3 research outputs found
Varför uppstÄr fatala biverkningar pÄ detomidinsederade hÀstar behandlade med sulfonamider?
Detomidin och sulfadiazin Ă€r tvĂ„ vanligt förekommande lĂ€kemedelssubstanser till hĂ€st, dĂ€r en interaktion med fatala biverkningar kan uppstĂ„. Detomidin Ă€r en αâ-agonist och vanlig för sedering med analgetisk effekt. Sulfadiazin Ă€r en sulfonamid och en av tvĂ„ antibakteriella substanser i kombinationen trimetoprimsulfa. Den hĂ€r litteraturstudien har för avsikt att försöka klargöra mekanismerna bakom interaktionen mellan detomidin och sulfadiazin samt kartlĂ€gga rapporterade fall de senaste 30 Ă„ren.
Detomidins huvudsakliga effekt Àr att minska frisÀttningen av noradrenalin vilket leder till bradykardi och hypotension och kan ibland Àven kan leda till atrioventrikulÀra block samt arytmier. Sulfadiazin och sulfadoxin Àr de enda sulfonamiderna godkÀnda för hÀst i Sverige och verkar genom att begrÀnsa bakteriers förmÄga att syntetisera folat och dÀrmed deras DNA-syntes samt tillvÀxt. Sulfonamider har mÄnga rapporterade biverkningar och kan bland annat framkalla anafylaktiska reaktioner och plötsliga dödsfall vid snabb intravenös administrering. Mekanismerna bakom dessa effekter Àr till stor del okÀnda men teorier pekar pÄ att sulfonamider kan pÄverka hjÀrtats jonkanaler och dÀrmed hjÀrtats kontraktilitet.
Interaktionen detomidin och sulfonamider har i rapporterade fall skett nÀr en detomidinsederad hÀst har tillförts trimetoprimsulfa via intravenös administrering. Interaktionen har Àven uppstÄtt mellan narkosgasen halotan, ett idag avregistrerat lÀkemedel, och sulfonamider. Följderna av interaktionen Àr arytmier, hypotension, hjÀrtstillestÄnd och plötslig död. Inga fall med oral tillförsel av trimetoprimsulfa i pasta eller pulverform har rapporterats. Inte heller finns nÄgra rapporterade fall vid omvÀnd administrering dÄ redan trimetoprimsulfabehandlade hÀstar ska detomidinsederas. Risker för interaktion bör dock föreligga Àven i dessa fall.
För att vara pĂ„ sĂ€kra sidan vid samtidig behandling med detomidin och potentierade sulfonamider, bör en rejĂ€l sĂ€kerhetsmarginal anvĂ€ndas och lĂ€kemedlens halveringstider beaktas. Halveringstiderna varierar för bĂ„da substanserna beroende pĂ„ lĂ€kemedlets administrationsvĂ€g men det finns ocksĂ„ en individskillnad nĂ€r det gĂ€ller eliminationshastighet. Alternativet Ă€r att vĂ€lja andra substanser för sedering respektive antibakteriell aktivitet om lĂ€kemedlen mĂ„ste administreras inom ett kort tidsintervall.Detomidine and sulphonamides are substances extensively used in equine medicine. When administered together through intravenous injections, these two drugs can cause fatal adverse reactions. Detomidine is an αâ-adrenoreceptoragonist, used for sedation and has analgetic effects. Sulphadiazine is a potentiated sulphonamide, often used in fixed combinations with trimethoprim. The intention of this study is to clarify the mechanisms that underlie the adverse reactions of detomidine and sulphonamides and also map out the known cases of interaction during the past 30 years.
The main effect of detomidine is to reduce the release of noradrenaline. Bradycardia, hypotension, and sometimes atrioventricular block and arrhythmias, are effects that follows an α2-adrenoreceptoragonist administration. Sulphadiazine is always used in fixed combination with trimetoprim. The combination trimethoprimsulpha has synergistic bacteriocide effect against bacterial de novo synthesis of folate and therefore decreases the bacterial DNA-synthesis and growth. Sulphonamides have many adverse effects and can cause anaphylactic reactions and sudden deaths if the intravenous injection is given too fast. The mechanisms behind these adverse drug reactions are not known but there are theories that sulphonamides could affect the ion-channels and therefore disturb the contractility of the heart.
The interaction between detomidine and sulphonamides has only been reported in horses sedated with detomidine and thereafter administrated trimethoprimsulpha intravenously. There has also been a few cases with horses anaesthetized with halotane and thereafter intravenously administrated with trimethoprimsulpha. Halotane is no longer used in Sweden. The effects of the interactions are arrhythmias, hypotension, cardiac arrest and sudden death. No cases have been reported following use of trimethoprimsulpha in oral administration formula. Neither has any been reported concerning the opposite administration with detomidine given to a horse already treated with trimethoprimsulpha. There is no case reported that these adverse reaction do occur, although the risk may not be ruled out.
For safety reasons treatment of detomidine and sulphonamide should be used with large safety margins between the two administrations and consider the two substancesâ half-life. The half-life of both detomidine and sulphonamides depends on the administration route and individual metabolic variation between horses. The alternative to be on the safe side is to choose different drugs for sedation and antimicrobial treatment
Effect of atropine on intestinal motility in the horse
Atropin Ă€r en viktig del i behandlingen av ögonsjukdomar hos hĂ€st. Genom att minska spasmen i ciliarmuskeln och dilatera pupillen minskar risken för synekier i ögat. Atropin blockerar acetylkolins effekt pĂ„ muskarinreceptorer och dĂ€rmed parasympatikus. Förutom effekt pĂ„ ögat har atropin Ă€ven effekt pĂ„ flera organsystem i kroppen. Det Ă€r vĂ€l kĂ€nt sedan tidigare att atropin vid frekvent topikal administrering och höga doser intravenöst kan vara en bidragande faktor till ileus och kolik, ett potentiellt livshotande tillstĂ„nd hos hĂ€st. För att utveckla sĂ€kra behandlingsrekommendationer behöver dos-effekt sambandet studeras. Effekterna efter en intravenös infusion av atropin i dosen 0,009 mg/kg har utvĂ€rderats genom att övervaka hĂ€starnas tarmmotilitet genom auskultation och transkutant ultraljud. Auskultation av bukens fyra kvadranter Ă€r en vĂ€l anvĂ€nd diagnostisk metod dĂ€r observatören graderar tarmljuden, minskade tarmljud tyder pĂ„ en funktionsnedsĂ€ttning av tarmen. Vid dosen 0,009 mg/kg observeras en funktionsminskning i tarm hos nĂ„gra av hĂ€starna. Den skattade sannolikhetsfördelningen indikerar att 4,5 % av alla hĂ€star pĂ„ populationsnivĂ„ skulle drabbas av funktionsnedsĂ€ttning vid given dos (0,009 mg/kg). Det indikerar att effekten pĂ„ tarm Ă€r liten vid denna dos. Ăkad stickprovstorlek i studien skulle ge ett bĂ€ttre underlag för sĂ€krare skattningar. Förutom auskultation monitorerades tarmen Ă€ven genom transkutant ultraljud. Tekniken upplevdes som svĂ„r att anvĂ€nda dĂ„ det krĂ€vs en subjektiv bedömning av kontraktionerna och tarmsegment kan förflyttas ur bild under mĂ€tperioderna och auskultation visades vara en kĂ€nsligare metod för att utvĂ€rdera tarmmotilitet pĂ„ hĂ€st.Atropine is an important part of the treatment of uveitis in horses. It reduces the spasm in the ciliary muscle and dilate pupils, thereby the risk of synechia in the eye is reduced. Besides local effects on the eye, atropine has systemic effects on multiple organs in the body. It is well known that atropine at frequent topical administrations and high doses intravenously may be a contributing factor to ileus and colic, a potentially life-threatening condition in horses. To increase the scientific base for dose recommendations with lowest possible risk for unwanted effects, the dose-effect relationship needs to be studied. The effects of an intravenous infusion of atropine at the dose of 0,009 mg/kg have been evaluated by monitoring the intestinal motility of the horses, by means of auscultation and transcutaneous ultrasound. At this dose, the observed values of bowel motility from the placebo group and the treatment group largely overlap. The fraction of the atropine-treated horses with significant decrease in bowel motility, was estimated to approximately 4,5% of the population level. This indicates that the effect of atropine on bowel motility is low at this dose (0,009 mg/kg). Increasing the sample size would provide safer estimates. Transcutaneous ultrasound as a method to monitor the intestinal motility was proved difficult to use in this study, due to the subjectivity in assessment of contractions. Auscultation showed to be the most sensitive method to evaluate intestinal motility in the horse
Plasma atropine concentrations associated with decreased intestinal motility in horses
IntroductionAtropine is an essential part of the treatment protocol for equine uveitis. Topical atropine administration has been associated with decreased intestinal motility and abdominal pain in horses. Experimental studies have indicated that frequent dosing is associated with a higher risk than dosing every 6 h. Unfortunately, no quantitative pharmacodynamic data for inhibition of the equine gut are published. Materials and methodsEight standardbred horses were assigned to receive either atropine or saline (control) to be infused over 30 min in a two-treatment cross-over design. Atropine concentrations in plasma were measured using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Intestinal motility was measured using borborygmi frequency and electrointestinography (EIG). Experimental data were analyzed using a non-linear mixed effects model. The model was then used to simulate different dosing regimens. ResultsAtropine significantly decreased borborygmi response and EIG response. Six horses developed clinical signs of abdominal pain. The pharmacokinetic typical values were 0.31, 1.38, 0.69, and 1.95 L/kg center dot h for the volumes of the central, the highly perfused, the scarcely perfused compartments, and the total body clearance, respectively. The pharmacodynamic typical values were 0.31 mu g/L and 0.6 and 207 nV(2)7 cpm for the plasma concentration at 50% of the maximum response and the maximum response and the baseline of cecal EIG response, respectively. Six different dosing regimens of topical atropine sulfate to the eye (0.4 and 1 mg every hour, every 3 h, and every 6 h) were simulated. ConclusionThe IV PK/PD data coupled with simulations predict that administration of 1 mg of topical atropine sulfate administered to the eye every hour or every 3 h will lead to atropine accumulation in plasma and decreased intestinal myoelectric activity. Administration every 6 h predicted a safe dosing regimen in full-sized horses. Clinical studies would be valuable to confirm the conclusions. For smaller equids and horses put at risk for colic due to othercauses, droplet bottles that deliver 40 mu l of 1% atropine sulfate per drop or less may be used to lower the risk further