2,057 research outputs found

    Inclusive Semileptonic Decays in QCD Including Lepton Mass Effects

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    Starting from an Operator Product Expansion in the Heavy Quark Effective Theory up to order 1/m_b^2 we calculate the inclusive semileptonic decays of unpolarized bottom hadrons including lepton mass effects. We calculate the differential decay spectra d\Gamma/(dE_\tau ), and the total decay rate for B meson decays to final states containing a \tau lepton.Comment: 16 pages + 4 figs. appended in uuencoded form, LaTeX, MZ-TH/93-3

    Analyticity, crossing and the absorptive parts of the one-loop contributions to the quark-quark-gluon gauge boson four-point function

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    Starting from the known one-loop result for the e+e−e^{+}e^{-}-annihilation process e+e−⟶γ,Zqqˉge^{+}e^{-}\stackrel{\gamma,Z} {\longrightarrow} q\bar{q}g with massless quarks we employ analyticity and crossing to determine the absorptive parts of the corresponding one-loop contributions in Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) and in the Drell-Yan process (DY). Whereas the O(αs2){\cal O}(\alpha_s^2) absorptive parts generate a non-measurable phase factor in the e+e−e^{+}e^{-}-annihilation channel one obtains measurable phase effects from the one-loop contributions in the deep inelastic and in the Drell-Yan case. We compare our results with the results of previous calculations where the absorptive parts in DIS and in the DY process were calculated directly in the respective channels. We also present some new results on the dispersive and absorptive contributions of the triangle anomaly graph to the DIS process.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, typos corrected. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Analysis of Two-Body Decays of Charmed Baryons Using the Quark-Diagram Scheme

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    We give a general formulation of the quark-diagram scheme for the nonleptonic weak decays of baryons. We apply it to all the decays of the antitriplet and sextet charmed baryons and express their decay amplitudes in terms of the quark-diagram amplitudes. We have also given parametrizations for the effects of final-state interactions. For SU(3) violation effects, we only parametrize those in the horizontal WW-loop quark diagrams whose contributions are solely due to SU(3)-violation effects. In the absence of all these effects, there are many relations among various decay modes. Some of the relations are valid even in the presence of final-state interactions when each decay amplitude in the relation contains only a single phase shift. All these relations provide useful frameworks to compare with future experiments and to find out the effects of final-state interactions and SU(3) symmetry violations.Comment: 28 pages, 20 Tables in landscape form, 4 figures. Main changes are: (i) some errors in the Tables and in the relations between the quark-diagram amplitudes of this paper and those of Ref.[10] are corrected, (ii) improvements are made in the presentation so that comparisons with previous works and what have been done to include SU(3) breaking and final-state interactions are more clearly stated; to appear in the Physical Review

    Quark and Pole Models of Nonleptonic Decays of Charmed Baryons

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    Quark and pole models of nonleptonic decays of charmed baryons are analysed from the point of view of their symmetry properties. The symmetry structure of the parity conserving amplitudes that corresponds to the contribution of the ground-state intermediate baryons is shown to differ from the one hitherto employed in the symmetry approach. It is pointed out that the "subtraction" of sea quark effects in hyperon decays leads to an estimate of WW-exchange contributions in charmed baryon decays that is significantly smaller than naively expected on the basis of SU(4)SU(4). An SU(2)WSU(2)_{W} constraint questioning the reliability of the factorization technique is exhibited. Finally, a successful fit to the available data is presented.Comment: 25 pages, LATEX, 1643/PH IFJ Krako

    Calculation of Infrared-Divergent Feynman Diagrams with Zero Mass Threshold

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    Two-loop vertex Feynman diagrams with infrared and collinear divergences are investigated by two independent methods. On the one hand, a method of calculating Feynman diagrams from their small momentum expansion extended to diagrams with zero mass thresholds is applied. On the other hand, a numerical method based on a two-fold integral representation is used. The application of the latter method is possible by using lightcone coordinates in the parallel space. The numerical data obtained with the two methods are in impressive agreement.Comment: 20 pages, Latex with epsf-figures, References updated, to appear in Z.Phys.

    Order and nFl Behavior in UCu4Pd

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    We have studied the role of disorder in the non-Fermi liquid system UCu4Pd using annealing as a control parameter. Measurement of the lattice parameter indicates that this procedure increases the crystallographic order by rearranging the Pd atoms from the 16e to the 4c sites. We find that the low temperature properties depend strongly on annealing. Whereas the non-Fermi liquid behavior in the specific heat can be observed over a larger temperature range after annealing, the clear non-Fermi liquid behavior of the resistivity of the unannealed sample below 10 K disappears. We come to the conclusion that this argues against the Kondo disorder model as an explanation for the non-Fermi liquid properties of both as-prepared and annealed UCu4Pd

    Infinite Momentum Frame Calculation of Semileptonic Heavy \Lambda_b\to\Lambda_c Transitions Including HQET Improvements

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    We calculate the transition form factors that occur in heavy Λ\Lambda-type baryon semileptonic decays as e.g. in Λb→Λc++l−+νˉl\Lambda_{b} \to \Lambda_{c}^{+} + l^{-} + \bar{\nu}_{l} . We use Bauer-Stech-Wirbel type infinite momentum frame wave functions for the heavy Λ\Lambda-type baryons which we assume to consist of a heavy quark and a light spin-isospin zero diquark system. The form factors at q2=0 q^{2} = 0 are calculated from the overlap integrals of the initial and final Λ\Lambda-type baryon states. To leading order in the heavy mass scale the structure of the form factors agrees with the HQET predictions including the normalization at zero recoil. The leading order ω\omega-dependence of the form factors is extracted by scaling arguments. By comparing the model form factors with the HQET predictions at O(1/mQ){\cal O}(1/m_{Q}) we obtain a consistent set of model form factors up to O(1/mQ){\cal O}(1/m_{Q}). With our preferred choice of parameter values we find that the contribution of the non-leading form factor is practically negligible. We use our form factor predictions to compute rates, spectra and various asymmetry parameters for the semi-leptonic decay Λb→Λc++l−+νˉl\Lambda_{b} \to \Lambda_{c}^{+} + l^{-} + \bar{\nu}_{l} .Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, 6 figures are included in PostScript format. Final version of paper to appear in Phys.Rev.
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