnych w szkołach

    The impact of distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic on learning time of VET students in the school years 2019/2020 and 2020/2021

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    The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic forced the closure of schools in Poland. It was a challenge, especially for vocational education. Distance learning reduced the time devoted by some students to learning, and thus probably also the amount of their knowledge and skills. The authors indicate the key factors of how the transition to distance learning influenced the time devoted by students to education. This paper investigates to what extent the education system managed to adapt to the pandemic conditions and which actions are of special importance for the future. The analysis is based on the results of a survey of vocational school students in Poland who studied in the last grades during the pandemic