82 research outputs found

    Photosynthetic acclimation to light of the three taxa of a Primula vulgaris x P. veris hybrid zone in the Bakony mountains

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    The effects of light on the habitat choice of Primula vulgaris, P. veris and their spontaneous interspecific hybrids were studied. Photosynthetic performance (CO2 fixation) and composition of the photosynthetic pigments were measured on plants grown under semi-shaded conditions (control) and under natural high light condition for 20 days (HLG). Assimilation rates of P. veris were better than those of P. vulgaris at all light intensities. Hybrids photosynthesised similarly well as P. veris at lower light intensities, and presented intermediate photosynthetic performance between the parent species at higher light intensities. Total chlorophylls, chlorophyll a/b ratio, xanthophyll cycle pool, and the ratio of total carotenoids to total chlorophylls were higher in P. veris than in P. vulgaris, and these parameters, with the exception of the last one, showed considerable similarity of hybrids to P. vulgaris. Contrasting with the parent species, hybrid plants were able to increase the xantophyll cycle pool significantly after an intensive light exposure. The HLG treatment revealed that the extent of the photoinhibition was lower in P. veris than in the other two taxa. These results explain the difference between the habitat preferences of the parent species, and the ability of hybrids to occupy more open sites than P. vulgaris can

    A pánszlávizmus története

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    A gastro-oesophagealis reflux betegség szövődményeinek pathogenesise, megelőzése, kezelése = Pathogenesis, prevention and treatment of the complications of gastroesophageal reflux disease

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    A gastro-oesophagealis reflux betegség (GORB) optimalis kezelése, szövődményei valamint az aero-digestiv rendszer kapcsolódó pathológiáinak vizsgálata, sebészi megoldások kidolgozása képezték kutatásunk tárgyát. A 20 cikk (IF 17.299) :, 4 könyvfejezet és 3 PhD dolgozat cumulativ IF-a 31.376 . A GORB diagnosisát új módszerrel, a sebészi kezelést új technikával gazdagítottuk. A gastro-oesophagealis junctio (GOJ) adenocarcinomák javuló túléléseit a pontosabb betegkiválasztás és a rezekabilitást biztosan javító neoadjuváns therápia okozta. A süllyesztett oesophago-gastricus anasztomózissal az epés reflux bizonyítottan szignifikánsan csökkent. A trachea sebészetben új megfigyeléseink finomították a revascularisatio nyomonkövetését. A pótlás sikeres állatkísérletei emberi alkalmazás nélkül zárultak. Az ultrahangos vágókés tüdőmintavételi technikáját a világon előszőr publikáltuk, alkalmazhatóságát kísérletes, majd klinikai anyagon igazoltuk. Bár nem sikerült egyértelműen bizonyítani a GORB és a tüdő adenocarcinoma oki kapcsolatát, a világirodalomban elsőként közzétett megfigyelések és a hipotézis további munkára sarkallnak. Eredményeink hozzájárultak a GORB a GOJ műtéteiben és a tüdőparenchyma mintavételében új, az eddigieknél jobb megoldásokhoz. A GOJ malignitásainak kezelésében az oncologiai kezelés hatékonyságát bizonyíthatóan növeltük. | Our project was aimed at thediagnosis and treatment optimization of the gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) - gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) malignancies included. The GERD related complications in the aerodigestive systems were also covered. The publication list (Cumulative IF: 31.376) includes 20 articles with a total of ISI IF: 17.229. Three PhD projects have been completed. New, quality of life (QoL) improving minimally invasive surgical technique to treat GERD was described. Improving in survivals of adenocarcinomas of GEJ were achieved by highly sophisticated patient selection and neoadjuvant therapy. New, sunken esophago-gastric anastomosis technique resulting in a flutter mechanism contributed to decreased bile-reflux. Our successful animal experiences led to development and test of new tracheal anastomosis techniques and application of tracheal prosthesis.. Pioneer work was undertaken using ultrasonic scalpel in lung parenchyma biopsy in GERD related pathologies. Animal experiences were followed by clinical application. We have been the first to call attention to the importance of investigation of a possible link between lung carcinogenesis and GERD. Our attempts failed to establish a firm connection, but there is still a long way to reach a definite answer. Our results and developed methods contributed to better understanding and improved therapy of GERD and GOJ malignancies and of related tracheo-bronchial and lung pathologies

    False-Positive Malignant Diagnosis of Nodule Mimicking Lesions by Computer-Aided Thyroid Nodule Analysis in Clinical Ultrasonography Practice

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    This study aims to test computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) for thyroid nodules in clinical ultrasonography (US) practice with a focus towards identifying thyroid entities associated with CAD system misdiagnoses. Two-hundred patients referred to thyroid US were prospectively enrolled. An experienced radiologist evaluated the thyroid nodules and saved axial images for further offline blinded analysis using a commercially available CAD system. To represent clinical practice, not only true nodules, but mimicking lesions were also included. Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) was performed according to present guidelines. US features and thyroid entities significantly associated with CAD system misdiagnosis were identified along with the diagnostic accuracy of the radiologist and the CAD system. Diagnostic specificity regarding the radiologist was significantly (p < 0.05) higher than when compared with the CAD system (88.1% vs. 40.5%) while no significant difference was found in the sensitivity (88.6% vs. 80%). Focal inhomogeneities and true nodules in thyroiditis, nodules with coarse calcification and inspissated colloid cystic nodules were significantly (p < 0.05) associated with CAD system misdiagnosis as false-positives. The commercially available CAD system is promising when used to exclude thyroid malignancies, however, it currently may not be able to reduce unnecessary FNABs, mainly due to the false-positive diagnoses of nodule mimicking lesions

    PP2B and ERK1/2 regulate hyaluronan synthesis of HT168 and WM35 human melanoma cell lines

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    Hyaluronan (HA) is the major glycosaminoglycan component of the extracellular matrix in either normal or malignant tissues and it may affect proliferation, motility and differentiation of various cell types. Three isoforms of plasma membrane-bound hyaluronan synthases (HAS 1, 2 and 3) secrete and simultaneously bind pericellular HA. HAS enzymes are subjects of post-translational protein phosphorylation which is believed to regulate their enzymatic activity. In this study, we investigated the HA homeostasis of normal human epidermal melanocytes, HT168 and WM35 human melanoma cell lines and melanoma metastases. HAS2 and HAS3 were detected in all the samples, while the expression of HAS1 was not detectable in any case. Malignant tissue samples and melanoma cell lines contained extra- and intracellular HA abundantly but not normal melanocytes. Applying HA as a chemoattractant facilitated the migration of melanoma cells in Boyden chamber. The amount of HA was reduced upon the inhibition of calcineurin with cyclosporine A (CsA), while the inhibition of ERK1/2 with PD098059 elevated it in both cell lines. The signals of Ser/Thr phosphoproteins at 57 kD were stronger after CsA treatment, while a markedly weaker signal was detected upon inhibition of the MAPK pathway. Our results suggest opposing effects of the two investigated enzymes on the HA homeostasis of melanoma cells. We propose that the dephosphorylation of HAS enzymes targeted by PP2B augments HA production, while their phosphorylation by the activity of MAPK pathway reduces HA synthesis. As the expression of the HA receptor RHAMM was also significantly enhanced by PD098059, the MAPK pathway exerted a complex attenuating effect on HA signalling in the investigated melanoma cells. This observation suggests that the application of MAPK-ERK pathway inhibitors requires a careful therapeutic design in melanoma treatment

    Az emlőrák patológiai diagnosztikája, feldolgozása és kórszövettani leletezése. Szakmai útmutatás a III. Emlőrák Konszenzus Konferencia alapján

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    There have been relevant changes in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer to implement the updating of the 2010 recommendations made during the 2nd national consensus conference on the disease. Following a wide interdisciplinary consultation, the present recommendations have been finalized after their public discussion at the 3rd Hungarian Consensus Conference on Breast Cancer. The recommendations cover non-operative and intraoperative diagnostics, the work-up of operative specimens, the determination of prognostic and predictive markers and the content of the cytology and histology reports. Furthermore, it touches some special issues such as the current status of multigene molecular markers, the role of pathologists in clinical trials and prerequisites for their involvement, some relevant points about the future