128 research outputs found

    Oral and Maxillofacial Manifestations of Gardner’s Syndrome: Case Report

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    Gardnerov sindrom rijedak je genetski poremećaj koji karakterizira trijada nasljedne polipoze, multipli osteomi i tumori mekog tkiva. U svim se tim slučajevima javlja maligna transformacija polipa debelog crijeva u rak debelog crijeva te zbog toga oboljeli imaju lošu kakvoću života. Muškarca u dobi od 27 godina na naš je odjel poslala obližnja medicinska ustanova kako bismo mu izvadili drugi donji lijevi kutnjak. Na priloženim ortopantomografskim snimkama bila je vidljiva karijesno destruirana kruna zuba, impaktirani donji očnjaci na donjem rubu mandibule i multipli osteomi mandibule. Iz anamneze je bilo jasno da pacijent boluje od Gardnerova sindroma i da je bio podvrgnut različitim kirurškim postupcima. Svrha ovog prikaza jest opisati oralne i maksilofacijalne simptome Gardnerova sindroma i njegove moguće stomatološke implikacije.Gardner syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by the triad of familiar polyposis , multiple osteomas and tumors of soft tissues. Malignant transformation of colonic polips to colon cancer occurs in all cases, the disease is distinctive with poor qualıty of life.The 27-year old male was referred to our department from a nearby medical centre for extraction of lower left mandibular second molar tooth. The panoramic radiographs disclosed a tooth crown destroyed with caries lesion, impacted lower canine teeth located in the inferior border of mandible and multiple jaw osteomas. From the patient’s history we found out that the patient was suffering from Gardner’s syndrome and had undergone different surgical procedures. The aim of this case report is to describe oral and maxillofacial symptoms of Gardner syndrome and its potential dental implications

    The Effects of Etodolac, Nimesulid and Naproxen Sodium on the Frequency of Sister Chromatid Exchange after Enclused Third Molars Surgery

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    are frequently used in oral surgical procedures in dentistry. The evaluation of the frequency of sister chromatid exchange (SCE) is accepted as a reliable cytogenetic method to assess the genotoxic effects of environmental factors. Materials and Methods: In this study, the genotoxic effects of various NSAIDs were assessed in 30 patients to who they were administered following encluosed third molar surgery using SCE analysis before and after the operation. The frequency of SCE was evaluated before the operation and after 3 days of etodolac, nimesulid and naproxen use. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in the frequency of SCE between the preoperative and postoperative states in patients given etodolac, nimesulid or naproxen sodium. Conclusion: Short term use of selective and non-selective NSAIDs was not associated with a significant genotoxic effect that could be detected using the SCE method in peripheric lymphocytes. Key Words: Genotoxicity, sister chromatid exchange, oral surgery, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug