14 research outputs found

    Sjögren sendromlu annenin neonatal lupus sendromlu bebeği

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    Amaç: Sjögren sendromlu annenin neonatal lupus sendromu gelişen bebeğini olgu olarak sunmayı amaçladık. Olgu sunumu: Neonatal lupus sendromu NLS , Sjögren Sendromu SS ve diğer otoimmün hastalığı olan annelerin bebeklerinde anti-Ro/SSA ve anti-La/SSB antikorlarının geçişine bağlı olarak başta kardiyak tutulum oluşur. Bu yazıda SS’li annenin konjenital kalp bloğu tanısı alan ve kalıcı kalp pili uygulaması ile başarılı bir şekilde tedavi edilen NLS’li bebeği vaka olarak sunulmuştur. Sonuç: Anti-Ro/SSA ve anti-La/SSB antikoru pozitif SS gibi hastalığı olan kadınlarda gebelik boyunca NLS riski mutlaka akılda tutulmalı, fetal bradikardi saptandığında kalp bloğu akla gelmeli, intrauterin ve neonatal dönemde uygun tedavi planlanmalıdı

    Travmatik Beyin Hasarlı Hastalarda Rehabilitasyon Sonuçları

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    Amaç: Travmatik beyin hasarlı hastalarda nörolojik rehabilitasyon etkinliğini araştırmak.Garaç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya travmatik beyin hasarı sonrası rehabilite edilen 45 hasta alındı. Hastaların sosyodemografik özellikleri, yaralanma nedeni, koma süresi, posttravmatik amnezi süresi, yaralanma sonrası diğer kliniklerde kalış süresi, yaralanma ile rehabilitasyon kliniğine yatış arasındaki süre, rehabilitasyon kliniğinde kalma süreleri ve uzun dönem komplikasyonları belirlendi. Hastaların kliniğimize ilk yatışları ile son kontrolleri arasındaki fark fonksiyonel açıdan; Özürlülük Derecelendirme Ölçütü (Disability Rating Scale, DRS), Fonksiyonel Bağımsızlık Ölçütü (Functional Independence Measure, FIM) ve Fonksiyonel Ambulasyon Skalası (FAS), bilişsel açıdan ise Rancho Los Amigos bilişsel fonksiyon düzeyleri skalası (RLAS) son durum ölçütleri kullanılarak karşılaştırıldı.Bulgular: Nörolojik rehabilitasyon sonrasında hastaların fonksiyonel durumlarında belirgin iyileşme oldu. Başlangıç ve tedavi sonrası DRS, FİM, FAS ve RLAS skorlarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değişimler oldu. Başlangıç DRS skoru düşük, FİM ve RLAS skoru yüksek olanlarda fonksiyonel son durumun daha iyi olduğu tespit edildi.Sonuç: Travmatik beyin hasarı sonrası nörolojik rehabilitasyon fonksiyonel son durumun daha iyi olmasını sağlamaktadır.Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of neurological rehabilitation in patients with traumatic brain injury. Materials and Method: Forty-five patients who were rehabilitated after traumatic brain injury were included in the study. The sociodemographic characteristics of the patients, the cause of the injury, the duration of coma and posttraumatic amnesia, the duration of stay in the other clinics after injury, the time between injury and admission to the rehabilitation clinic, the duration of stay in the rehabilitation clinic and long-term complications were determined. The functional differences between the admission of the patients and their final control examinations were compared using Disability Rating Scale (DRS), Functional Independence Measure (FIM), and Functional Ambulation Scale (FAS), and cognitive differences were compared using their recent status criteria, with Rancho Los Amigos Scale (RLAS).Results: There was a significant improvement in the functional status of patients after neurological rehabilitation. There were statistically significant changes in DRS, FIM, FAS and RLAS scores after treatment compared to initial status. Better improvement in the functional status was detected in patients with lower initial DRS scores and higher FIM and RLAS scores. Conclusion: The neurologic rehabilitation significantly affects the recovery of functional status after traumatic brain injury

    Pain, depression levels, fatigue, sleep quality, and quality of life in elderly patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    WOS:000404381800020PubMed ID: 28618733Background/aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate and determine the relationships (if any) among pain, depression levels, fatigue, sleep quality, and quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) aged 65 years and over, and to compare the results with those of RA patients under 65 years of age. Materials and methods: The study included 52 patients with RA aged 65 years and over (Group 1) and 84 patients with RA under 65 years of age (Group 2). Pain, depression levels, fatigue, sleep quality, quality of life, and disease activity of all of the participants were evaluated using a visual analog scale (VAS), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Checklist Individual Strength (CIS), the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), the Short Form-36 (SF-36), and the Disease Activity Score-28, respectively. Results: When the two groups were compared, higher scores for the VAS, BDI, total CIS, and PSQI were found in Group 1 compared to Group 2 (P 0.003, P 0.003, P 0.007, and P 0.001, respectively). The SF-36 subscales of the physical component summary and mental component summary were not statistically significantly different between the two groups (P < 0.05). Conclusion: This study evaluated the situation in elderly patients with RA and showed that pain, depression level, fatigue, and sleep quality worsen with age

    Effects of Reproductive Factors on Bone Mineral Densitometry

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    Aim: To determine the effects of reproductive factors on bone mineral density (BMD) in postmenopausal women. Materials and Methods: A total of 1196 postmenopausal women with BMD (g/cm2) measurements at lumbar vertebra (LS) and femur neck (FN) were enrolled. Demographic, reproductive characteristics and Body Mass Index (BMI) of patients were defined. In order to define BMD related factors, multiple regression analysis was employed. Results: Main results were as follows: mean age= 59.97±8.56 yrs; weight= 73.49±13.06 kg; BMI= 29.25±5.22kg/m², age of menarche= 14.00±1.64 yrs; number of deliveries 4.22±2.09; total breastfeeding duration= 60.77±38.80 months; number of breastfeeding per day= 8.23±3.91; menopausal age= 47.12±4.22 yrs; duration of menopause= 12.80±9.10 yrs; LS BMD= 0.993±0.171 gr/cm2; FN BMD 0.844±0.14 gr/cm2. There were negative correlations between LS BMD and FN BMD values and age, menopause duration, total breastfeeding duration, and number of breastfeeding per day. There were positive correlations between LS and FN BMD values, and weight and BMI scores. Additionally, there were negative correlations between LS and FN BMD values, and age of menarche and number of deliveries. In linear stage regression analysis, weight, number of breastfeeding per day, postmenopausal duration, duration of total breastfeeding and age of menarche were defined as the most significant predictors for LS BMD, whereas weight, postmenopausal duration and number of breastfeeding per day were defined as the most significant predictors for FN BMD. Conclusion: LS and FN BMD in postmenopausal women are related to reproductive factors, so reproductive factors should also be considered in the evaluation of risk factors in postmenopausal women. (Turkish Journal of Osteoporosis 2012;18:8-12

    Upper extremity thrombosis in Behçets disease

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    Behçet hastalığı (BH) tekrarlayan oral, genital ülser ve göz tutulumuyla karakterize, ayrıca eklem, nörolojik, gastrointestinal sistem ve damar tutulumunun da oluşabildiği sistemik bir hastalıktır. BH de venöz tutulum arteryel tutulumdan daha fazla görülmektedir. Venöz tutulum sıklıkla alt ekstremite venlerinde meydana gelir. Üst ekstremite venlerinde tutulum ise nadirdir. Bu yazıda üst ekstremite yüzeyel ven trombozu ile gelen BH olgusundan bahsedilecektir.Behçets disease (BD) is a systemic disease characterized by oral aphthosis, genital ulcers, ocular lesions and also gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, neurological and vessel involvements may develop. Venous manifestations are more common than arterial involvement. Venous involvement often occurs in the veins of lower extremity. Upper extremity venous involvement is rare. In this paper we report a case of BH presenting with upper extremity superficial vein thrombosis

    Upper extremity thrombosis in Behçet’s disease

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    Behçet’s disease (BD) is a systemic disease characterizedby oral aphthosis, genital ulcers, ocular lesions andalso gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, neurological andvessel involvements may develop. Venous manifestationsare more common than arterial involvement. Venousinvolvement often occurs in the veins of lower extremity.Upper extremity venous involvement is rare. In this paperwe report a case of BH presenting with upper extremitysuperficial vein thrombosis.Key words: Behçet’s disease, upper extremity, superficialvein thrombosi

    Ankilozan spondilit ve myotoni konjennita ilişkisi

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    Bu vaka ankilozan spondilit ve myotoni konjenitanın birlikte görüldüğü ilk sunumdur. Ankilozan spondilit aksiyal iskelet infla- masyonu ve sistemik tutulumla karekterize sistemik romatolojik bir hastalıktır. Miyotoninin en belirgin bulgusu tutukluk ve kas kasıldıktan sonra gevşeme gecikmesidir. Tutukluk ve tanı gecikmesi bu iki hastalıkta ortak bulgudur.This is the first report about the association of ankylosing spondylitis and myotonia congenita. Ankylosing spondylitis is a systemic rheumatologic disease that is characterized by axial skeletal inflammation and accompanied by systemic involvement. The most significant findings of myotonia are the stiffness and the delayed relaxation following the muscle contraction. Both of these pa- thologies can cause stiffness and also delaying of diagnosis of each other

    Sacroiliac Joint Hydatidosis Mimicking Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Case Report

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    Hydatid cyst disease caused by Echinococcus granulosus is common in Mediterranean sheep-raising countries. Spinal involvement in hydatid cyst cases is very rare. The disease mainly affects the lungs and liver and, to a lesser extent, the brain and bones. Depending on location, the disease may mimic soft tissue and bone tumors. Osteolytic and inflammatory changes may imitate osteomyelitis and malignancies or rheumatologic diseases of the affected area. In this article, we report an unusual case of hydatid disease of the sacroiliac joint who was misdiagnosed with ankylosing spondilitis and under follow-up for two years. We also discuss the differential diagnosis of mass lesions of the sacroiliac joint. Hydatid cysts should be considered in the differential diagnosis in patients living in endemic countries

    Sjögren's syndromes mother's baby with neonatal lupus syndrome

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    Amaç: Sjögren sendromlu annenin neonatal lupus sendromu gelişen bebeğini olgu olarak sunmayı amaçladık. Olgu sunumu: Neonatal lupus sendromu (NLS), Sjögren Sendromu (SS) ve diğer otoimmün hastalığı olan annelerin bebeklerinde anti-Ro/SSA ve anti-La/SSB antikorlarının geçişine bağlı olarak başta kardiyak tutulum oluşur. Bu yazıda SS'li annenin konjenital kalp bloğu tanısı alan ve kalıcı kalp pili uygulaması ile başarılı bir şekilde tedavi edilen NLS'li bebeği vaka olarak sunulmuştur. Sonuç: Anti-Ro/SSA ve anti-La/SSB antikoru pozitif SS gibi hastalığı olan kadınlarda gebelik boyunca NLS riski mutlaka akılda tutulmalı, fetal bradikardi saptandığında kalp bloğu akla gelmeli, intrauterin ve neonatal dönemde uygun tedavi planlanmalıdır.Objective: We aimed to present a baby developing neonatal lupus syndrome whose mother is Sj&ouml;gren's syndrome. Case report: Neonatal lupus syndrome (NLS) develops due to transmission of maternal antibodies from a mother with autoimmun disorders like Sj&ouml;gren's syndrome and other disorders. Cardiac involvement occurs due to the transmission of anti-Ro/SSa and anti-La/SSb antibodies in patients. In this article, we presented a baby developing congenital heart block and treated successfully by constant pacemaker. Conclusion: The risk of NLS should be kept in mind during pregnancy in the women with anti-Ro/SSA and anti-La/SSB antibodypositive SS. When fetal bradycardia is detected heart block should be considered. Appropriate treatment in intrauterine and neonatal period should be planned