10 research outputs found

    A halogen bond route to shorten the ultrashort sextuple bonds in Cr-2 and Mo-2

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    Sextuple bonded group 6 diatomics Cr-2 and Mo-2 possess ultrashort metal-metal bonds. Yet their bond dissociation energy is very low. The destabilising nature of sigma-bonds is responsible for this. Selective extraction of these sigma-electrons via a sigma-hole on a halogen bond donor shortens and strengthens the metal-metal bond. This study constitutes a hitherto unexplored application of halogen bonding and an example for the true violation of bond order-bond strength relation

    Halogen bond shortens and strengthens the bridge bond of 1.1.1]propellane and the open form of 2.2.2]propellane

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    Detailed electronic structural analysis of 1.1.1]propellane and the open form of 2.2.2]propellane, especially their highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), shows the existence of significant electronic congestion at their bridge bond. The HOMO of 1.1.1]propellane is a spread-out orbital of its inverted tetrahedral bridgehead atoms. The HOMO of the open form of 2.2.2]propellane is an anti-bonding combination of its bridgehead atoms due to the stabilizing through-bond interaction. This unique spatial disposition of the HOMO enables a high electron density at the bridgehead atoms. Herein, we utilize the electron scavenging power of halogen bond donors to extract a fraction of destabilizing electrons from the bridge bond with the aim to alleviate its electronic congestion, which results in shortening and strengthening of the bridge bond with a reduction in the bond order. This result answers the seminal question raised by K. B. Wiberg in 1983, how can one have a relatively strong bond' without much bonding character

    Contrasting Behavior of the Z Bonds in X–Z···Y Weak Interactions: Z = Main Group Elements Versus the Transition Metals

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    In contrast to the increasing family of weak intermolecular interactions in main-group compounds (X–Z···Y, Z = main-group elements), an analysis of the Cambridge Structural Database indicates that electron-saturated (18-electron) transition-metal complexes show reluctance toward weak M bond formation (X–M···Y, M = transition metal). In particular, weak M bonds involving electron-saturated (18-electron) complexes of transition metals with partially filled d-orbitals are not found. We propose that the nature of valence electron density distribution in transition-metal complexes is the primary reason for this reluctance. A survey of the interaction of selected electron-saturated transition-metal complexes with electron-rich molecules (Y) demonstrates the following: shielding the possible σ-hole on the metal center by the core electron density in 3d series, and enhanced electronegativity and relativistic effects in 4d and 5d series, hinders the formation of the M bond. A balance in all the destabilizing effects has been found in the 4d series due to its moderate polarizability and primogenic repulsion from inner core d-electrons. A changeover in the donor–acceptor nature of the metal center toward different types of incoming molecules is also unveiled here. The present study confirms the possibility of M bond as a new supramolecular force in designing the crystal structures of electron-saturated transition-metal complexes by invoking extreme ligand conditions

    Continuum in the X-Z-Y Weak Bonds: Z= Main Group Elements

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    The Continuum in the variation of the X-Z bond length change from blue-shifting to red-shifting through zero-shifting in the X-Z---Y complex is inevitable. This has been analyzed by ab-initio molecular orbital calculations using Z= Hydrogen, Halogens, Chalcogens, and Pnicogens as prototypical examples. Our analysis revealed that, the competition between negative hyperconjugation within the donor (X-Z) molecule and Charge Transfer (CT) from the acceptor (Y) molecule is the primary reason for the X-Z bond length change. Here, we report that, the proper tuning of X-and Y-group for a particular Z-can change the blue-shifting nature of X-Z bond to zero-shifting and further to red-shifting. This observation led to the proposal of a continuum in the variation of the X-Z bond length during the formation of X-Z---Y complex. The varying number of orbitals and electrons available around the Z-atom differentiates various classes of weak interactions and leads to interactions dramatically different from the H-Bond. Our explanations based on the model of anti-bonding orbitals can be transferred from one class of weak interactions to another. We further take the idea of continuum to the nature of chemical bonding in general. (C) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Negative hyperconjugation and red-, blue- or zero-shift in X-Z center dot center dot center dot Y complexes

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    A generalized explanation is provided for the existence of the red-and blue-shifting nature of X-Z bonds (Z = H, halogens, chalcogens, pnicogens, etc.) in X-Z center dot center dot center dot Y complexes based on computational studies on a selected set of weakly bonded complexes and analysis of existing literature data. The additional electrons and orbitals available on Z in comparison to H make for dramatic differences between the H-bond and the rest of the Z-bonds. The nature of the X-group and its influence on the X-Z bond length in the parent X-Z molecule largely controls the change in the X-Z bond length on X-Z center dot center dot center dot Y bond formation; the Y-group usually influences only the magnitude of the effects controlled by X. The major factors which control the X-Z bond length change are: (a) negative hyperconjugative donation of electron density from X-group to X-Z sigma* antibonding molecular orbital (ABMO) in the parent X-Z, (b) induced negative hyperconjugation from the lone pair of electrons on Z to the antibonding orbitals of the X-group, and (c) charge transfer (CT) from the Y-group to the X-Z sigma* orbital. The exchange repulsion from the Y-group that shifts partial electron density at the X-Z sigma* ABMO back to X leads to blue-shifting and the CT from the Y-group to the sigma* ABMO of X-Z leads to red-shifting. The balance between these two opposing forces decides red-, zero- or blue-shifting. A continuum of behaviour of X-Z bond length variation is inevitable in X-Z center dot center dot center dot Y complexes

    Dynamical Origin of Rebound versus Dissociation Selectivity during Fe-Oxo-Mediated C–H Functionalization Reactions

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    The mechanism of catalytic C–H functionalization of alkanes by Fe-oxo complexes is often suggested to involve a hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) step with the formation of a radical-pair intermediate followed by diverging pathways for radical rebound, dissociation, or desaturation. Recently, we showed that in some Fe-oxo reactions, the radical pair is a nonstatistical-type intermediate and dynamic effects control rebound versus dissociation pathway selectivity. However, the effect of the solvent cage on the stability and lifetime of the radical-pair intermediate has never been analyzed. Moreover, because of the extreme complexity of motion that occurs during dynamics trajectories, the underlying physical origin of pathway selectivity has not yet been determined. For the reaction between [(TQA_Cl)FeIVO]+ and cyclohexane, here, we report explicit solvent trajectories and machine learning analysis on transition-state sampled features (e.g., vibrational, velocity, and geometric) that identified the transferring hydrogen atom kinetic energy as the most important factor controlling rebound versus nonrebound dynamics trajectories, which provides an explanation for our previously proposed dynamic matching effect in fast rebound trajectories that bypass the radical-pair intermediate. Manual control of the reaction trajectories confirmed the importance of this feature and provides a mechanism to enhance or diminish selectivity for the rebound pathway. This led to a general catalyst design principle and proof-of-principle catalyst design that showcases how to control rebound versus dissociation reaction pathway selectivity

    Experimental and theoretical study of intramolecular O center dot center dot center dot O interaction in structurally rigid beta-keto carboxylic esters

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    Here we report the crystal structures of quinolone carboxylate and bisethoxycarbonylvinylaniline derivates containing an O center dot center dot center dot O distance shorter than the sum of their van der Waals radii, which can be ascribed to their steric demand per se, which provide unequivocal evidence of intramolecular 1,5-closed shell type interaction. Theoretical studies including Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM) and Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) analysis are employed to characterize the nature of the closed shell O center dot center dot center dot O interaction. We found that the lone pair electrons on the interacting oxygens undergo stabilization due to negative hyperconjugation and maintains the otherwise repulsive O center dot center dot center dot O close contact

    Dynamical Origin of Rebound versus Dissociation Selectivity during Fe-Oxo-Mediated C–H Functionalization Reactions

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    The mechanism of catalytic C–H functionalization of alkanes by Fe-oxo complexes is often suggested to involve a hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) step with the formation of a radical-pair intermediate followed by diverging pathways for radical rebound, dissociation, or desaturation. Recently, we showed that in some Fe-oxo reactions, the radical pair is a nonstatistical-type intermediate and dynamic effects control rebound versus dissociation pathway selectivity. However, the effect of the solvent cage on the stability and lifetime of the radical-pair intermediate has never been analyzed. Moreover, because of the extreme complexity of motion that occurs during dynamics trajectories, the underlying physical origin of pathway selectivity has not yet been determined. For the reaction between [(TQA_Cl)FeIVO]+ and cyclohexane, here, we report explicit solvent trajectories and machine learning analysis on transition-state sampled features (e.g., vibrational, velocity, and geometric) that identified the transferring hydrogen atom kinetic energy as the most important factor controlling rebound versus nonrebound dynamics trajectories, which provides an explanation for our previously proposed dynamic matching effect in fast rebound trajectories that bypass the radical-pair intermediate. Manual control of the reaction trajectories confirmed the importance of this feature and provides a mechanism to enhance or diminish selectivity for the rebound pathway. This led to a general catalyst design principle and proof-of-principle catalyst design that showcases how to control rebound versus dissociation reaction pathway selectivity

    Intramolecular Heteroatom and Styryl Diels–Alder Reactions, Asymmetric Cycloadditions of Chiral 3‑Phenylallyl Maleic Esters

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    Polycyclic aryl naphthalene and tetralin dihydro arylnaphthalene lactone lignans possess anticancer and antibiotic activity. Related furo[3,4-c]pyranones, typified by the sequester-terpenoid isobolivianine, show similar antiproliferative bioactivity. Efficient syntheses of compounds featuring these polycyclic cores have proven challenging due to low yields and poor stereoselectivity. We report the synthesis of chiral cinnamyl but-2-enanoates and 3,3-diphenylallyl-but-2-enoates 1 as new Diels–Alder substrates. These compounds undergo [4 + 2]-cycloadditions to give furo[3,4-c]pyranones 2 in good yield (70%) and diastereoselectivity (7:1), together with naphthyl 3 and dihydronaphthyl tetralins 4 as minor products. Molecular structures and stereochemistries of the major products were verified using X-ray diffraction. Density functional theory calculations revealed that the cycloaddition process involves a bispericyclic/ambimodal process where there is a single transition state that leads to both intramolecular styryl Diels–Alder (ISDA) 3, 4 and intramolecular hetero Diels–Alder (IHDA) cycloadducts 2. With the elevated temperature conditions after cycloaddition, the resulting ISDA cycloadduct either undergoes [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement to the more stable major IHDA product or aromatization leading to the phenyltetralin