13 research outputs found

    Occurrence and treatment of emerging organic micropollutants in the aquatic environment of Kenya

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    Occurrence and treatment of contaminants of emerging concern in the African aquatic environment: Literature review and a look ahead

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    Awareness about the rising detection and reported (eco)toxicological effects of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs, e.g. pharmaceuticals and personal care products - PPCPs - and modern pesticides) in the aquatic environment is growing. CECs are increasingly reported in the African aquatic environment, although the amount of data available is still limited. In this work, a comprehensive review is presented on the occurrence of CECs in wastewater, sludge, surface water, sediment, groundwater and drinking water of Africa. Further attention is given to the performance of wastewater stabilization ponds (WSPs) and trickling filters (TF) with respect to CECs removal. For the first time, we also look at the state of knowledge on the performance of point-of-use technologies (POUs) regarding the removal of CECs in drinking water. Generally, CECs in Africa occur at the same order of magnitude as in the Western world. However, for particular groups of compounds and at specific locations such as informal settlements, clearly higher concentrations are reported in Africa. Whereas antiretroviral and antimalarial drugs are rarely detected in the Western world, occurrence patterns in Africa reveal concentrations up to >100 pg L-1. Removal efficiencies of WSPs and TFs focus mainly on PPCPs and vary significantly, ranging from no removal (e.g. carbamazepine) to better than 99.9% (e.g. paracetamol). Despite the rising adoption of POUs, limited but promising information is available on their performance regarding CECs treatment in drinking water, particularly for the low-cost devices (e.g. ceramic filters and solar disinfection - SODIS) being adopted in Africa and other developing countries

    Occurrence and point-of-use treatment of contaminants of emerging concern in groundwater of the Nzoia River basin, Kenya

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    Groundwater constitutes a major source of fresh water globally. However, it faces serious quality challenges from both conventional pollutants and contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) such as pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs), personal care products (PCPs) and pesticides. There exists a significant knowledge gap regarding the occurrence of CECs in groundwater, especially in Africa. This study presents unique data on the concentration of fourteen PhACs, five PCPs and nine pesticides in groundwater wells in Nzoia River basin, Kenya. Generally, PCPs were the most dominant class with concentrations up to 10 mu g/L (methylparaben). Anti(retro) virals, being important in the treatment of HIV/AIDS, were more prevalent among the PhACs as compared to the developed world, with concentrations up to 700 ng/L (nevirapine). In contrast, pesticides were measured at lower concentrations, the maximum being 42 ng/L (metolachlor). A basic risk assessment shows that - among the detected CECs - carbamazepine may pose medium human health risk and requires further investigation among infants and children. Point-of-use (POU) technologies are being increasingly promoted especially in the developing nations to provide drinking water solutions at the household level, but very little data is available on their performance towards CECs removal. Therefore, besides measuring CECs in groundwater, we investigated ceramic filters and solar disinfection (SODIS) as possible POU treatment options. Both techniques show potential to treat CECs in groundwater, with removal efficiencies higher than 90% obtained for 41 and 22 compounds in ceramic filters and SODIS, respectively. Moreover, for the more recalcitrant compounds (e.g. sulfadoxin), the performance is improved by up to three orders of magnitude when using TiO2 as a photocatalyst in SODIS