60 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Scientific Inquiry untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Literasi Sains Peserta Didik pada Sub Materi Pokok Fluida Dinamis

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    The purpose of study is to determine the feasibility of learning processes and increase science literacy skills of learners using ‘Scientific Inquiry\u27 model of learning on the fluid dynamic. Data katerlaksanaan activity of teacher and students is obtained through observation sheets, while data on the literacy skills of learners is obtained through the test description.The method used in this research is pre-experiment. The study was conducted in Muhammadiyah Al-Furqon senior high school Tasikmalaya class XI IPA-B. The sample in the study were 28 students who were selected using random sampling techniques. The results obtained in this study: (1) feasibility study by using \u27Scientific Inquiry\u27 model of learning is in very good category; (2) the literacy skills of learners sins increase in gain results. The magnitude of the increase scientific literacy of students can be seen from the average N-Gain learners of 0.67 categorized being. Thus there is increasing scientific literacy capability of learners through the \u27Scientific Inquiry\u27 model of learning in fluid dynamic

    Aplikasi Smart Investment Planner Berbasis Web

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    The lack of knowledge of investment products lead many people decided not to invest for their future. This can be overcome by utilizing the information and communication technology development by making a web application of Smart Investment Planner with the aim to recognize various types of investment product as well as the character investment and tips for users. This application uses a set of data as knowledge base which obtained from the literature, discussions with economic experts, database design, user interface design, as well as tests and evaluations by experts. The result of these applications concluded that this application collect the information as well as investment products that suit into their needs and also encourage them to start invest

    Academic Procrastination Reviewed From Sex Distinction on Kemenkes Polytechnic Student Semarang

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    Academic procrastination is delay which performed on the formal tasks related to academic assignments or academic performance. Procrastination which is done by the students is influenced by two factors, namely internal and external factors. Academic procrastination from the standpoint of gender isn\u27t escape from the factors that influence subjectdevelopment, i.e. student developments, covering the physical, psychological, social roles, gender roles, and religious developments.This research aimed to determine differences in the level of academic procrastination based on gender male and female in the Kemenkes Health Polytechnic Semarang students. Subjects in this research amounted 60 male and 60 female students.Sampling was done using proportional random sampling method. Data in this research were collected using psychological scales, i.e. scale of academic procrastination. Hypothesis test used T - test analysismethod.Based on the analysis of data obtained from t – test, result of t value = -3.718 at a significance level of 0.00 (p < 0.05). Based on the meanof difference level of academic procrastinationshowed the mean value of female students was 53.38 and male was 58.98 that is in the range of 47.25 to 67.5. This indicated that the hypothesis can be accepted, namely that male students have higher level of academic procrastination compared with female students

    Strategi Penanggulangan (Coping) Pada Ibu Yang Mengalami Postpartum Blues Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Semarang

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    Postpartum blues muncul ketika seorang ibu tidak berhasil menyesuaikan diri terhadap Perubahan pola kehidupan akibat kehamilan dan proses kehamilan, persalinan, dan pasca persalinan. Penelitian ini penting karena postpartum blues, yang dikenal sebagai bentuk depresi tingkat ringan, dapat berkembang menjadi depresi postpartum bila tidak tertangani dengan baik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif pendekatan fenomenologis. Tiga subjek yang mengalami postpartum blues diperoleh dari RSUD Kota Semarang. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan tidak hanya wawancara mendalam dan pengamatan, tetapi juga rekaman medis dan hasil pengisian The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadinya postpartum blues melibatkan faktor-faktor biopsikososial sebelum dan setelah bersalin. Penilaian kognitif sangat berperan sepanjang perjalanan postpartum blues untuk mengenali sumber-sumber yang dimiliki. Terdapat dua strategi yang digunakan oleh subjek. Strategi yang berfokus pada emosi dan yang berfokus pada masalah digunakan secara bergantian atau bersamaan sehingga subjek terhindar dari krisis lebih lanjut. Keberhasilan penanggulangan terhadap postpartum blues dipengaruhi pula oleh faktor biopsikososial pelindung. Faktor biopsikososial akan membedakan pemaknaan pengalaman postpartum blues dan penggunaan strategi penanggulangan antara subjek yang satu dengan yang lain

    Pengaruh Kinerja Lingkungan terhadap Luas Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility Dimoderasi oleh Debt To Equity Ratio (Der) (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bei 2011,2012, dan 2013)

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    The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is impact of environmental performance and Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) as variable moderating on Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure. The population of this study is manufactued companies listing in Indonesian Stock Excchange for the periode 2011 to2013 and this study uses a sample of 85 companies which are registered as PROPER and publish their annual report. This study uses regression analysis to be treated with the program SPSS for Windows 18. The results show that the impact of environmental performance toward CSR disclosure is significant and DER as a moderating variable in its interaction with environmental performance has significant impact toward CSR disclosure
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