53 research outputs found

    Global Imbalances, Current Account Rebalancing and Exchange Rate Adjustments

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    We analyze the global imbalances and the required adjustments for rebalancing in current accounts and real exchange rates. We set up a two-country two-sector model for the US- China with two asymmetries. First, we assume that the size of China initially is one third of the US but its size becomes half of the US in the next ten years consistent with the fast growth expectations in China. Secondly, we assume that China initially runs a net export surplus against the US. Then we quantitatively study two adjustment scenarios. First scenario,called Slow Adjustment, assumes that in the process of growth, Chinese demand composition moves more towards domestic non-tradable sector. In this case, Chinese real exchange rate appreciates gradually and net export surplus also decreases slowly. Second scenario, called Quick Adjustment, assumes that in addition to the higher non-tradable share in output, net export surplus against US goes to zero quickly in fi�ve years. In this case, net export adjustment happens quickly and real exchange rates in China also appreciate faster and at a higher rate than Slow Adjustment case. Even though, global imbalances are eliminated faste in the Quick Adjustment case, high real appreciation in China hurts importers in the US. A comparison in terms of output shows that Slow Adjustments is preferred for both countries.Global imbalances, Current accounts, Exchange rate adjustments

    Acil Servise Başvuran Hastaların Sağlık Anksiyetesinin Belirlenmesi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışma acil servise başvuran hastaların sağlık anksiyetesini belirlemek amacıyla tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel olarak yapıldı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırmaya Atatürk Üniversitesi Sağlık Uygulama ve Araştırma Hastanesi Acil Servisine, Ekim-Aralık 2019 tarihleri arasında başvuran 364 hasta alındı. Verilerin toplanmasında “Hasta Tanıtım Formu” ve “Sağlık Anksiyetesi Ölçeği” kullanıldı. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde sayı, ortalama, yüzdelik dağılımlar, bağımsız gruplarda t testi, Kruskal Wallis, Kolerasyon ve Cronbach Alfa güvenirlik analizi kullanıldı. Bulgular: Araştırma kapsamına alınan hastaların sağlık anksiyetesi ölçeği toplam puan ortalamaları 19.19±8.64, bedensel belirtilere aşırı duyarlık ve kaygı boyutu puan ortalamaları 15.09±7.02 ve hastalığın olumsuz sonuçları boyutu puan ortalamaları 4.09±2.72 olarak bulundu. Kadın olmanın, yaşın, eğitim durumunun, düzenli ilaç kullanımının, son zamanlarda stresli bir olay yaşamanın, acil servise geliş şeklinin, son 6 ay içinde acil servise başvuru durumunun ve acil servise başvuru nedeninin hastaların sağlık anksiyetesi düzeyini artırdığı belirlendi (p<0.05). Sonuç: Acil servise başvuran hastaların genel olarak sağlık anksiyetesi düzeylerinin düşük olduğu bulundu. Bu sonuçlar doğrultusunda; acil servise başvuran hastaların sağlık anksiyetesinin belirlenmesi amacıyla farklı bölgelerdeki acil servislerde ve daha büyük örneklemde araştırma yapılması önerilir

    Global Imbalances, Current Account Rebalancing and Exchange Rate Adjustments

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    We analyze the global imbalances and the required adjustments for rebalancing in current accounts and real exchange rates. We set up a two-country two-sector model for the US- China with two asymmetries. First, we assume that the size of China initially is one third of the US but its size becomes half of the US in the next ten years consistent with the fast growth expectations in China. Secondly, we assume that China initially runs a net export surplus against the US. Then we quantitatively study two adjustment scenarios. First scenario,called Slow Adjustment, assumes that in the process of growth, Chinese demand composition moves more towards domestic non-tradable sector. In this case, Chinese real exchange rate appreciates gradually and net export surplus also decreases slowly. Second scenario, called Quick Adjustment, assumes that in addition to the higher non-tradable share in output, net export surplus against US goes to zero quickly in fi�ve years. In this case, net export adjustment happens quickly and real exchange rates in China also appreciate faster and at a higher rate than Slow Adjustment case. Even though, global imbalances are eliminated faste in the Quick Adjustment case, high real appreciation in China hurts importers in the US. A comparison in terms of output shows that Slow Adjustments is preferred for both countries

    Global Imbalances, Current Account Rebalancing and Exchange Rate Adjustments

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    We analyze the global imbalances and the required adjustments for rebalancing in current accounts and real exchange rates. We set up a two-country two-sector model for the US- China with two asymmetries. First, we assume that the size of China initially is one third of the US but its size becomes half of the US in the next ten years consistent with the fast growth expectations in China. Secondly, we assume that China initially runs a net export surplus against the US. Then we quantitatively study two adjustment scenarios. First scenario,called Slow Adjustment, assumes that in the process of growth, Chinese demand composition moves more towards domestic non-tradable sector. In this case, Chinese real exchange rate appreciates gradually and net export surplus also decreases slowly. Second scenario, called Quick Adjustment, assumes that in addition to the higher non-tradable share in output, net export surplus against US goes to zero quickly in fi�ve years. In this case, net export adjustment happens quickly and real exchange rates in China also appreciate faster and at a higher rate than Slow Adjustment case. Even though, global imbalances are eliminated faste in the Quick Adjustment case, high real appreciation in China hurts importers in the US. A comparison in terms of output shows that Slow Adjustments is preferred for both countries

    Idiopathic adrenal hematoma mimicking neoplasia: A case report

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    AbstractIntroductionAdrenal haemorrhage is a relatively rare condition. If there is not a specific ethology describing adrenal hematoma, then, this is termed as ‘idiopathic adrenal hematoma’.Presentation of caseWe presented a case of idiopathic adrenal hematoma in this study. A 62-year-old woman was referred to our hospital for evaluation of a 40mm mass in the left upper abdominal cavity. The histopathological findings of the surgical specimen revealed a hematoma with normal adrenal tissue.DiscussionThe incidence of adrenal haemorrhage was found to be 1.1% regarding autopsy results. The Adrenal gland is highly vascular and vulnerable to haemorrhage. Before a surgical operation, it is difficult to diagnose idiopathic adrenal hematomas.ConclusionAn adrenal hematoma should be kept in mind when adrenal masses assessing

    Evaluation of 86 Patients Whom Death While Being Followed up with Pre-Diagnosis of Covid-19

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    The Coronavirus-19 pandemic continues at full speed, and the number of patients who die from Covıd-19 is increasing. It was aimed to evaluate the demographic information and laboratory findings of 86 patients who died while being followed up in our hospital with a pre-diagnosis of Covıd-19. Identifying these characteristics of deceased patients will be essential to guide clinicians in identifying critically ill patients. Data on demographic information, comorbidities, time from hospitalization to death, molecular test results, thorax CT findings, biochemical findings, culture, antibiotic susceptibility, and the given treatments of the cases were collected from the electronic system Kastamonu Training and Research Hospital. While the RT-PCR test of 21 of the cases was positive, in 9 of the cases, control PCR tests were negative after a while. The CT results of 18 of the 21 initially RT-PCR positive cases were compatible with Covid-19, and the CT result of 3 could not be reached. When the blood test results of the cases were examined, neutrophil increase, white blood cell increase, lymphocyte reduction, and inflammatory markers increase were determined. A total of 43 bacterial growths were found in 21 cases. It has been observed that deaths in patients who were followed up with the pre-diagnosis of Covıd-19 generally occur in older people, males, and those with underlying diseases. It was thought that the cause of death could be underlying diseases, pathologies caused by inflammation, and secondary bacterial infections in addition to viral infection. Clinicians should be more careful about elderly patients, patients with secondary bacterial infections, or patients with neutrophilia, lymphopenia

    Clinical characteristics of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 vaccinated with at least two doses in a tertiary care hospital in Turkey

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    Background. We aimed to examine the characteristics of Turkish patients hospitalized with COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated. Method. A retrospective, single-center study was conducted in fully vaccinated patients with inactivated whole virion (CoronaVac) and/or BNT162b2 mRNA (Pfizer-BioNTech) vaccines and admitted to the hospital. We evaluated the hospitalized patients regarding the intensive care unit admission and death. A multivariate binary logistic regression analysis was used to determine the factors for mortality. Results. We conducted the study with 541 patients. The mean age was 70.2, and 52.1% of the patients were women. 73.6% of the patients were 65 years or older. The most common comorbidities were hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and COPD. The rate of the alpha variant was 54.3%, and the delta variant was 29.4%. The mortality rate was 45.8%, and the ICU admission rate was 55.3%. The delta (B.1.617.2) variant had higher ICU admission and mortality rate. Patients vaccinated with two-dose Sinovac-CoronaVac had a higher mortality rate. There was no difference between the time between the last vaccination dose to hospitalization, ICU admission, and mortality. LOS in the hospital was longer in ICU and mortality patients. In multivariate binary logistic analysis; age (odds ratio (OR), 1.06; 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) 1.04-1.08- year increase), male gender (OR, 1.57; 95% CI, 1.04-2.38), presence of comorbid diseases (OR, 4; 95% CI, 2-8) and delta variant (OR, 7.3; 95% CI, 4.4- 12.2) and vaccination with CoronaVac plus BioNTech (OR, 0.21; 95% CI, 0.07-0.62) were associated with death. Conclusion. Our results suggest administering a third and fourth dose of mRNA vaccine to subjects vaccinated primarily with two doses of CoronaVac

    Delirium in patients with acute ischemic stroke admitted to the non-intensive stroke unit: Incidence and association between clinical features and inflammatory markers

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    Background Stroke patients with development of delirium have unfavorable outcomes, higher mortality, longer hospitalizations, and a greater degree of dependence after discharge. Studies suggest that delirium is associated with abnormal immunological responses and a resultant increase in inflammatory markers. Objective Our aim was to determine whether there is an entity relationship between delirium, inflammation and acute ischemic stroke (AIS). Methods Sixty AIS patients admitted to the hospital were consecutively recruited. Delirium was diagnosed with the clinical assessment according to the Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-V) criteria. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to measure serum levels of Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), Interleukin 18 (IL-18), Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), and Neuron Specific Enolase (NSE) at admission. Results Eleven (18.3%) of 60 patients were diagnosed with delirium, and the majority (n=8, 72.7%) was the hypoactive type. Delirious and non-delirious patients had similar demographic and clinical features. Delirious patients had significantly higher lengths of hospital stay, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) at admission and discharge compared to non-delirious patients. In addition, there was no significant statistical difference between delirious and non-delirious patients with AIS in respect of levels of TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, IL-18, BDNF and NSE. This study suggests that delirium is not scarce in patients with AIS admitted to the non-intensive stroke unit, and that delirium developing after AIS seems not to be associated with serum TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, IL-18, BDNF and NSE but is associated with length of hospital stay and stroke severity

    Mullerian inhibiting substance expression in papillary thyroid cancer

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    SummaryObjectiveTo examine the expression of Mullerian inhibiting substance (MIS) in papillary thyroid cancer.Materials and methodsThe MIS expression was examined by studying the immunohistochemistry in deparafinized sections prepared from tissue blocks of patients who were diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer, as given in the pathology archive records (n = 23).ResultsIn all the cases studied, 50% (n = 10) showed strong staining and 50% showed moderate staining. The percentage of staining was found to be 94.2 ± 3.1% in strongly stained cases and 92.2 ± 2.1% in moderately stained cases. Normal thyroid tissues neighboring the tumor did not display any staining.ConclusionThe MIS expression can be used as a significant tool in differential diagnosis of papillary thyroid cancer and also to shed light on its etiopathogenesis

    The efficacy of adalimumab on experimentally induced spinal cord ischemia-reperfusion injury

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    Objective: Paraplegia is a dangerous complication of thoracoabdominal aortic surgery. Various studies have been conducted on the prevention of this complication and some spinal cord protection methods have been proposed. However, there is not any modality that prevent the development of paraplegia certainly. In the I / R period, primary injury triggers secondary injury due to increased inflammation, apoptosis and free radical formation. In this study, we evaluated that the neuroprotective effect of adalimumab in spinal cord ischemia-reperfusion injury.  Materials and Methods: In total, 24 adult New Zealand rabbits were divided into three groups: Group 1, control; Group 2, ischemia-reperfusion by infrarenal aortic clamping; Group 3, adalimumab treated followed by ischemia. Tissue and plasma tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin 6, interleukin 10, thiobarbituric acid reactive substance, total oxidant status and total antioxidant status levels were analyzed as a marker of inflammation and oxidation. Histopathological evaluation of the tissues was performed, and apoptosis was evaluated by TUNNEL method. Results: I/R injury significantly increases plasma and spinal cord tissue at TNF alpha, TOS, TBARS, IL6 levels and reduces plasma and spinal cord tissue to TAS and IL10 levels. Adalimumab treatment significantly reduces plasma and spinal cord tissue to TNF alpha, TOS, TBARS, IL6 and increases plasma and tissue to TAS and IL10 levels. Conclusion: Adalimumab treatment significantly reduces the spinal cord neuronal damage score and the number of apoptotic cells. This paper aims to demonstrate the important neuroprotective effects of adalimumab on rabbit spinal cord I/R injury