223 research outputs found

    A Rákóczi szabadságharc kiadatlan levéltári forrásainak feltárása = Researches on the unpublished sources of the Rákóczi-War of Independence

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    1. A forrásfeltárást végeztünk az Országos Levéltár állagai közül: A Rákóczi-szabadságharc levéltárában G15-G 28-as szekcióiban; a Forgách család levéltárában P 287; a Károlyi levéltárban P 396, P 1507; a Radvánszky levéltárban P566, a Batthyány család levéltárának missiles anyagában, a Csáky levéltárban P 72, 73, Esterházy Pál irataiban P 125. Az Országos Széchényi Könyvtár kézirattárának különböző állagaiban. Bécsben a Hofkammerarchív év Kriegsarchív, továbbá az Österreichisches Nationalboibliotek vonatkozó anyagaiban. Pozsonyban a cseszneki Esterházy és a Pálffy család levéltárában. Az itt feltárt anyagokról mintegy 2100 canon- és 9300 xeroxmásolat készült. 2. A forrásfeltárás és kiadásra történő előkészítés keretében elkészült Forgách Simon gróf 1704 áprilisa és 1706 márciusa között II: Rákóczi Ferenchez, Bercsényi Miklóshoz és Károlyi Sándorhoz írott leveleinek és egyéb iratainak jegyzetelt kézirata összesen 9 ív terjedelemben. 3. A feltárt forrásanyag felhasználásával összesen tizenkét tanulmányt és egy forráspublikációt készítettünk. 4. Elkészült és az Argumentum kiadó gondozásában idén várhatóan megjelenik a Forgách Simon tábornagyról szóló életrajz. Terjedelme 12,5 ív. 5. A kutatás eredményeinek felhasználásával a program ideje alatt tizenöt előadást tartottunk. | We studied sources in the divisions of the Hungarian National Archives - Archive of Rákóczi's Insurrection, sections G15-28; Archive Forgách, section P287; Archive Károlyi, sections P396, P1507; Archive Radvánszky, section P566; Archive Batthyány, Missiles; Archive Csáky, sections P72?73; Papers of Pál Esterházy, section P125, in the divisions of the Manuscript Archive of the National Széchényi Library, in the related material of the Hofkammerarchiv, the Kriegsarcghiv and the Österreichisches Nationalbibliothek in Vienna as well as in the Archives of the families Esterházy of Csesznek and Pálffy in Pozsony (Bratislava). We had the opportunity to take some 2100 Canon and 9300 Xerox copies of the uncovered material. 2. Within the frame of the program an annotated manuscript (of 9 author's sheets) has been completed from the papers of Simon Count Forgách, and his letters written to Ferenc II Prince Rákóczi, Miklós Count Bercsényi and Sándor Count Károlyi between April 1704 and March 1706. 3. With the use of the uncovered sources 12 studies and 1 publication of sources have been made. 4. The biography of Field Marshal Simon Forgách (12.5 author's sheets) is completed and is to be published by the Argumentum Publishing House this year. 5. On the basis of the researches 15 lectures have been delivered during the time of the program

    Zinc-rich paint coatings containing either ionic surfactant-modified or functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotube-supported polypyrrole utilized to protect cold-rolled steel against corrosion

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    The intense anodic action of sacrificial zinc pigments ensured viable galvanic function of the highly porous liquid zinc-rich paints (ZRPs) result in deteriorated long-term corrosion resistance often accompanied by cathodic delamination phenomena. In our approach, such a efficacy problem related to the corrosion preventive function of ZRPs is addressed by the application of intimately structured anodic inhibitor particles composed of nano-size alumina and either polyelectrolyte-modified or chemically functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) supported polypyrrole (PPy) in one specific zinc-rich hybrid paint formulation providing balanced active–passive protective functionality. High dispersity of the nanotube-free PPy-deposited inhibitor particles (PDIPs) with uneven polymer distribution on the alumina carrier was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations. Furthermore, the MWCNT-embedded PDIPs indicated almost complete surface coverage of the alumina-nanotube carriers by PPy with decreased microstructure dispersity which is attributed to the effect of double-flocculants type co-deposition of the oppositely charged polymers causing coalescence of the modified particles. Depending on the amount of the nanotubes and their proportion to the quantities of the deposited PPy and polyelectrolyte as well as the concentration of the surfactant, varied micron-scale association of the PDIPs in the suspensions of dissolved alkyd matrix was disclosed by rheology characterization carried out at particular solid contents similar to hybrid paint formulation. The evenly distributed but less densely packed nano-structure of PPy was evidenced on the polyelectrolyte-modified nanotubes by Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy whereas more compact polymer film formation was confirmed on the surface of functionalized nanotubes. According to the greater electrical conductivity, enhanced electroactivity and reversibility of the nanotube-embedded PDIPs were indicated over the nanotube-free particles by cyclic voltammetry, depending on the type and the amount of the nanotubes and their modification. Protection function of the hybrid paint coatings (formulated with spherical zinc pigment at 70 wt.%) was investigated by immersion and salt-spray chamber tests over 254 and 142 day periods, respectively. Firm barrier nature of the nanotube-embedded PDIP contained hybrids was proved by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and radio-frequency glow-discharge optical-emission-spectroscopy (RF-GD-OES). Furthermore, due to the increased conductivity of the nanotube-embedded PDIPs cemented in epoxy primers optimally at 0.4 and 0.6 wt.%, altered corrosion preventive behaviour of the hybrid coatings was indicated by the positively polarized open-circuit potentials (OCPs) and the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) detected lower relative quantities of the interfacially accumulated zinc corrosion products, moderate oxidative degradation of the epoxy vehicle. Decreasing oxidative conversion of iron at the surface was indicated by XPS found to correlate with the increasing intensity of zinc corrosion and decreasing oxidative degradation of the epoxy binder, according to the higher nanotube contents of hybrid coatings. In addition, inhibited zinc corrosion caused low rate of oxidative degradation of epoxy, allowing increased durability of coating adhesion and cohesion thereby ensuring reliable protection by zinc-rich compositions. As a conclusion, modified or functionalized MWCNTs acting as unexchangeable doping agents promote enhanced reversibility and increased conductivity of PPy, forming nano-size inhibitor particles with advanced features. Thus, such inhibitor nano-particles in zinc-rich hybrid compositions afford improved barrier and high efficiency galvanic–cathodic corrosion preventive function, exceeding long-term protection capability of the conventional ZRPs

    Investigation of arbuscular mycorrhizal status and functionality by electrical impedance and capacitance measurement

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    Applicability of electrical impedance (EI) and electrical capacitance (EC) measurement for the investigation of root colonization of mixed arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and functional diversity of separated AMF strains were studied in two pot experiments. In the first experiment, mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal maize cultivars were compared for testing the sensitivity of EI and EC measurement in relation to mycorrhizal status of host plants. In the second one, root colonization, biomass production, EI and EC of Rhizophagus intraradices or Funneliformis mosseae, inoculated and non-inoculated cucumber and bean hosts were monitored. The mycorrhizal plants showed lower EI and higher EC than control plants for each species. Since fungal colonization did not produce an increase in root surface area of maize, the higher root-soil interface showed by EI and EC values was undeniably due to the increased absorption surface area caused by the growth of AMF hyphae. As for cucumber and bean, the two selected AMF strains differed significantly in infectivity and effectivity, and the measured values also vary with host plants. Measuring EI and EC proved to be well applicable for in situ investigation of functional aspects of mycorrhizae
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