61 research outputs found

    Familiale Arbeitsteilung bei Studierenden mit Kleinkindern : Erste Ergebnisse einer Zeitbudgetstudie

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    Gerade bei jungen Frauen und Männern mit hohem Bildungsniveau haben sich in den letzten Jahren die Einstellungen zur familialen Arbeitsteilung stark gewandelt. Mittlerweile wird eine partnerschaftlieh- egalitäre Verteilung der Pflichten im Haushalt mehrheitlich begrüßt. Um festzustellen, ob veränderte Einstellun· gen auch verhaltenswirksam geworden sind, wurden 66 Studentinnen und Studenten mit Kleinkindern mit Methoden der Zeitbudgetforschung zu Tagesablauf und Zeitverwendung befragt. Bei insgesamt im Vergleich zur Erwerbsbevöl· kerung hoher Gesamtbelastung waren auch hier Hausarbeit und Kinderbetreuung ungleich, und zwar zu Lasten der Frauen, verteilt. Studentinnen können daher wesentlich weniger Zeit in ihr Studium investieren als Studenten. Immerhin hatte eine relativ große Minderheit partnerschaftliehe Formen der Arbeitsteilung verwirklicht

    Detecting Receptivity for mHealth Interventions in the Natural Environment

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    JITAI is an emerging technique with great potential to support health behavior by providing the right type and amount of support at the right time. A crucial aspect of JITAIs is properly timing the delivery of interventions, to ensure that a user is receptive and ready to process and use the support provided. Some prior works have explored the association of context and some user-specific traits on receptivity, and have built post-study machine-learning models to detect receptivity. For effective intervention delivery, however, a JITAI system needs to make in-the-moment decisions about a user's receptivity. To this end, we conducted a study in which we deployed machine-learning models to detect receptivity in the natural environment, i.e., in free-living conditions. We leveraged prior work regarding receptivity to JITAIs and deployed a chatbot-based digital coach -- Walkie -- that provided physical-activity interventions and motivated participants to achieve their step goals. The Walkie app included two types of machine-learning model that used contextual information about a person to predict when a person is receptive: a static model that was built before the study started and remained constant for all participants and an adaptive model that continuously learned the receptivity of individual participants and updated itself as the study progressed. For comparison, we included a control model that sent intervention messages at random times. The app randomly selected a delivery model for each intervention message. We observed that the machine-learning models led up to a 40% improvement in receptivity as compared to the control model. Further, we evaluated the temporal dynamics of the different models and observed that receptivity to messages from the adaptiveComment: This paper is currently under submission. Please contact the authors for more detai

    Detecting Receptivity for mHealth Interventions in the Natural Environment

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    Just-In-Time Adaptive Intervention (JITAI) is an emerging technique with great potential to support health behavior by providing the right type and amount of support at the right time. A crucial aspect of JITAIs is properly timing the delivery of interventions, to ensure that a user is receptive and ready to process and use the support provided. Some prior works have explored the association of context and some user-specific traits on receptivity, and have built post-study machine-learning models to detect receptivity. For effective intervention delivery, however, a JITAI system needs to make in-the-moment decisions about a user\u27s receptivity. To this end, we conducted a study in which we deployed machine-learning models to detect receptivity in the natural environment, i.e., in free-living conditions. We leveraged prior work regarding receptivity to JITAIs and deployed a chatbot-based digital coach - Ally - that provided physical-activity interventions and motivated participants to achieve their step goals. We extended the original Ally app to include two types of machine-learning model that used contextual information about a person to predict when a person is receptive: a static model that was built before the study started and remained constant for all participants and an adaptive model that continuously learned the receptivity of individual participants and updated itself as the study progressed. For comparison, we included a control model that sent intervention messages at random times. The app randomly selected a delivery model for each intervention message. We observed that the machine-learning models led up to a 40% improvement in receptivity as compared to the control model. Further, we evaluated the temporal dynamics of the different models and observed that receptivity to messages from the adaptive model increased over the course of the study

    Detecting Receptivity for mHealth Interventions in the Natural Environment

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    Just-In-Time Adaptive Intervention (JITAI) is an emerging technique with great potential to support health behavior by providing the right type and amount of support at the right time. A crucial aspect of JITAIs is properly timing the delivery of interventions, to ensure that a user is receptive and ready to process and use the support provided. Some prior works have explored the association of context and some user-specific traits on receptivity, and have built post-study machine-learning models to detect receptivity. For effective intervention delivery, however, a JITAI system needs to make in-the-moment decisions about a user's receptivity. To this end, we conducted a study in which we deployed machine-learning models to detect receptivity in the natural environment, i.e., in free-living conditions. We leveraged prior work regarding receptivity to JITAIs and deployed a chatbot-based digital coach - Ally - that provided physical-activity interventions and motivated participants to achieve their step goals. We extended the original Ally app to include two types of machine-learning model that used contextual information about a person to predict when a person is receptive: a static model that was built before the study started and remained constant for all participants and an adaptive model that continuously learned the receptivity of individual participants and updated itself as the study progressed. For comparison, we included a control model that sent intervention messages at random times. The app randomly selected a delivery model for each intervention message. We observed that the machine-learning models led up to a 40% improvement in receptivity as compared to the control model. Further, we evaluated the temporal dynamics of the different models and observed that receptivity to messages from the adaptive model increased over the course of the study

    Exploring the State-of-Receptivity for mHealth Interventions

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    Recent advancements in sensing techniques for mHealth applications have led to successful development and deployments of several mHealth intervention designs, including Just-In-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAI). JITAIs show great potential because they aim to provide the right type and amount of support, at the right time. Timing the delivery of a JITAI such as the user is receptive and available to engage with the intervention is crucial for a JITAI to succeed. Although previous research has extensively explored the role of context in users’ responsiveness towards generic phone notiications, it has not been thoroughly explored for actual mHealth interventions. In this work, we explore the factors afecting users’ receptivity towards JITAIs. To this end, we conducted a study with 189 participants, over a period of 6 weeks, where participants received interventions to improve their physical activity levels. The interventions were delivered by a chatbot-based digital coach ś Ally ś which was available on Android and iOS platforms. We deine several metrics to gauge receptivity towards the interventions, and found that (1) several participant-speciic characteristics (age, personality, and device type) show signiicant associations with the overall participant receptivity over the course of the study, and that (2) several contextual factors (day/time, phone battery, phone interaction, physical activity, and location), show signiicant associations with the participant receptivity, in-the-moment. Further, we explore the relationship between the efectiveness of the intervention and receptivity towards those interventions; based on our analyses, we speculate that being receptive to interventions helped participants achieve physical activity goals, which in turn motivated participants to be more receptive to future interventions. Finally, we build machine-learning models to detect receptivity, with up to a 77% increase in F1 score over a biased random classiier

    RCVaR: an Economic Approach to Estimate Cyberattacks Costs using Data from Industry Reports

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    Digitization increases business opportunities and the risk of companies being victims of devastating cyberattacks. Therefore, managing risk exposure and cybersecurity strategies is essential for digitized companies that want to survive in competitive markets. However, understanding company-specific risks and quantifying their associated costs is not trivial. Current approaches fail to provide individualized and quantitative monetary estimations of cybersecurity impacts. Due to limited resources and technical expertise, SMEs and even large companies are affected and struggle to quantify their cyberattack exposure. Therefore, novel approaches must be placed to support the understanding of the financial loss due to cyberattacks. This article introduces the Real Cyber Value at Risk (RCVaR), an economical approach for estimating cybersecurity costs using real-world information from public cybersecurity reports. RCVaR identifies the most significant cyber risk factors from various sources and combines their quantitative results to estimate specific cyberattacks costs for companies. Furthermore, RCVaR extends current methods to achieve cost and risk estimations based on historical real-world data instead of only probability-based simulations. The evaluation of the approach on unseen data shows the accuracy and efficiency of the RCVaR in predicting and managing cyber risks. Thus, it shows that the RCVaR is a valuable addition to cybersecurity planning and risk management processes

    Investigating Intervention Components and Exploring States of Receptivity for a Smartphone App to Promote Physical Activity: Study Protocol of the Ally Micro-Randomized Trial

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    Background: Smartphones enable the implementation of just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAIs) that tailor the delivery of health interventions over time to user- and time-varying context characteristics. Ideally, JITAIs include effective intervention components, and delivery tailoring is based on effective moderators of intervention effects. Using machine learning techniques to infer each user’s context from smartphone sensor data is a promising approach to further enhance tailoring. Objective: The primary objective of this study is to quantify main effects, interactions, and moderators of 3 intervention components of a smartphone-based intervention for physical activity. The secondary objective is the exploration of participants’ states of receptivity, that is, situations in which participants are more likely to react to intervention notifications through collection of smartphone sensor data. Methods: In 2017, we developed the Assistant to Lift your Level of activitY (Ally), a chatbot-based mobile health intervention for increasing physical activity that utilizes incentives, planning, and self-monitoring prompts to help participants meet personalized step goals. We used a microrandomized trial design to meet the study objectives. Insurees of a large Swiss insurance company were invited to use the Ally app over a 12-day baseline and a 6-week intervention period. Upon enrollment, participants were randomly allocated to either a financial incentive, a charity incentive, or a no incentive condition. Over the course of the intervention period, participants were repeatedly randomized on a daily basis to either receive prompts that support self-monitoring or not and on a weekly basis to receive 1 of 2 planning interventions or no planning. Participants completed a Web-based questionnaire at baseline and postintervention follow-up. Results: Data collection was completed in January 2018. In total, 274 insurees (mean age 41.73 years; 57.7% [158/274] female) enrolled in the study and installed the Ally app on their smartphones. Main reasons for declining participation were having an incompatible smartphone (37/191; 19.4%) and collection of sensor data (35/191; 18.3%). Step data are available for 227 (82.8%, 227/274) participants, and smartphone sensor data are available for 247 (90.1%. 247/274) participants

    Investigating Intervention Components and Exploring States of Receptivity for a Smartphone App to Promote Physical Activity: Protocol of a Microrandomized Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Smartphones enable the implementation of just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAIs) that tailor the delivery of health interventions over time to user- and time-varying context characteristics. Ideally, JITAIs include effective intervention components, and delivery tailoring is based on effective moderators of intervention effects. Using machine learning techniques to infer each user's context from smartphone sensor data is a promising approach to further enhance tailoring. OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of this study is to quantify main effects, interactions, and moderators of 3 intervention components of a smartphone-based intervention for physical activity. The secondary objective is the exploration of participants' states of receptivity, that is, situations in which participants are more likely to react to intervention notifications through collection of smartphone sensor data. METHODS: In 2017, we developed the Assistant to Lift your Level of activitY (Ally), a chatbot-based mobile health intervention for increasing physical activity that utilizes incentives, planning, and self-monitoring prompts to help participants meet personalized step goals. We used a microrandomized trial design to meet the study objectives. Insurees of a large Swiss insurance company were invited to use the Ally app over a 12-day baseline and a 6-week intervention period. Upon enrollment, participants were randomly allocated to either a financial incentive, a charity incentive, or a no incentive condition. Over the course of the intervention period, participants were repeatedly randomized on a daily basis to either receive prompts that support self-monitoring or not and on a weekly basis to receive 1 of 2 planning interventions or no planning. Participants completed a Web-based questionnaire at baseline and postintervention follow-up. RESULTS: Data collection was completed in January 2018. In total, 274 insurees (mean age 41.73 years; 57.7% [158/274] female) enrolled in the study and installed the Ally app on their smartphones. Main reasons for declining participation were having an incompatible smartphone (37/191, 19.4%) and collection of sensor data (35/191, 18.3%). Step data are available for 227 (82.8%, 227/274) participants, and smartphone sensor data are available for 247 (90.1%, 247/274) participants. CONCLUSIONS: This study describes the evidence-based development of a JITAI for increasing physical activity. If components prove to be efficacious, they will be included in a revised version of the app that offers scalable promotion of physical activity at low cost. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03384550; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03384550 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/74IgCiK3d)