10 research outputs found

    Estimated the amount of air void in concrete using image processing technique

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    Image processing methods have been widely used in civil engineering recently. Image processing is reproducing the processes people got via their own vision system by digitizing. The aim of this study is to define air void values of different concrete specifies with image processing methods. With this purpose seven different concrete series have been produced by using different water/cement rates. Physical and mechanical tests have been applied on the samples acquired. Additively air void ratios have been calculated after section images obtained from hardened concrete surfaces are processed. Relations between the results obtained as a result of image processing method and pressure resistance values of the acquired concrete samples have been examined. Consequentially it has been observed that air void values in the concrete obtained by using image processing techniques may be estimated with a high correlation

    Prediction of Flexural Properties of Wood Material Reinforced with Various FRP Fabrics by Artificial Neural Networks

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    Recently, fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) applications have started to be used in the reinforcement of wooden structures, such as in the reinforcement of steel and reinforced concrete structures. It is necessary to strengthen the wooden structures for reasons such as removing the damages caused by external factors and earthquakes in time, increasing the load-bearing capacity of the structure by restoration, preventing early fatigue and breakages that may occur as a result of mistakes made in the design. The necessity to improve the repair and strengthening methods of the structures damaged as a result of the earthquake over time arises. In this study, the maximum load, displacement, flexural strength and modulus of elasticity of the wood material of Iroko and Ash tree species reinforced with 4 different FRP fabrics, namely carbon, glass, aramid and basalt, were determined by bending test. As a result of the experimental study, the maximum load, displacement, flexure strength and elasticity modulus values of the reinforced samples were estimated by artificial neural network (ANN). As a result, it was determined that the flexural properties of a wood material strengthened with FRP by using ANN can be predicted

    Bilgisayar Kontrollü Bs En 772-18 Standardına Uygun Donma- Çözülme Test Cihazının Geliştirilmesi ve Uygulanması

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    Yapı malzemeleri; üretim teknolojisi, uygun tasarım, kimyasal oran, yerleştirme ve sıkıştırma dereceleri, üretim standartları gibi kriterler dikkate alınarak değişken bir dayanım ölçeğinde izin verilen bir standartta üretilirler. Bu standartlardan uygun yapı kimyasallarının seçimi ve çevre şartları için özellikle tip ve dayanım sınıfı açısından tanımlı standartlar vardır. Yapı malzemelerinin dayanımını özellikle şiddetli çevresel şartlarda, kimyasal seçimi, içeriği oluşturan malzemelerin dona dayanıklılık, kimyasal direnç ve donatının korunması gibi dayanıklılık özelliklerine de dikkat edilir. Yapı malzemelerinin en büyük yapısal bozulma nedeni nemli ortamlarda donma çözülme olayının meydana gelmesidir. Bu bozulmalar binalarda enerji kaybına da neden olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada ayarlanabilen nemli ortamlarda istenen sıcaklıkta istenen zaman aralığında yapı malzemelerini tutabilen bilgisayar kontrollü donma çözülme test cihazı geliştirilmiştir. Bu cihaz ile yapı malzemelerinin yüksek sıcaklık ve donma- çözülme etkisinde mekanik ve fiziksel davranışı gözlemlenebilmektedir

    Investigation of Veneer Plaster with Barite for Radiation Shielding

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    Günlük hayatımızın hemen her alanında, gerek doğal yollardan, gerekse teknolojik gelişmelerin sebep olduğu radyasyona maruz kalınmaktadır. Radyasyonu hayatımızdan atamayacağımız için zararlı etkilerini en aza indirmenin yollarını aramalıdır. Radyasyon ışınlarını absorbe etmek amacıyla zırh bölme panel duvarlar kullanılır. Yüzyılımızın çağdaş gereksinmeleri karşısında; betonarme yapılara yük getirmeyen, estetik, çağdaş görünümlü ve gerektiğinde demonte edilebilen bölme duvar sistemlerinin kullanılması kaçınılmaz olmuştur. Bölme duvar sistemleri, çalışma alanlarının, tasarımına uygun, hızlı ve ekonomik olarak bölünmesini sağlayan modüler duvar sistemleridir. Günümüzde genellikle alçı bölme duvarlar kullanılmaktadır. Fakat radyasyonun yoğun olarak bulunduğu yapılarda alçı bölme duvarlar arasına zırh kalkanı olarak kurşun yerleştirilmektedir. Kurşunun uygulamada çıkardığı zorluklar, insan sağlığına olan zararları, vs. sebeplerinden dolayı; binaya ilave yük getirmeyecek, uygulaması kolay, insan sağlığına zararı olmayan kurşuna alternatif çözümler bulunması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada; radyasyon tutuculuk özelliği yüksek baritli hazır sıva kaplamalar üretilmiştir. Barit agregalı hazır sıva kaplamalarının basınç dayanımları, eğilme dayanımları ve radyasyon tutuculuk özellikleri araştırılmıştır.In all areas of our daily life, we have exposed to radiation from both natural ways and technological developments. We can’t remove radiation from our lives, that’s why we should look for ways to minimize the harmful effects of radiation. In order to absorb the radiation beam armour panel wall partitions are used. For the contemporary requirements of our century; not burden to concrete structures, aesthetic, contemporary looking and when necessary demountable wall systems using has become inevitable. The partition wall systems are according to the design workspace, fastly and economically dividing modular wall systems. Nowadays it is often used plaster partition walls. But lead is placed between plaster partition walls for radiation shielding in the intense radiation exposed buildings. Not burden to structures alternative solutions must be found to lead because of hampered by the application of lead, damage to human health etc. In this investigation, plastering coatings produced with barite which is highly radiation proof. The compressive strength, flexural strength and radiation repellent properties have been investigated of plaster coatings with barite aggregate

    Ağır betonların sülfat etkisindeki mekanik özellikleri

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    Önemli tesislerde kullanılan betonların zamanla dış etmenlerden bozulacağı göz önüne alınarak tasarlanması gereklidir. Dış etkilerden bozulma derecesi ancak betonlar üzerinde yapılacak ön deneylerden sonra anlaşılabilir. Genel olarak betonun çevresel etkilere göre tasarımı iki parametreye göre yapılır. Betondaki maksimum su/çimento oranı ve minimum çimento dozajı gibi kısıtlamaların ne ölçüde gerçekleşebileceği doğrudan beton agregasının türüne, granülometrisine ve standartlarına uygun olmasına bağlıdır. Çalışmada, barit agregası ile mineral- kimyasal katkı malzemeleri kullanılarak yüksek dayanımlı betonlar üretilmiştir. Üretilen betonların fiziksel ve mekanik özelliklerinin yanı sıra durabilitesi de incelenmiştir. Durabilite açısından ağır betonların servis ömrü boyunca karşılaşabileceği düşünülen sülfat etkilerine karşı dayanımı araştırılmıştır. Sülfat etkisine maruz bırakılmış beton numunelerin basınç dayanım değişimleri, kimyasal ve mikro yapı değişimleri incelenmiştir. Bu çalışma kapsamında yapılan araştırmalar neticesinde yüksek basınç dayanıma sahip ağır betonların sülfata karşı basınç dayanımlarında azalma görülmüştür. Magnezyum sülfat etkisinin daha tahrip edici bir özelliğe sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Sülfat etkisinden oran olarak en fazla barit agregalı betonlar etkilenmiş olmasına rağmen sayısal olarak basınç dayanım değeri en yüksek beton olarak kalmaya devam etmiştir

    A New Approach to Compressive Strength Assessment of Concrete: Image Processing Technique

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    2nd International Congress on Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science (APMAS) -- APR 26-29, 2012 -- Antalya, TURKEYKilincarslan, Semsettin/0000-0001-8253-9357WOS: 000309528800013In this study, the compressive strength levels of different concrete classes were estimated using an image processing technique. A series of different concretes were prepared by applying different water/cement ratios. The percentages of cement matrix, aggregate, and air void were calculated by processing the images obtained from the surfaces of hardened concretes. The relation between the parameters that were calculated via image processing and the compressive strengths of the concretes produced were examined. By this means, the compressive strength levels of concretes were estimated one by one via the developed image processing software and ImageJ. It was found that the compressive strength levels of concretes can be estimated with a high level of correlation by using the values obtained via the image processing technique. The developed software can be used to estimate the compressive strength levels of concretes. In addition, in considering concrete age, cure conditions, and relative humidity, the method used in this study can be used together with destructive and non-destructive test methods.Gebze Inst Technol, Izmir Katip Celebi Univ, Istanbul Kultur Univ, Doga Nanobiotech Inc, Terra Lab, Inc, LOT Oriel Grp Europe, Redoks Inc, Edinburgh Instruments, Anamed & Analitik Grp, NanoMagnet Instruments Ltd, Maney Publishin

    Prediction of compressive strength of heavyweight concrete by ANN and FL models

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    Akkurt, Iskender/0000-0002-5247-7850; Kilincarslan, Semsettin/0000-0001-8253-9357WOS: 000277940600001The compressive strength of heavyweight concrete which is produced using baryte aggregates has been predicted by artificial neural network (ANN) and fuzzy logic (FL) models. For these models 45 experimental results were used and trained. Cement rate, water rate, periods (7-28-90 days) and baryte (BaSO(4)) rate (%) were used as inputs and compressive strength (MPa) was used as output while developing both ANN and FL models. In the models, training and testing results have shown that ANN and FL systems have strong potential for predicting compressive strength of concretes containing baryte (BaSO(4))

    Prediction of photon attenuation coefficients of heavy concrete by fuzzy logic

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    Akkurt, Iskender/0000-0002-5247-7850; Kilincarslan, Semsettin/0000-0001-8253-9357WOS: 000284501700001The fuzzy logic (FL) model to determine the radiation shielding properties of concretes containing barite in the ratio of 0%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 100%, and different water-to-cement ratio (w/c) have been developed. For training of the networks in the model, w/c and barite ratio were input, while the photon attenuation coefficient was output. The FL results were compared with experimental results and correlation between experiment and FL was compared with the correlation between experiment and calculation (XCOM). It was found that the correlation between FL and experiment was better than the correlation between XCOM and experiment. (C) 2010 The Franklin Institute. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Assessment of concrete compressive strength by image processing technique

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    Kilincarslan, Semsettin/0000-0001-8253-9357WOS: 000314434400060The aim of this study is to assess the compressive strength values of different concrete classes by using the image processing technique. For this purpose, seven different water/cement ratios were obtained using the different series of concrete. Physical and mechanical tests were conducted on the obtained specimens. In addition, analyses were carried out by using image processing techniques. Correlations between compressive strength values of the obtained concrete specimens and the results obtained at the end of image processing were sought. A good correlation (R-2 = 0.9847) between the aggregate volume was observed by means of image processing, and the aggregate volume, theoretically assigned during mixture design. Regression analyses were done using image processing and non-destructive test results. For the comparison the performance of the regression techniques R-2, RMSE, SSE and MAPE were evaluated for each analysis. It is further considered that the image processing technique that was used in this study can be an auxiliary tool to destructive and non-destructive testing methods. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Suleyman Demirel University Unit of Scientific Research ProjectsSuleyman Demirel University [1990-D-09]This study was carried out within the framework of the research Project No. 1990-D-09, supported by the Suleyman Demirel University Unit of Scientific Research Projects. The authors are thankful to the SDU Unit of Scientific Research Projects

    Clustering Analysis of Normal Strength Concretes Produced with Different Aggregate Types

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    Concrete is the most commonly used structural material, which is composed of individual base materials. The compressive strength of concrete is important to understand for activities like construction arrangement, prestressing operations, proportioning new mixtures and quality assurance. Concrete has a problem known as Clustering, which is the unsupervised classification of patterns into clusters. The clustering problem has been addressed by several researchers in many contexts and various disciplines; this shows that clustering uses many areas and is an important step in data analysis. In this study, concrete samples with different aggregate types and normal strength were produced. Clustering analysis was performed on the effect of aggregate species for its mechanical strength. According to the result of clustering analysis, it was found that there were three different groups, the study predicts that clustering is not related to the origins of the rocks but is clustered between the strength of the rocks and the mechanical strengths of the concretes produced within these rocks. The common feature of L, RL and SG aggregates in the first cluster is that it is a sedimentary rock. The aggregate of the concrete in the second cluster is that it is a volcanic superficial rock. The common feature of DO and TB rocks in the third cluster is that it has high density. As a result, it was determined that the clay made in normal class concrete is related to the mechanical strength of rocks