76 research outputs found

    Türkiye's Migration Experience and Policy Orientations: Integrating Syrians in Higher Education

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    Türkiye has had multidimensional migration experience not only in its past, but also in its present that has led to the formation of a dynamic migration policy to govern such a dynamic process. Türkiye’s migration policy has been informed and shaped by its geopolitical location as a migrant receiving, labour migrant sending, and migrant transit country. Today, Türkiye hosts the largest number of migrants and refugees in the world with a far-reaching social, political, and economic impact on the country. This article aims to shed light on the multidimensional migration experience of Türkiye and analyse its migration policies to govern manifold challenges brought about by the presence of almost 6 million foreigners in the country. It is argued in this article that the integration of migrants in general and of Syrians in particular remains a major challenge for Türkiye. Therefore, this article recommends that Turkish decision makers should make short and long-term plans for the integration of Syrians as the current conditions indicate that it is unlikely that Syrians will return in any signifi cant numbers any time soon even though the Turkish government has initiated a number of projects in parts of Northern Syria for the safe and voluntary return of its countrymen and women. One important area of integration in this context is higher education, which would enable Syrians to have access to employment and social mobility that would benefi t both themselves and Türkiye

    Kütüphane ve Arşivlerdeki Sessiz Tehlike: Yangın = The Silent Danger in Libraries and Archives: Fire

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    Fire is a disaster that gradually accelerates from the moment it breaks out, can engulf the building with a geometric increase, and can occur in any building. Libraries and archives can be exposed to fire disasters today, as in the past.. These important institutions, which are of great value with their buildings, collections, library staff and users, are not only cultural heritage that must be protected, but also public spaces. For this reason, the buildings in which these institutions will operate, must be designed and manufactured to have fire-resistant features. After the building- and people-oriented design and production, that means, during the usage phase, the library employees, who are the permanent users of the building, have the necessary fire awareness, will minimize the possibility of fire. In this study; Fire and fire outbreak risks were examined, and were discussed what needs to be done in the design and production stages in order to prevent any fire during the use of the library and archive buildings and the active and passive protective measures that should be taken. And also, in the event of a fire, some suggestions have been made about what should be done to minimize the damage

    Telli, Vurmalı Ve Yaylı Enstrüman Kullanan Müzisyenlerde Palmar Deri Rezistansının El Becerisi Ve İnce Motor Kavrama Üzerine Etkisinin Araştırılması

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    Çalışma müzisyenlerde palmar deri rezistansının el becerisi ve ince motor kavrama kuvvetleri ile ilişkisinin araştırılması amacı ile yapıldı. Çalışmaya 18-45 yaşları arasında 33’ü kadın, 39’u erkek toplam 72 katılımcı dahil edildi. Katılımcıların palmar deri rezistansı multimetre ile, İnce motor kavrama kuvveti pinchmetre ile ölçüldü. El becerisi ölçümü için 9 delikli peg testi uygulandı. Palmar deri rezistansı düşük ve yüksek olan kişilerin el becerileri ve ince motor kavrama kuvvetleri karşılaştırıldı. Dominant ve dominant olmayan tarafta palmar deri rezistansı düşük olan ve yüksek olan grupların el becerileri arasında anlamlı fark bulundu (p0,05). Bu çalışmada değerlendirilen parametrelerin ilişkisine bakıldığında, el becerisi ve palmar deri rezistansı arasında zayıf ilişki olduğu tespit edildi. Palmar deri rezistansının dominant tarafta ince motor kavrama kuvveti çeşitlerinden sadece lateral kavrama ile zayıf ilişkili olduğu görüldü. İkili kavrama (bipod kavrama) ve üçlü kavrama ile ilişkili olmadığı saptandı. El becerisinin dominant tarafta sadece lateral kavrama ile zayıf ilişkisinin olduğu görüldü. Sonuç olarak, palmar deri rezistansının müzisyenlerde performansı etkileyen bir kriter olduğu, mesleki rahatsızlıklara yönelik risk faktörlerinin belirlenmesinde, tedavi planı oluşturulmasına katkı sağlayabilecek, objektif veriler elde edebileceğimiz elektrofizyolojik bir ölçüm yöntemi olarak dikkate alınması gerektiği görüşündeyiz

    Kadın Kütüphanecilerin Kariyer Yolundaki Tehlike: Cam Tavan Sendromu = The Danger in the Career Path of Female Librarians: The Glass Ceiling Syndrome

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    Although there is no legal obstacle within the organization, the invisible barriers that prevent women from coming to senior management positions are called glass ceiling syndrome; in the literature. The main reason for choosing gender discrimination as the subject of this study is that this issue can be encountered at all levels of business life as well as for women working in libraries, information center, etc. and it puts them at a disadvantage. The starting point of this assumption has been that the students who preferred the Information and Records Management Departments, which provide undergraduate education in universities from the past to the present, were predominantly female students, then this weight continued in their professional life, but the situation was reversed in the management levels. Despite this, it is interesting to see that this important subject has not been explored in the librarianship literature until now. The aim of the study is to investigate whether the glass ceiling syndrome has an effect on the promotion of female information professionals to managerial positions. In this study, the data about the information professionals studying and working in this field were turned into statistical tables and an evaluation was made based on these results by considering the reasons for bringing men to the managerial positions in a female-dominated profession. As a result of the evaluation of the data, the assumption that the initial glass ceiling syndrome was an obstacle in the professional careers of female information professionals was also confirmed

    University Library Buildings in Turkey: A Survey and a Case Study of Yildiz Technical University Main Library Building

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    Higher education in Turkey has an ancient heritage, beginning in the ‘medrese’ or ‘madrasah’, schools for young men attached to a mosque, which date back to the tenth century and earlier throughout the Islamic world. The first university in Turkey, now known as Istanbul Universitesi, grew out of the Istanbul Medrese, founded as early as 1453, which gradually established itself as a pre-eminent science and technology school throughout the nineteenth century, taking the name Istanbul Darulfunun (House of Multiple Sciences) in 1912, and Istanbul Universitesi in 1933. Its former Schools, based on the schools of the former Medrese, have become Faculties in the modern university. There are now more than ninety-seven universities and academies in Turkey, of which approximately two thirds are state owned, the others are funded by foundations, or are military or police academies. Yildiz Technical University, founded in 1911, is one of the largest and most prominent state universities in Istanbul, and one of two technical universities, the other being Istanbul Technical University (founded 1773). YTU offers programs within eight faculties (covering literature, languages, fine arts and design, engineering and architecture) across three campuses, and advanced research degrees in dedicated research institutes. Although not the oldest university in Istanbul, many of its buildings, especially on the historic Davutpasa campus, date from the first half of the twentieth century and are ill-equipped to provide for the needs of a modern university, let alone a modern university library

    Discursive constructions of language and identity: parents' competing perspectives in London Turkish complementary schools

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    In this paper, I draw on interview data to explore parents' constructions of language and identity in two London Turkish complementary schools. I examine parents' evaluative talk about standard Turkish, Cypriot-Turkish and other regional varieties of Turkish, the cultural values they attach to them and images of personhood these invoke. I demonstrate how parents brought up in Turkey and Cyprus tend to privilege standard Turkish and acknowledge the crucial role Turkish complementary schools play as one of the key vehicles for its spread and promotion. Some parents, however, especially those politically active in promoting Cypriot-Turkish language, culture and history to the British-born generation, voice an alternative discourse where Cypriot-Turkish is intimately linked to their sense of self. Moreover, I investigate parents' perspectives of their children and of their own Turkish language competence in the case of parents brought up in the UK. I illustrate how their Turkish and their children's are compared against a ‘native’ speaker norm firmly located in the countries of origin. The parents' accounts show how different self- and other-ascriptions of proficiency in Turkish are linked to claims of or lack of ‘Turkishness’, largely shaped by their migration histories and narratives, personal and professional transnational experiences

    Interpretation of Information into Knowledge in Design Based Education: the Roles of Teachers, Students and Librarians

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    Architectural education is one of the design based education system. Its objective is to enable architectural students to develop their design skills while teaching them the basic principles and how to approach to a building design. The design studio which is the core process of the architectural education combines all relevant information derived from various disciplines and interprets them into knowledge. Then the students can create an architectural design of a building. Libraries are the essential information resources for the education system. The aim of this paper is to examine the role of the teachers, students and the librarians in the design based education in terms of obtaining, understanding and interpreting design related information into knowledge

    Yapı Biyolojisi ve Üniversite Kütüphanesi Kullanıcısı

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    Construction is a kind of environment which is designed and produced within pysical and social context for covering the biological, psychologic, sociologic expectations of the users. The expectations of the users are covered according to the quality of pysical and social peculiarities of the construction which is sensitive to external environment. The constructions, which can not cover the expectations of the users, might cause biological and psychological problems and in the end those constructions might cause health problems. The health relationship between the construction and the user is a subject of “Building Biology”. The aim of the study, which concentrates on the evaluation of university libraries in regard to building biology, is to determine the following factors and to put forward necessary precautions : - physical, social internal and external environment qualities; - negative elements within this environment; - factors which detoriate the user’s health caused by those negative elements; - to put forward the necessary precautions

    Kütüphane Binası Kullanıcıları Arasındaki İletişimde Binanın Rolü

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    Buildings are designed, produced and used to meet the users’ needs. A building is surrounded an external environment, and it also surrounds an internal environment with its external shell. These external and internal environments have physical and social characteristics which are considered during the design, production and use of the building. Both the building and its users affect each other. While the building is physically affected by its users, the users can be affected in terms of their biological, psychological and social structure. The building can cause biological and psychological health problems, and also can affect the relationships between the people. The users of a library building can be grouped as permanent users (staff) and temporary users (readers) according to the use period of it. The consideration of physical and social environmental characteristics during the design, construction and use will contribute the existence of healthy library buildings. The aim of this paper is to examine the relationships between a library building and its users, and the effects of the library building on the relationships between staff and readers