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    LLP nosacījumu izstrādes nepieciešamību nosaka:Latvijas lauku perspektīvā attīstība;ES nitrātu direktīva (EEC/91/676) ar mērķi samazināt un turpmāk novērst ūdens piesārņošanu no lauksaimniecības avotiem;« Baltijas jūras vides aizsardzības Helsinku konvencijas (HELCOM) pielikums III par lauksaimniecības izraisīto piesārņojumu. Tiek prasīts dalībvalstīm izstrādāt ieviešanas programmu līdz 2Q02.g. un paredzētos pasākumus izvērst līdz 2011.gadam

    Research Activities of the Latest Decades in the Faculty of Agriculture

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    Abstract. Research activities in the Faculty of Agriculture comprise three main specialisation lines: Field Crops, Horticulture and Animal Science which are associated with other subjects like Soil Science and Management, Grassland, Crops Breeding, Plant and Animal Biology, Plant Protection, Weed Science and Fertiliser Use etc. Traditionally our research strategy is to be engaged in two directions: 1) to provide intellectual services and sound scientific basis for Latvia primary agricultural sector and 2) to incorporate into the interdisciplinary research sector on Latvia, the EU and global scale. Brief overview of activities and results within these spheres is given related to the period starting from 1990 up to now with relevant ideas and propositions for the future prospects. Interinstitutional and international research cooperation and possibility to provide knowledge and services for society are the main pillars of our future development. Key words: Latvia agriculture, research priorities, agricultural research. Introduction In 1992, two faculties -Faculty of Agronomy and Faculty of Zootechnics -were merged and Faculty of Agriculture was established. Three main specialisation lines Field Crops, Horticulture and Animal Science which are associated with other subjects like Soil Science and Management, Plant Biology, Plant Protection, Weed Science, Fertiliser Use were organised within the Faculty. Therefore the main field of research and education was to provide students with competence in the primary agricultural production sectorcrop and animal farming. At the same time some part of research activities were related to the environmental aspects, forestry and other sectors through cooperation with other faculties of Latvia University of Agriculture (LLU), research institutions in Latvia and abroad as well. This time was also very important due to the active start of international cooperation. Number of our staff and post-graduate students has a possibility to be involved in different workshops, to attend conferences, and to participate in study courses and short-term on-site training programmes. Besides a number of foreign researchers have visited the Faculty and contributed to our research and teaching activities, and promoted establishment of good professional relationship. It has stimulated our research activities, staff involvement in international research programmes, and expert groups, and has given a good basis for long-term cooperation with international partners. Our research strategy is to follow the two lines: 1) to provide intellectual services and sound scientific basis for Latvia agricultural sector and 2) to incorporate into the interdisciplinary research sector on Latvia, the EU and global scale. Therefore our contribution and achievements may vary and sometimes it is not easy to determine where our efforts have been more effective either for implementation of small and very practice-oriented tasks or participation in large scale international projects. In general, the latter is good for knowledge and capacity building but the first one -for acknowledgement of our mission and importance for Latvian society. The period starting from 1990 up to now has been rich in many research-related activities; still it also reflected radical changes going on in economy and social sphere of this country. In the present article we would like to summarise only the main activities and changes, and also to discuss the results that could be important for future developments. The layout of article reflects the main research lines traditionally existing in our Faculty