3 research outputs found

    A case study on the vicarious epitomes of the lifecycles in poems and folk songsYaşam dönemlerinin şiir ve türkülerle eşleştirilerek incelenmesine ilişkin örnek bir çalışma

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    Each individual is both influenced by and has an impact on his/her culture of birth. Consequently, culture describes life to a certain extent and can penetrate almost all spheresof life. In this study, poems and folks songs related to life periods and development psychology sub-branches such as childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age and concept of death are examined connectively. In this regard, this study is first and only in its field.“Factual qualitative” data has been used in this study. Target population of the study is life periods while the sample is poems and folk songs related to subfields of life periods. The results of the research are as follows:In the physical and physiological findings, the importance of sleep in infancy with the development of the “foetus” wasremarked. What is more, together with the “binary sexuality” characteristics in puberty and the physical change and alteration, its effects on development and physiological changes in later old age were emphasized.In emotional findings, the ones belonging to “adolescence period” were remarkable. Anxieties and hesitations also came into question. In cognitive findings, it became prominent that using language, “success and competition” and “socialization” take place in late childhood. Social findings were characterized with the “game period” and friendship relations were designated in “middle age period”. In cultural findings, “working and professional” life and “spouse and marriage” issues attract notice. In the findings related to death, it was emphasized that death is a complementary factor for the life but postponing it seems beneficial. ÖzetHer birey doğduğu kültürden hem etkilenir, hem de onu etkiler. Dolayısıyla bir ölçüde de olsa yaşamı kültür betimlemekte ve yaşamın hemen hemen her alanına nüfuz edebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada yaşam dönemlerine ilişkin şiir ve türküler ile gelişim psikolojisinin alt dalları olan çocukluk, ergenlik, yetişkinlik ve yaşlılık dönemleri ve ölüm kavramı eşleştirilerek incelenmiştir. Bu tür bir çalışma alanda ilk ve tektir. Bu araştırmada, “olgusal nitelikli” verilerden yararlanılmıştır. Evren yaşam dönemleri, örneklem ise yaşam dönemlerinin alt alanlarına ait şiir ve türkü örnekleridir. Araştırmada ulaşılan sonuçlar şöyledir:Fiziksel ve fizyolojik bulgularda; “fetüs’ün” gelişmesi ile bebeklikte uykunun önemine dikkat çekilmiştir. Ayrıca “Erinlik Çağı”nda görülen “ek cinsiyet” özellikleri ile fiziksel değişim ve dönüşümün, gelişim üzerindeki etkileri ile ileri yaşlılıkta görülen fizyolojik değişimler vurgulanmaktadır.Duygusal bulgularda, “Ergenlik Dönemi”ne ait olanlar dikkat çekicidir. Ayrıca kaygı ve tereddütler de söz konusudur. Zihinsel bulgularda; dil’in kullanımı, “başarı ve yarışma” ile “sosyalleşmenin”  son çocukluk dönemi gerçekleştiği öne çıkmıştır. Sosyal bulgular; “Oyun Dönemi” ile karakterize olup; “orta yaş”ta arkadaşlık ilişkileri de belirtilmektedir. Kültürel bulgularda; Genç Yetişkinlik Dönemi “iş ve çalışma” yaşamı ile “eş ve evlilik” konusu dikkat çekmektedir. Ölüme ait bulgularda; ölümün yaşam döngüsünü tamamlayan bir unsur olduğu, ancak ötelenmesinde yarar görüldüğü vurgulanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada elde edilen bulgular ışığında alandakilere ve yeni araştırma yapacaklara bazı öneriler sunulmuştur

    A study of the difficulties that preschool teachers’ experience in performance of musical activities in terms of various variables

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    Music education in preschool period is of capital importance to allow individual to use basic education and develop positive attitude to music. The reason is that preschool education provides rich-stimulant environments that are suitable for development level and personal characteristics of early-aged individuals, and helps them to develop themselves in mental, physical, emotional and social terms, and also braces them for primary education. For this reason, the quality of musical activities by preschool teachers and the difficulties become crucial. This study, as a qualitative research, has focused on 20 teachers, commissioned in official preschool institutions in Trabzon-City Centrum during 2013-2014 education period, and it's been determined that teachers experience the difficulties due to musical activity applications, characteristics of teachers and in-service education needs.

    Antimicrobial Nanomaterials: A Review

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    Microbial colonization on various surfaces is a serious problem. Biofilms from these microbes pose serious health and economic threats. In addition, the recent global pandemic has also attracted great interest in the latest techniques and technology for antimicrobial surface coatings. Incorporating antimicrobial nanocompounds into materials to prevent microbial adhesion or kill microorganisms has become an increasingly challenging strategy. Recently, many studies have been conducted on the preparation of nanomaterials with antimicrobial properties against diseases caused by pathogens. Despite tremendous efforts to produce antibacterial materials, there is little systematic research on antimicrobial coatings. In this article, we set out to provide a comprehensive overview of nanomaterials-based antimicrobial coatings that can be used to stop the spread of contamination to surfaces. Typically, surfaces can be simple deposits of nanomaterials, embedded nanomaterials, as well as nanotubes, nanowires, nanocolumns, nanofibers, nanoneedles, and bio-inspired structures